on 8/18/11 6:34 am - CA
ok so I went through most of my tests waiting for surgon to give me my date:)  I was originally getting the DS (I wanted to) I know me.... so I like the more of the freedom after math on eating but I have GERD pretty bad so my surgon said not recomend that pitucular surgery and put the RNY out there. I have been researching DS and did not really like the restrictions the RNY had. so I have QUESTIons lol..
          1) is the liquid phase 1 and 2 hard to get through? I mean do u feel starving ..or no?
          2)after the surgery do u feel like you dont want to move? painful? sore? if so Pain level on a scale of 1-10 ten being worst
I know these are stupid qestions but I know me and I dont want to chicken out bc I need  the help. oh yeah one more question .. u cant have like a piece of cake at a birthday party ever? sweets I mean? in your rest of ur life?
on 8/18/11 6:42 am - Colorado Springs, CO
1)  not every Doctor required the liquid phase 1 and 2.  I went home from the hospital at day 4 post op on soft foods (scrambled eggs, cream of wheat, etc.)  MOST do not feel true hungar.  The part of the stomach that regulates the hormone that creates hungar pangs is bypassed.  you will deal with head hungar alot.

2)  The RNY was no where as painfull as the LBL I just had or any of the joint surgeries I had had.  It feels sore, and you cant bend but no big deal.  I have a high tolerance for pain though, so your milage may vary, but I did not every get about a 6 on the pain scale and was done with pain pills at 1 1/2 weeks out.

3) never eat cake again?  NOT TRUE!  only 40% of post-ops dump on sugar.  if you are careful and learn your limits you can still have and EAT cake, just a smaller portion probabbly.  I just had a peice of cake Sunday for my brother's wedding.  IT was VERY Sugary and VERY Yummy .  I did not eat all of the frosting because I know my limits but what I did eat was SO GOOD!

Oh yeah I am almost 3 years out.

RNY 10/14/08 LBL 6/14/11    135 pounds lost, after bounceback regain.  And I am OK with that.  It enabled me to have double hip double knee replacements in the 9 month periond between Oct 2011 and June 2012.  

on 8/18/11 6:50 am - TX
1) is the liquid phase 1 and 2 hard to get through? I mean do u feel starving ..or no? The liquid phase was easy as I only had to do it for a day and was on to pureed food.  I had ZERO hunger and ZERO appetite.  So I did well.
          2)after the surgery do u feel like you dont want to move? painful? sore? if so Pain level on a scale of 1-10 ten being worst.  I woke up in the recovery room in pain, but that was quickly remedied and was basically pain free since.  I was back to work at 2 weeks out.  

u cant have like a piece of cake at a birthday party ever? sweets I mean? in your rest of ur life?  The vets around here are actively eating sweet.  I am not b/c i am on ly 8 weeks out but I don't miss them in the least. 

Hope this helps.

HW: 328   GW: 164  CW: 159  Height - 5' 8"  
GOAL REACHED 12/15/2012!!!!!!!!!

RNY Surgery Date:  6/21/11  
LBL/BL  - 11/6/2012 Arm Lift with Abdominal Lipo - 12/11/2012 - Dr. Paul PIn
Love me without restriction, trust me without fear, want me without demand and accept me for who I am.         - unknown - 



on 8/18/11 10:31 am - CA
thanks:) I can handle not having them for a long time  maybe even years but never kinda scared thanks again
on 8/18/11 8:40 am - Durham, NC
I suggest you really do some more research into RNY before you do it. Don't just go with RNY becuase that is all that is offered. Read back posts to see what folks experience - it isn't all the same.
1. liquid phase was very hard toward the end for me. I really wanted to chew something and couldn't wait to get to pureed food. My program set puree at 3 weeks but my doctor let me go to it about 4 days early. I was so happy.
2. My after surgery experience was great. I only stayed in the hospital one day and when I came home I didn't need to take any of the pain meds. Don't get me wrong: I was really tired and I slept a lot. I had some of the gas pains you get from lap surgery but it was nothing like I feared. I was very pleasantly surprised.
3. not eat cake? Well, some do, some don't. I think the deal is that you eat smaller portions and if you want some cake at a birthday party you have some. Unless of course you are a dumper. But not everyone dumps from sugar. I have protein bars that satisfy my chocolate or sweets cravings. In fact, I can't even eat a whole protein bar yet because they are sometimes too sweet.

But really, really investigate and read past postings. RNY is a life change. You'll malabsorb vitamins and minerals forever, can't take NSAIDS and so on. The lack of hunger doesn't last forever and the surgery is just a tool. I would do it over in a heartbeat. I love my RNY. But it is't for everyone.

on 8/18/11 10:35 am - CA
diffinitly doing research I barly fund out yesterday that the DS could not be my choice so yeah thats why I want to ask all the lil questions to RNY vets:) along with other infor within this website, I have a family member that is 6months out with the DS.. so yeah I have alot of research befor Middle of september thank you!!!:)
on 8/18/11 9:40 am - Parkton, MD
I'm 4 weeks out....I also had severe reflux prior to surgery.

I was not hungry at all after surgery and really had to force myself to drink and get protein shakes in - I got tired of the protein shakes.  I was allowed on pureed at 2 weeks and that was a bit better.  I was nauseated after surgery which sometimes happens (not fun).  I'm still not hungry but have had cravings - not hungry - just cravings. 
I ended up having open surgery rather than laproscopic so I was cut open from chest to belly button.  I had pain when using the abdomenals...but that was over after about 1 week.
I have not tried any sweets other than sugar free but I'm not a sweets eater.

I am down 41 lbs in 4 weeks.
HW 357 SW 341   
on 8/18/11 10:23 am - CA
k I have so many mixed emotions its not that I have to change my eating habbits , Its more long term im worried about I have been researching it for the past day and Half. I just found out yesterday I cant get the DS. so im a lil worried on the size of pouch thats left..  thank u n please keep me updated on your success, is it normal to feel excited but grrrr im not sure. I weigh 414 lbs im only 35 so I know i need this just scared:)
on 8/18/11 2:36 pm
Does the DS not help GERD?
Neither the DS or the Rny will help you not absorb the calories from cake. That surgery hasn't been invented yet. If it had...I would have had the cake eating surgery!
Deb T.


on 8/18/11 3:19 pm - CA
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