One year surgiversary - lessons and happiness!

on 7/12/11 7:56 pm - Lexington, KY
Today marks the one year anniversary of my surgery.  I can't believe a year has flown by so fast.  I sure hope that I don't start ramblin....
Grab yourself a cup....and sit down....

I have always struggled with my weight, I'm 42 years old and have had weight issues since I was 7.  Over the years when I was following Weigh****chers, my weight loss was very slow, even when I was following the program.  When I started this journey I was 401.5 lbs.  Now, I'm under 300 and still have a ways to go.

I was blessed to have not one single problem with my surgery.  I'm able to eat anything that I put in my mouth, even sweets in moderation with no dumping. Thank goodness....This is where one of the "lesson learned" comes in.  I have not been 100% with my eating.  Often I have had breads, sweets, fast food, etc....basically I fell back into my old ways, just not able to eat as much.  Not good,  I have this tool to help addiction is horrible!  For the most part, I eat healthy, it's the extra's due to stress, etc that get me.  I also was having fluids alot of the time before my 60 minutes was up after eating.  Still,  I was still able to knock off over 100 lbs, but I feel that I could have done better.  I'm only to my halfway point with my weight loss and realize that I must start now with healthier habits and exercise to get this weight off.  I attempted to join weigh****chers, went to one meeting and didn't go back.  I have started using "my fitness pal" and LOVE IT!  It's keeping me in check with exactly what I'm putting in my mouth.

Exercise is the other "lesson learned".  Uuuugggghhhhhh, I HATE exercising.  I'm just not to the point of getting into a daily exercise routine.  I should have started this a YEAR ago!!  I am definately alot more active that I was last year because I feel better with the 100 lbs gone.  I have been walking, swimming and using the weights for my arms.  I feel so much better since I started this a week ago and can already tell a difference in the shape of my legs, etc.....any tips from you all to keep me going I'd appreciate very much.

Even though my DBF is a great support person,  I also find it necessary to come here for my main support.  I quit doing so and came back a few weeks ago as part of my changes.  I absolutely love the people on here and feel that this is the best support system for us who have had the surgery or are planning on having it. Part of the changes I have made in my life is - OH board DAILY and whenever possible!!

What would I say to newbies or people considering the surgery?:

Surgery does NOT change your mindset as far as eating goes.  It's simply giving us a tool to help lose the weight.  We must still work hard to drop the weight off and stay on top of what you're putting into your mouth and how much you're exercising.  I'm 100% happier than ever before.  I feel great knowing that I can go somewhere and not worry about not fitting in a chair for example. I'm more confident about myself (but not 100% confident).  I hear almost everyday that I'm shrinking down to nothing from friends and co-workers.  Knowing that I'm not using my tool to the fullest can easily put a damper on the great comments.  I've had some time off of work over the last three weeks to sort through my life and make changes.  I already feel so much better and realize that the weight doesn't just drop off by itself.  You still have to plan and eat well, not fall back into old habits.  You also must exercise!  I definately don't regret having the surgery, I love my pouch and the way it works. I regret the path I chose after surgery.  I am a strong person and can do anything I put my mind to.  I will drop off the last half of my weight over the next year....nothing is stopping me! I am determined!!! I am a much happier and productive person now, and it can only get better.....

Thanks for reading this.  Any comments, harsh or not will be greatly appreciated!! 

Cindy    *number on ticker includes 14.5 lbs lost prior to surgery                                                                                
Laura in Texas
on 7/12/11 9:48 pm
First of all, congrats on losing over 100 pounds. That is awesome! Now a little "tough love" As you pointed out, you need to be more compliant with the "rules". Your window is closing and if you want to have a chance of getting anywhere near your goal, you need to step it up now. I speak from experience. I've lost 200 pounds. You CAN do this!!


Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 7/12/11 10:04 pm - Lexington, KY
Thank you Laura, I needed that!  You're an inspiration!
Cindy    *number on ticker includes 14.5 lbs lost prior to surgery                                                                                
on 7/12/11 10:01 pm - Triad, NC
Hey there!  Congratulations on losing 100lbs and your first surgiversary! :)  It sounds like you know what you've done well with, and what you need to change.  That's a big step in the right direction!

Your post helps a pre-op like me see the realities of this surgery... that it's most certainly not 'easy', but gives you the tools needed to make a life change.

I hope to be reading about how great you've done over this coming year on your 2nd surgiversary!

Best of luck!
on 7/12/11 10:06 pm - Lexington, KY
Nic, that was one of the main reasons I was completely honest with my post!  If I can help at least one person, I'm satisfied.  I followed every rule for the first 3-4 months...then relaxed a bit too much.....never exercising until recently.  Good luck to you!
Cindy    *number on ticker includes 14.5 lbs lost prior to surgery                                                                                
on 7/12/11 10:46 pm - LA
Wildheart, congrats. You are 100 pounds thinner and surely more healthy!   You are right-a guy said this at group on Monday, "they operated on our stomachs, not our brains!" We do have to make those commitments to change. We have to be mindful, but we have to live life! You are a southern gal, like me and we know how food revolves around everything! We just have to be pickier and choosier about what we eat!

Can I ask you--what is it about exercise don't you like? If it is going to a gym, could you get a wii? My daughter has one and there are fitness "games" and she loves it. And you can sweat with the best of them in the privacy of your home!  What about getting some tunes to listen to so you are distracted? I enjoy exercise. I was not a sports kid, but I danced my whole life as a kid and skated, bowled and even square-danced. My time at the gym is my therapy! I use that time on the treadmill or elliptical to think, plan, go over my goals in life whether weight or no weigh related. I started a water aerobics class before surgery and will go back once I get the clear from the doc.

I too am blessed with a wonderful boyfriend,. OI am even luckier in that his dad, brother, sister in law and niece all had wls. So he knows what it can do, and what I have to do to make it happen! I am 1 week out. He took my list of what I can eat when and made a calendar that is on the kitchen wall. It says what foods I can start eating on what dates. That way as he shops (yes he is the chief cook in this relationship!)he can know what to get for me. But you are right, it is wonderful to have people that have been there done that to talk to. I go to group that my surgeon's office has every week plus have you all.

Girl, we will go through this year together, okay?! You can watch me go though being so stick to the rules. and you can keep me on my toes when I need it as well!! Deal?

I'm Ready!
on 7/13/11 3:34 am - Lexington, KY
Sounds great Shannon.  It's not that I don't like exercise....I think it's just getting started and keeping a schedule.  Want to keep in touch by e-mail?  My e-mail address is [email protected]
Cindy    *number on ticker includes 14.5 lbs lost prior to surgery                                                                                
(deactivated member)
on 7/12/11 10:56 pm - Boston, MA
 Congrats on your weight loss, 100 pounds is amazing! No looking back now, the past is the past, today is a new day start today and get rid of all the junk you have been eating you can do it!! I love my fitnesspal too!  Good luck to you!
on 7/13/11 3:35 am - Lexington, KY
Thank you!
Cindy    *number on ticker includes 14.5 lbs lost prior to surgery                                                                                
on 7/13/11 4:00 am - OR
Congrats on your first year of success! That's fabulous! Keep up with the exercising! It does really help keep those muscles toned and gives some good definition.  Keep up the good work!
Ht. 5'2  HW 234/GW 150/LW 128/CW 132 
Size 18/20 to a size 4 in 9 months!

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