Question about cooking eggs....
I am allowed eggs (pureed) at this point. I was kind of afraid to try scrambled after reading all of the stories here, I have decided to wait awhile.
This morning I wanted an egg so I used PAM spray and "fried" an egg. I trimmed off the edges of the white that seemed to be crispy (I'm a lousy cook lol ) and pureed with about a 1/2 Tbs of greek yogurt. It was great! ..... but was "frying" it in PAM ok? What about something like Olive oil?
This morning I wanted an egg so I used PAM spray and "fried" an egg. I trimmed off the edges of the white that seemed to be crispy (I'm a lousy cook lol ) and pureed with about a 1/2 Tbs of greek yogurt. It was great! ..... but was "frying" it in PAM ok? What about something like Olive oil?
Pam is fine. Should you try scrambled eggs proceed with caution, eat a couple of bites and wait to see how your pouch reacts. I still struggle with scrambled eggs unless I make them extra moist and a whole egg is usually too much. I've added salsa or yogurt to add moisture and it was helpful.
I can do one boiled egg when I eat it slowly.
I can do one boiled egg when I eat it slowly.
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining
if you take a egg, crack it in bowl and add maybe a tablespoon of egg and stir, put in pan and scramble it should be okay. THe reason that most people can't eat eggs is because they get dry when you scramble them. I also add cheese and it gives it even more moisture.
I learned the hard way when I had the band to do anything to make things moist!!!!
I learned the hard way when I had the band to do anything to make things moist!!!!
I've been (actually hubby has) been preparing my egg like a scrambled egg and cooking it sort of like an omlette. He adds just a little bit of cheese and cooks it to a medium consistancy - so it isn't quite done. I then take my fork and "mush" it...I haven't had any problems with it. It is very moist and very very good....
There's something about eggs - I don't exactly know "what" it is, but ...
I'm 28 months out and it doesn't matter "how" I prepare them, they still don't agree with me.
Fried in Pam, scrambled, or hard boiled, they make me queasy.
Which is sad because I LOVE eggs and they are a great source of protein ...
But they no longer like me - for some reason.
I'm 28 months out and it doesn't matter "how" I prepare them, they still don't agree with me.
Fried in Pam, scrambled, or hard boiled, they make me queasy.
Which is sad because I LOVE eggs and they are a great source of protein ...
But they no longer like me - for some reason.
reason scarmbled eggs end up overcooked is because you are really only supposed to do them over the heat until they are just a little undercooked. Take them off the burner at that point and move them around and they will finish perfect. Add some milk to them when you are mixing them up in the bowl or do what my exhubby used to do- put em in a microwavew safe bowl and nuke em. takes a few minutes to do and everytime he did them for me, they were perfect. Cheesy eggs are good too. and as other posters have stated- salsa and other little add-ins make them yummy and easier to chew on. I can not stand a plain egg.
I'm sure I will try a scrambled egg at some point. My sister's friend had surgery in April and she doesn't have problems with them if they are moist. I just have done so well and I don't want to get sick while still healing.
The pureed fried egg was really good. Texture doesn't bother me (as in making me ill or not willing to eat something, especially if I am supposed to eat it) and so far I haven't noticed any changes in my tastes (at least as far as the shakes and very few different foods I've had).
The pureed fried egg was really good. Texture doesn't bother me (as in making me ill or not willing to eat something, especially if I am supposed to eat it) and so far I haven't noticed any changes in my tastes (at least as far as the shakes and very few different foods I've had).