Have I sabatoged myself??!!!

on 8/11/11 10:14 pm - TX
I feel really bad and just needed to get this off my chest so that i can move forward.  My surgery is scheduled for Tuesday of next week.  Yesterday i was having the day from hell!!  I had my pre-op which took 6 hours.  I sat at the pharmacy for 2 1/2 hours waiting on the magnesium citrate to drink on Monday.  I live in San Antonio and was at one of the military bases.  I had already gone to another base and was told that they didn't carry it.  So this was my second time trying to pick up this drink.  Well after all day and all the waiting, i get to the window and they tell me that they don't carry it and i would have to buy it on the economy.  Not a problem, just ticked off that i wasted several hours to be sent away.  Anyway, on my way back to work (across town) I stopped by McDonalds with intentions on just grabbing a bottle of water (I know, McDonalds was a bad choice) but while going through the drive through - the fries were smelling good and before i knew it i had ordered a small order     Well needless to say, i ate them.  Now i feel so guilty and feel like i have no will power.  I have been doing the liquid diet for almost 2 weeks now and in a moment of weakness, I broke!  I am so ashamed of myself and wonder if i am going to have the will power when i really need it?  Did anyone else have a situation like this?  Have i sabatoged myself or set myself up for failure??!!  HELP!!!!!
on 8/11/11 10:17 pm
My surgeon did not require a pre op liquid diet.  The Saturday before the Monday morning surgery, I had a last meal at a Chinese buffet and it was huge portions of junky Chinese.  I was fine....My liver was not large.  If you only did one small fry, I am sure you are ok.  Doubt that would enlarge your liver!
Citizen Kim
on 8/11/11 10:36 pm - Castle Rock, CO
I think if anyone had kept me waiting for 2.5 hours for something I could buy at Walgreens for less than a dollar, I would have eaten a Big Mac too!!!!!

Honestly, you are human - this is NOT going to sabotage either your surgery or your success after.   I didn't have to do a liquid diet before surgery either - it was bad enough having to do it afterwards !

Good luck for your surgery on Tuesday!

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 8/11/11 10:52 pm
You didn't sabatoge yourself.  Stress makes us react, crazy isn't it?  Don't stress about the FF, you'll have the help of your surgery after to get you by those moments MOST of the time.  You are human, none of us are perfect.

Move on, the past is the past.

If you haven't taken pictures and your measurements put that on your "to do list" for the weekend.  You'll have some challenges after surgery focus on the overall picture, the rewards out weigh the trying times as a newbie.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



on 8/11/11 11:25 pm
i caved and ate a couple of times on my pre-op diet,,it won't hurt you really,and feeling this way after you know you did something you shouldn't have ,is a good thing to be able to fall back on if the situation should ever arise again and you feel weak,,just remember how it made you feel and that should stop you dead in your tracks,,,,and besides,,once you do the magnesium citrate it will all come out anyway,,LOL
(deactivated member)
on 8/11/11 11:40 pm - Santa Cruz, CA
I hate it when I see one of us using such harsh words about themselves.  "Hate", "Shame",
"Failure".  Honey, you are not any of those words.  You are a good, kind, loving person who
is doing your best to be healthy.

Yes, you were angry about having to waste your time waiting for something that should be
on the shelf.  Totally acceptable.  Now you will never have to "eat" your anger again.

Good luck, and best wishes,

Be Kind to yourself. 
on 8/11/11 11:56 pm - Pueblo, CO
Dont beat yourself up, your fine.  My pre op liquid diet was only 3 days, if it was any longer than that then I would of eaten something too!
on 8/12/11 12:43 am - OH
You haven't sabotaged yourself.

What you've done is learn a valuable lesson.  You learned that when you're angry, it's hard to avoid temptation.  That doesn't make you bad.  Just makes you human.  And now that you know it, you can do something about it.  Make a plan for what you'll next time your angry, instead of eating.  If that's hard for you, find a therapist.

Good luck with your surgery.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 8/12/11 12:44 am - IA
I am a firm believer that they don't put you on the liquid diet to shrink your liver, they do it to see how long you can make it before you lose it on someone or something!  I honestly don't know how I made it 2 weeks with out eating fries, a big mac, or a small child. 

You are human, hungry, nervous and stressed!  Take a breath and know that you are ok!  The fries aren't going to hurt you, and anything that is left will be magically removed with that magnesium citrate!  LOL!
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