I actually bought my thermometer from the Unjury folks quite a while back, but only used it briefly just to get an idea of what 130-140 FELT like to my finger, LOL...
You CAN actually heat it to more than 130 degrees without it clumping if you are careful. I start with warm water, mix the hot chocloate powder in, mix the protein powder in, and then microwave the whole thing for about 8-10 seconds at a time, stirring well in between heating. I am able to get it to the point where it is what I consider the right temperature to drink... hot instead of warm, but not hot enough to risk hurting your mouth.
You CAN actually heat it to more than 130 degrees without it clumping if you are careful. I start with warm water, mix the hot chocloate powder in, mix the protein powder in, and then microwave the whole thing for about 8-10 seconds at a time, stirring well in between heating. I am able to get it to the point where it is what I consider the right temperature to drink... hot instead of warm, but not hot enough to risk hurting your mouth.
14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.