Full Size Chike Trial Offer - Try 5 Flavors

Brenda C.
on 8/5/11 4:48 pm
I recently tried Chike Meal Replacement Shakes because I believe meal replacement drinks are a better bang for your buck then protein shakes.  Here is what I found: Five Flavors - Orange Creme, Banana Magic, Chocolate Bliss, Very Vanilla, and Strawberry Burst -- all very tasty with a good "feel" in my mouth.

Why do I choose meal replacement over just protein, it's like which would you rather have, a plain chicken breast or the chicken with veggies and a starch.  Think MEAL replacement, getting 23 vitamins and high quality protein.

Now here is an offer from Chike, FULL SERVING packs of all five flavors, so you can try Chike for 6.95 shipping.  Try Chike, compare the numbers, if you like it, you can order more.  If you don't think it is for you, then you did not commit to buying a tub.

Go to iLikeChike.com or call 877-974-2537 and tell them Brenda from OH told you about the offer.

Brenda : )~

on 8/5/11 8:32 pm
I recieved mine wed.

Thanks for telling me about this. I like the strawberry best and its a full serving.

       I know what i'm doing,I have it all planned-plans to give you the future you hope for.Jeremiah 29:11(The Message)
With God's Will, I was approved!


Brenda C.
on 8/6/11 8:32 am
Orange was my favorite, Strawberry my second.  Guess which two flavors are being delivered next week -- try it, if you like it -- you don't have to invest in a flavor you won't like!

Brenda : )~
Craig C.
on 8/5/11 11:18 pm - Fort Worth, TX

Do they sell this at any stores or is it only able to be purchased online?

on 8/6/11 12:02 am - Rochester, NY
I do believe it's only available online.  :-(  It's the ONLY powdered one I can stomach--I had to order online after the guy at GNC (and Vitamin Shoppe) looked at me like I had 7 heads....however my cousin in AZ says she buys it RTD at Walmart??  
Craig C.
on 8/6/11 12:24 am - Fort Worth, TX
thanks Carebearny1999. I guess I will have to order it online
Brenda C.
on 8/6/11 8:38 am
Well I hope you ordered the Travel Pack - it is 5 FULL servings, shipped for $6.95 - I love these guys.  The powdered meal replacement proteins actually are more "stable" as for nutrition breaking down.  I only make what I can drink at one sitting.  I love the single serving envelopes for on the run.

Brenda : )~
on 8/6/11 9:31 am - Rochester, NY
When I ordered I ordered that in addition to my tubs, all shipped for the same $6.95! 
Brenda C.
on 8/6/11 11:10 am
On August 6, 2011 at 4:31 PM Pacific Time, Carebearny1999 wrote:
When I ordered I ordered that in addition to my tubs, all shipped for the same $6.95! 
SWEET!  I knew they we good, but didn't know they were that good ;)

Brenda : )~
Brenda C.
on 8/6/11 8:36 am
On August 6, 2011 at 6:18 AM Pacific Time, Craig C. wrote:

Do they sell this at any stores or is it only able to be purchased online?

Hey Craig,

I don't know for sure, but call their number.  If you at least get the Travel Pack, you can try the five flavors.  Chike Nutrition is located in Abilene, Texas -- unsure if that helps you or not.

Brenda : )~
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