Nicotine Test - Will I pass!?!?!?!?

on 6/17/11 8:53 am - San Antonio, TX

Well, I used to be a smoker and I stopped for this surgery. I'm so glad I did, but although I officially quit in April, I have had maybe 10 cigarettes since then. 12 days ago I had 2 cigarettes and today I had to take a urine test for smoking. I HAD NO IDEA I WOULD BE DOING THIS!!!!! I've read that is should be out of my system by now, but I'm worried. Does anyone know what my chances are of passing?

Sunny B.

Decide what to be and go be it.....
on 6/17/11 9:19 am
if they say anything just say it must be second hand smoke
on 6/17/11 9:20 am - NY
I did a blood test ... and they told me that I had to quit for I believe 6 weeks ... but I had quit for probably about 4 when I took the test.  I passed ... and from everything I read ... I probably would have passed even if it was only for a couple of weeks.  I'm pretty sure you'll be fine.  But really, I think quitting smoking has had an even more significant impact then the weight I have lost so far.  If you can stick with it forever ... do it!  Good luck!  It's not easy :)

on 6/17/11 10:43 am

Hopefully the test will be okay.  Remember that once you quit and have this surgery there  is no going back.  Don't start smoking again.  This is a lifetime commitment.  SMoking and RNY is not a good combination. 



Dave Chambers
on 6/17/11 10:52 am - Mira Loma, CA

If nicotine is detected, your surgery will likely be postponed.  There are at least 2 members of my support groups who failed their nicotine test. One guy smoked and the other chewed tobacco. They had to wait 90 days and then retest.

On the opposite end of this issue, smoke after surgery poses additional health issues. There are 2 members in one of my support groups (not the 2 mentioned above) that began smoking again post op. Both required major surgery for ulcers.  One of them is a gal that is 23, and I spoke to her dad the other night.  He said she had 6 ulcers detected in the last month. All were bleeding, and had to be cauterized 3 times. One time he said he viewed blood coming out of her mouth when they began the cauterizing process.  AND, all of these issues are the result of he smoking after surgery.  Her dad said he thinks maybe she's gotten the point--don't smoke again.   Dave

Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
                          Dave150OHcard_small_small.jpg 235x140card image by ragdolldude

on 6/17/11 12:59 pm - KY
it should be clear . i think u will be fine. but if u can totally quit . its best to do that .. good luck . i smoked for 30 years and its really hard .. i love to smoke even tho its bad for me. and now i take care of a dad who smokes like a train. so thats hard also . but i really want surgery so im working on it .. we got to do it . NO MORE SMOKING YOUNG LADY ..LOL
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