Day 6 of kidney stone
I've had two kidney stones - each about a year apart. It was HORRIBLE. I have always thought of myself as having a high pain threshold, but those things reduced me to a balled up in the fetal position crying child on the floor! But both times I remember passing them, as the pain instantly went away. I hope they pass soon for you...
Both of mine took about ten days as I recall. I hope yours pass faster than mine. I was given a med called Urelle both times that helped with the pain - it works on the spasming and irritation. I'm pre-op (ten days from today!), but since the last stone, I have taken what I call my "kidney stone ****tail" any time I get a pain that reminds me of the stones - it's a mix of lemon juice, baking soda and water. Tastes horrible, but I have not had one since. No idea if it really is doing anything, as it might just be one of those old wives remedies. I don't know how well the ****tail would sit with a post-op pouch, with all the carbonation caused by the soda - might be time for a new remedy, LOL
I am so sorry you have not passed it yet, Katie! What do they have you taking for the pain? What are you supposed to do when it DOES start moving (apparently the movement is what causes the worst pain)?!? (I ask not to scare you, but because I cannot imagine that anything less than dilaudid, morphine, etc. would have taken care of the pain I had on Friday as mine passed... so unless you have another plan in place, you may want to plan to go to the ER for better meds if the pain suddenly gets REALLY bad.)
14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
The pain has been manageable. I was on dilauded pill form but I ran out of that. That was actually leftover from the supply after my initial WLS. Now I am just on tylenol with codiene. Supposedly the stupid little bugger is stuck right on the opening to the bladder. So it is supposedly almost out but that is where it has stayed for almost a week. And it's only 1 mm so I don't know why it just won't move! I really hope hope hope the pain doesn't get worse because I have no way to get to the ER for more meds. I'm supposed to go for an xray tomorrow and then to the urologist on Thursday but it is all just going so slow. Ugh I need morphine.
HUGS chica... Maybe when you go to the urologist you can ask about getting them surgically removed. Mine are still in my kidneys and flare up but dont go thru my ureters.... I agree COMPLETELY with ****ro... dilaudid was the ONLY thing that helped me.
Drink LOTS of water if you can. I know i couldnt cause the pain and vomiting just had me not wanting to do anything but rest and cry/grimace/wince
Drink LOTS of water if you can. I know i couldnt cause the pain and vomiting just had me not wanting to do anything but rest and cry/grimace/wince
Glad to hear that it is almost out... at least you are already past the worst of the pain. I can certainly understand being frustrated that it won't move just that last tiny bit, though! It can be very hard emotionally/psychologically to be in pain for an extended period of time and just having to wait for it to pass.
Hang in there.
Hang in there.
14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
I am sorry to hear that i am not the only one going thru this, I do hope you pass yours soon, I have had mine for about 6 weeks .... passed 3 a fairly good sized one and two very tiny ones. The urologist said Monday that he felt that I have passed them all... i was said to have a big one in the tube blocking my urine, and a bunch of little ones in my left kidney not causing any problems. But i sure have had enough pain on the left side, and still passing blood and clots..... still on viccodin and tired of taking that as it constipates me badly. I do hope we both can get passed these stones and move on.. This is my 3rd set of stones passed 2 others 2 different times 7 and 8 yrs ago.. Good Luck Joan