Do I look like I've gained?

on 7/28/11 9:32 am
 So sorry he upset you.. kinda of ironic you are supposed to feel better from going to a psychiatrist or therapist.. Not worse for the day...  I do agree it is a cultural thing. I remember when I was 8 mos pregnant. I had a check up and my mom went with me for the visit. The doctor asked me why I couldn't be as thin as my mom! hahaha No kidding.. She was also not from the US.. I worked in the medical field for 15 years I can tell you from my experience this happens a lot! Sure doesn't make it any easier to hear that's for sure. Hang in there, you're doping great!!
on 7/28/11 10:08 am
Your weight is fine, your BMI is fine, your attitute is great, but your psychiatrist needs therapy!
on 7/28/11 10:42 am - OH
OK, that made me laugh!

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 7/28/11 2:10 pm
Okay I know you have to go to a psychiatrist to get your meds but he is really out of line. I'm glad you have a good attitude about it..I would be tempted to hurl sharp objects.
I feel sorry for patients who can't discern what an asshole he is.  To question a woman about her decision to have or not have children..and his response...I really would like to slap him.
And the BMI remark...I'm feeling positively homicidal!
Deb T.


on 7/28/11 4:16 pm - OH
I know he's out of line.  If he made comments about having children or something like that every time I saw him, I'd fire him and drive 30 miles or whatever to another town and see someone else for my meds.  He only mentioned that one time, though.

There are only three psychiatrists in my town that take my insurance.  He is by far the best of the three.  I met both of the other two and was just appalled. 

I'm willing to deal with him because while he occassionally says something totally stupid, like today, most of the time I spend about five minutes with him, say I'm doing fine or I'm not sleeping or whatever, tell him what meds I'm almost out of and need prescriptions for, he asks a question or two and hands me my scripts.

I do like that fact that he listens to me about my meds.  Like, if I tell him I think one of my meds needs increased or ask him prescribe something specific for sleep because I used it in the past and it worked for me then, he gives me what I ask for.  Well, he gives me what I ask for unless there is some good reason not to, which he explains to me.  Another thing I like is that a couple months ago when I was very depressed and we discussed the possibility of hospitalization, I stated that I would absolutely not want to go to the psych ward at our local hospital because they just suck, and he pretty much agreed with me.  He admits patients there, but he told me which hospital he would go to if he needed to be in the psych ward (and it was not our local hospital).

So anyway, I'm willing to put up with stupid comments once in a while.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 7/28/11 4:24 pm
It's good that you have clarity about what he can do for you. I feel sorry for the patients that aren't so clear.
I've had loser doctors too. Usually for something I have to do short term.. Fortunately all my primary doctors are cool.


on 7/29/11 5:05 am - PA
One, you look wonderful and you are a beautiful person!  Two, psychiatrists, who I work with regularly, aren't always the most socially adept people.  That said, I have gained 80 pounds in a year in the past on a psychotropic med and it can be a big concern. Maybe the doctor is just really concerned because he knows everything you went through to get where you are, so he doesn't want to be part of taking away from any of that.  Medication weight gain is some of the hardest weight to take off.  Three, I would take a comment from a Goodwill worker with a grain of salt.  There are many wonderful people that work at Goodwills, but it isn't exactly a positive that requires a lot of skills.  You've come a long way... don't let a couple of comments mess with your head.  Keep moving forward.
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