Losing Too Much??

on 7/26/11 6:30 pm - Alachua, FL
I had gb in 2008. I was 236 at the time of surgery. The Dr said my goal weight was 130lbs. I am now 119 pounds. My family is going nuts with worry so much so that Im getting worried also. Have I lost too much weight that there is no going forward? By going forward I mean gaining weight? I have been at 119 for about 5 months with no change. Is this possibly just the way my body was supposed to be all along?

Also,regardless if you think Ive lost too much or not,how in the world do I GAIN weight now? Its really a chore eating & I have a hernia repair that hurts when I eat too much so how do I do it? thaks so much for all your responses in advance.

on 7/26/11 6:46 pm
 Hi, I would check with your doctor about how much you lost and it all depends to on 
your height to.

on 7/26/11 7:51 pm
I think if you're getting in your protein and your water that your body just found where it was comfortable.

You have been there for 5 months I think thats a pretty stable weight for you.
on 7/26/11 7:59 pm
I have a similar problem.  My goal weight was 146 but when I arrived there continued to lose.  My surgeon said he doesn't give goal weights because your body will stop at a comfortable point.

I am about 120 now but have been as low as 117-118.  I am 60 years old and have at least 5 lbs plus of extra skin.  My children think I am nuts and anorexic.  I am not too concerned because I am anticipating bounceback.

Because you had surgery in 2008 I am thinking that is where your body needs and wants to be.  Family members are just not used to seeing us "thin."  I am in the middle of reconstruction surgery b/c of a recent breast cancer diagnosis.  Last month the plastic surgeon asked me to gain some weight between now and my final surgery on August 26.  I thought he was joking but he wasn't.

My nutritionist has recommended increasing good carbs for snacks....That was last fall, yet I continued to lose.  I know I am eating enough and am sometimes concerned that I am eating too much.

In your instance I would not pu**** or worry about gaining weight.  Seems to me like your body is happy.  I will admit though that it does create a conflict.  I am afraid to try to gain b/c of all of the stories about people having gained all or much of their weigh back.  I want to stay as far away from that as possible.  Frankly I don't think we have a bad problem as many post ops never lose 100 percent plus of what they want to lose.

Best to you.  I hope you find a solution.

HW 240/ SW 229/ GW 146/CW 125; OH Support Group Leader   

Starting size:  18W-20;  Present size: 0 or 2; 5'5-1/2" tall. 
Current BMI 20.4 as of 2/13/2013 (normal for the first time in my life).
Goal weight reached on 8/12/2010; As of 1/13/2013, 21 pounds below goal

on 7/26/11 8:39 pm - Hyattsville, MD
Im in the same situation.  BUT my surgeon's goal was 120... MY goal was only 150.. Im at 123.  Ive been told to drink ensure BUT I hate shakes so I also try to graze all day and eat almost hour SOMETHING.  Of course it isnt much at any given time. I have yet to gain anything yet though... Im only 15 months out and praying I get some bounceback weight.
Babygirl got her surgery March 3rd...     She's from 339 to 200 as of 6/14/2012.. SOO proud of my bigbabygirl                                                                   
Price S.
on 7/26/11 10:00 pm - Mills River, NC
You didn't give a height.  Are you still in the normal BMI range?  If so, I wouldn't worry.  Many would love to maintain in normal for 5 months with no effort.

    LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat  66 yrs young, 4'11"  hw  220, goal 120 met at 12 months, cw 129 learning Maintainance

Between 35-40 BMI? join us on the Lightweight board.  the Lightweight Board

on 7/26/11 10:01 pm
First, I would ask your surgeon and/or PCP.  You do not say how tall you are.  I am 5'9" and weigh between 128 - 133.  Yesterday at my cardiologist's office I weighed 133 full clothes with shoes on.  I probably weighed 130 on my scale with lighter clothing.  At 130, that is 11 pounds more than you.  That is why I asked how tall you are.  I am at the lowest acceptable weight for my height, and my weight has stabilized.  Quite frankly, I would love to see 128 each morning versus on occasion.  That may be the weight your body chooses, and unless you are really tall thus making you underweight, this may be a healthy weight for you.  Your family, like mine, is probably not used to seeing you so thin.  My daughter tell me if the scale drops to 127 she's calling my surgeon.  She says that because she tells me I look better at a heavier weight, but I FEEL best at my present weight.  If you are really concerned and believe there is an issue, see your doctor(s).

(deactivated member)
on 7/26/11 10:51 pm - Santa Cruz, CA
I agree with those who say that your family may just not be ready to see you at a "normal" weight.  That is why the BMI has a range because not everyone is the same weight at the same height.

The question really should be:  how do you feel?  If you aren't abstaining from food as in anorexia,
or doing the bulimia stuff, or exercising to oblivion, and eating regularly, then just keep on doing
what is right for you.

You may find in a few months that your body MIGHT pull a few more pounds onto your frame;  if
so, then that's not a problem.  Talk to your doctor and if he agrees that with your height and frame
that you're in a good range, then tell your kids you're fine and not to worry about you.

If you need to put on a little bit, then add a small meal daily:  a protein bar for a PM or evening
snack, or PB&J on a piece of toast for breakfast.  It doesn't have to be a lot.

Good luck.
on 7/26/11 11:10 pm
Im still pre op.
My surgeon weight for me is 130. She said I could get to 110. I prefer not to be that small but if thats where I land,i will be okay because you can gain a couple of pounds and then settle from there.

I'm 4'10 and 199.

       I know what i'm doing,I have it all planned-plans to give you the future you hope for.Jeremiah 29:11(The Message)
With God's Will, I was approved!


on 7/27/11 12:08 am, edited 7/27/11 12:11 am
How tall are you?  Do you feel well?

My surgery weight was 3 lbs more than you (I lost 21 between consult and surgery date) and weigh 113.6 lbs right now.  I DO believe it's too small for me even at my short height 5'1" however I can only eat so much and I am drinking shakes. 

I've been through a lot emotionally lately.  I've lost weight since March but finally it appears to have stabalized but no regain.  IDK, I want to gain a few lbs but I want to do it healthy and not by adding in extra junk or making myself sick by overeating.

I also view eating as a chore.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



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