chills and no energy!

on 8/3/11 1:30 am - TX
Okay, so i started my liquids yesterday and made it through the day fairly well.  Started out with a headache but that passed and i was okay.  Today however i am feeling completely run down with no energy and i have been get chills and hot flashes all morning. Is this normal?  I am diabetic and I'm pretty sure my blood sugars are low (I left my monitor at home so i can't check to see how low it is).  Monday at my pre-op, the Dr told me to cut my insulinin half, but i wonder is that is still too much considering I won't be eating.  I just drank a fruit punch hoping it will raise by sugar levels in a few minutes.  Outside of this, I was wondering if this is a normal reaction to no food?  Have any of you ever experienced this and what did you do about it?
on 8/3/11 1:38 am, edited 8/3/11 1:39 am - MN
What protein drink are you drinking for liquids? I was told to drink slimfast and it didn't have nearly enough protein in it. I felt so weak the first few days ****il I did some research and found out that I wasn't getting enough protein...)

Its quite possible that 1/2 your insulin is too much too.
Highest  272 Consult 265 Goal 165 Current 158    

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on 8/3/11 2:33 am - TX
I had 10 oz drink with 1 scoop of whey protein, carnation instant breakfast (blue box) and mootopia.  I had a carb control slimfast yesterday.  After drinking the fruit juice I definitely feel better.  That enforces the thought that it is my blood sugar.  I'm trying to get in touch with my PCP now to see what he suggests.  Thanks for your suggestions!!
on 8/3/11 1:44 am - OH
It does seem to be pretty normal, but I think I would call the doc and talk about the cut in insulin and make sure he thinks that's still a good idea.  Otherwise, all you can do is take it easy and ride it out.  The reallly bad part usually only lasts a few days, but everyone is different.  Do make sure you're getting plenty of protein and spread it out so you're getting some every couple hours.

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Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 8/3/11 2:37 am - TX
Thanks Kelly, the first day wasn't as bad as i thought it would be - although the morning was kind of rough for a few hours   But as the day went on it didn't bother me so much.  I was amazed last night around midnight as i was gettingin bed and realized that i had not had any solid food for over 24 hours and it didn't bother me as much as i though it would!  yippee!!  I know that each day is another part of the journey and I am definitly ready for it.  I guess in the meantime i need to keep a small amount of something sweet just in case the levels drop again, until i get in touch with the Doc.  Well, almost lunchtime - time for more protien!!!!
on 8/3/11 3:32 am
This is my second week  on the liquid diet (surgery on 8/8)  I am so tired and cold all the time. 
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