Poll - are you honest with your doctor?
Of course someone with an IQ in triple digits can decide what they believe is necessary information to share with their doctors and what is not. I did not mean to insult you by asking these questions. I was just interested in seeing what people thought about providing information to their doctors. I did not say that anyone was unintelligent and certainly did not mean to imply that.
Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor. Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me. If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her. Check out my blog.
Now that I am older, the god-complex doctors have been jettisoned, and I choose only to work with doctors who will answer questions honestly (and in as much detail as I can understand) and who are willing to hear my concerns and questions (and respond to them).
14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
I will answer any question asked of me honestly, for example...If asked "did you cheat on your pre op diet?" (assuming I had, which I didn't

but if not asked, I probably would not have volunteered the info unless I had eaten like a full meal less than 48 hours before.
I think that your relationship with your doctor should be a partnership and once you go to a doc with a problem, it is then their job to ask the questions that will make a difference to the way they treat your condition...if you are not confident in your doctors "investigative" abilities then perhaps a switch to a new doc is in order. I AM NOT saying that you should play 20 questions or not be forthcoming with medical professionals, BUT I am not a doctor, and how should I know if something like smoking pot 10 years ago will affect a decision my doctor makes today...I choose not to divulge all that kind of information unless it is solicited.
just my humble opinion :)
Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor. Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me. If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her. Check out my blog.
I WANT to be held accountable if I screw up. Heck if I can't follow things I am supposed to then why bother in the first place.
With my PCP or any other doc, yes I'm honest with them as well.
My health is a serious issue so I tell all of them the truth & allow them to share my records.
That way every doctor knows what medications I take and has complete records.
I'm with Kelly about the weight loss surgeon and I take the supplements recommended on this site.
He had me taking Flintstones vitamins and tums for calcium.
I tend to omit things. For example, when I started smoking again after my PE, did I tell my PCP. Nope, why? B/c I KNEW it was totally irresponsible and wrong. If I started smoking again would I tell my surgeon? You bet. Now my Psych, I drive him completely batty b/c I self regulate my meds. For example, I can't get in to see him until Aug 23rd and I was having episodes of rage, so I upped my Trileptal. I ALWAYS tell him. He's been my dr for so long and he knows that I "generally" know If I need more or less. He will absolutely tell me if I am playing with fire. Sometimes, I take his advice (like getting on a mood stabilizer) or I don't (when he had me over drugged and I was a zombie and couldn't function). First thing he asks when I sit down is " So, you been playing pharmacist?
My PCP is leaving this month and if he wasn't I would be firing him. I think he is ridiculous. I have had a migraine disorder for 16 years and he refuses to treat me for it which honestly I think is cruel. I am NOT asking for narcotics. In fact I specifically stated I didn't want them. I had a migraine for a week and a half, I called he would give me anything. Then a week and a half later, I loaded up my 3 kids went in there with the same migraine and he STILL wouldn't give me anything for the pain. Umm, thanks jerk.