meds and weight gain

on 8/14/11 4:31 am - OH
About six weeks ago, I started a new medication for depression.  One of the possible side effects is weight gain so I've been weighing more than usual and really keeping an eye on things.  I have gained four or five pounds.  I'm actually still below my goal weight and I'm not really worried about my current weight.  I'm just worried that I will keep on gaining.

I have noticed an increased appetite and also I am craving sweets more, but I have been really trying to keep eating the way I've been eating the past year.  But I think some meds actually affect your metabolism, don't they?    Plus, I don't want to have to keep myself from eating when I'm hungry.  That's like being on a diet and I don't want to diet.

I'm not sure what to do.  The medication seems to be helping the depression, although one of my other meds was increased at the same time the new med was added, so it's hard to say which one is making the difference or if it's a combination of both.  I guess one option is to stop the new med and see if the depression gets worse again, although I have to say that does not sound pleasant.  Another option would be to wait a while and see if I keep gaining, but I find that idea pretty scary.

Anyone else deal with this since surgery?  How?

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 8/14/11 5:40 am - Durham, NC
Not since surgery but when I went on abilify I gained a ton of weight. Don't know if that might be the one you are on. I didn't notice if I craved more sweets but I certainly did put on the pounds. Since surgery, though, I am still on it and am losing. I'm afraid to go off it becuase it really did work. I'd check with my shrink to see if your med is one of the ones that messes with your metabolism. In the end, though, you have to make that scary decision. I'd say it was too early to make the decision about going off it since you don't have enough info yet.

So, I guess I'm no help!

on 8/14/11 7:55 am - OH
I'm not on Abilify, it's nortriptyline.  I see my psychiatrist in a couple weeks, so I guess I'll see what happens between now and then and talk to him about it.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


Amy R.
on 8/14/11 5:45 am
Yep. The Abilify - I gained 12 lbs over several days. Stopped taking it cold turkey and without telling my psych, which did not equal optimal results, believe me.

But now I am on Seroquel, and have (finally) lost the 12 lbs and a little more. Which is weird because I guess this is one of the ones that is supposed to make you GAIN weight. My doc can't figure it out, but I've always been an oddball when it comes to med reactions. I sure wouldn't recommend stopping a med like I did though. Really messed me up for DAYS.

It's such a catch-22. The weight or the depression. The psychs I have seen before seem to minimize this dilemma, but I'm telling you right now my depression would get uncontrollably worse regardless of multiple medications if I gained back to 344 pounds. At least this psychiatrist understands that and has been willing to work with me.

Wish I had an answer for you Kelly. Just wanted to let you know you don't suffer along. Such a trade off. AAAARGGHHHH!!

I *AM* glad to hear your depression is a little better though. I think that was getting a little scary.
on 8/14/11 8:02 am - OH
Oh, the depression was more than a little scary!

I absolutely won't stop taking this cold turkey.  I think some psych meds you can do that with, but I believe this is one you have to cut back slowly.  I once had to go off Effexor too fast.  I had moved to a new city and had trouble finding a doctor here that I could get in to see in a timely manner, which I had not expected to be such a problem.  The withdrawal was horrible.  Horrible.

I would be horribly depressed if I gained all the weight back.  It's an awful catch-22.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 8/14/11 6:51 am - WI
such a hard spot.  meds can mess with so many things.
If the meds are helping, I would just really watch food intake, increase exercise and see if the weight gain stays minimal.

on 8/14/11 9:15 am
Before surgery I dealt with this issue, in-fact its one of the main reasons I had RNY to begin with. I was only about 50 lbs overweight till they put me on zyprexa and I gained 200 in ONE YEAR. I'm off all psych meds now because I simply refuse to gain weight but my depression is situational/seasonal and its getting worse as stress comes about. I MAY have to go on something but I dont want the possibility of weight gain.

My dad is on nortryptaline though and he has LOST weight..initially it did increase his appetite but it all evened out in a few weeks to a month.  He has bot had RNY though. I've noticed that sometimes (just since surgery), meds have an opposite-effect on me. Sleep meds make me sleepy but my mind keeps running- benadryl doesnt relieve my sinus crap but rather, I wake up with a stuffy nose and face....weird!

Hope you figure it out though - I know I'd be depressed if I saw the scale go up even 5 lbs =(


RNY - August 13, 2010

LBL - October 29, 2012

 a total of 271 lbs lost!!

on 8/14/11 9:48 am - OH
I think there are a lot of meds that can affect one person one way and someone else the totally opposite way.  I think meds were a big part of why I become so overweight in the first place, too.  I was on Serequel and Effexor and gained a lot.  I was also really depressed and didn't have the energy to cook so I ate too much junk and stuff like that too, but I think the meds played a part.

Not being on anything is not an option for me.  At least not unless I want to move into the psych ward permanently.

I'm not unhappy with the amount I weigh now.  I'm still under goal.  It's just seeing the numbers on the scale increase that is scary.  I'm OK being at this weight but what if it keeps going up and up?

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 8/14/11 10:25 am
I totally know where you're coming from on that! I 'shouldnt' be without meds but luckily I have a fiance and parents as well as a few close friends tha****ch me closely. I'm not considered "psychotic" any longer and yes at one point I was.  At 17 yrs old I tried to commit suicide due to hearing voices and seeing crap that wasn't there for anyone else.  Thats when they put me on zyprexa. It saved my life for the time but ruined it in the long run - All in all If I didnt have my wonderful family and friends I'd be right back on  the meds and "dieting" UGH.  I'm only 1 year out and still trying to figure out my vitamins - - my body doesnt tolerate much of anything in the way of iron and b12's  but we may have it figured out with lots of shots and some sublinguals lol.  

I'd scared to death to gain any back - especially since I have plastics coming up soon (God willing)  I'm also afraid to the point that if I gain, I find myself sticking to more of a mushy and liquids diet for a few days till it goes back down ..I know its dumb but I dont realize I do it either, fiance has to tell me to eat =(


RNY - August 13, 2010

LBL - October 29, 2012

 a total of 271 lbs lost!!

on 8/14/11 10:51 am - OH
Fortunately I am not psychotic but I am certain I'd be suicidal without meds.  Um, sometimes I'm suicidal with meds.  I don't have a lot of support from family.  I think my mother and my sister really made an effort to be helpful during my last really bad episode, but neither of them live near me so there is only so much they can do.  My partner is extremely helpful but he does have to go to work every day.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


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