Still leaning

Lisa R.
on 7/3/11 12:40 am - CA
 I am still learning how to deal with my "new" eating habits when I'm not at home.

I am down in San Diego for the Holiday weekend staying with my sister and visiting my parents and they all know and support my surgery decision which was about 9 weeks ago tomorrow.  What they don't understand is that I have to eat about every 3 hours or I lose every ounce of energy I have.  They also don't seem to understand that I don't eat carbs, fried foods, beef, pork and I have to have protein first.  I can't really consider a salad with no protein a meal.  They don't get it that I'm not on a diet!  They think I should never be hungry.  They eat 2 big meals a day and then want to run around all over the place and do all this stuff and in the  mean time I'm hungry ( in the way us RNY people get hungry) and losing energy, getting sucks!

So I put cheese and protein bars in my purse, suck down a few sips of a protein shake when I can, but I miss having that control to eat what I want when I want.  I just have to adjust.

The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. ~ Ayn Rand        
Stephanie M.
on 7/3/11 2:47 am - Los Angeles, CA
 Being out and about is very tough after!! But I remember, before surgery, anytime I would go out shopping all day or travel for vacation, i would come back 2 to 10 pounds heavier! This sure beats that!! And I'm sure, eventually, you'll get a routine going when you leave the house as well as being at home. Great job sticking to your plan during the holidays!!
on 7/3/11 3:18 am
The first few months are always hard. It takes people time to understand what we have been through, some never fully understand. The important thing is you have the support you need. Good move with the cheese and protein bars. I know it sucks as a meal, but its only temporary. Just hang in there and you will get thru it. Happy 4rth!


on 7/3/11 5:01 am - NY
My (morbidly obese) parents and sister are the same. Squeeze zillions of calories into 2 meals and then tell everyone else they're pigs if they eat more than 2 huge meals or are hungry between. I didn't tell them about my surgery (had a hernia repair too and only told them about that) and when they see me it will be a shock (I've lost nearly 50 lbs at 7 weeks out).

I am learning to carry a little snack pouch that I can fit a freezer pack into, and I carry around little cottage cheeses, lite cheese slices or turkey slices. It feels better to me to maintain control then have the option of giving it up.

The good news is that "eating out" or eating at someone's house has become pretty easy for me. Look for the leanest protein. Chew, chew. Look for the healthiest veggies. Chew, chew. Fruit for dessert if I have room. No one has even noticed (or no one has said a thing)!
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