Severe Anxiety and WLS
I thought my RNY would be in mid- September, but it is looking like early August. In a way this has me so excited I can barely stand it... and in another way I am dreading it.
I am well aware of the life changes, the vitamin regimens, etc etc - I have listed the pros and cons and still think this is the best decision for me.
So what's the problem? I have horrible anxiety. Claustrophobia. Basically anything that feels like it is restricting my breathing (small rooms. closed in areas, strong smells, masks, warm air, anesthetic in the throat {from the dentist.. wow that was bad} ).
I don't look foward to pain, but I am not afraid of it. I am terrified of having a panic attack and doing something to mess up the fresh surgery or pulling tubes, etc. My surgeon's nurse had WLS and she said she was the same way, so she would make sure I am "taken care of" before going to the OR. They are also going to (at the psych doc recommendation) put me on a regular regimen of xanax rather than the "as needed" doses I have now.
Has anyone else had to deal with severe anxiety / panic attacks with WLS??
I am well aware of the life changes, the vitamin regimens, etc etc - I have listed the pros and cons and still think this is the best decision for me.
So what's the problem? I have horrible anxiety. Claustrophobia. Basically anything that feels like it is restricting my breathing (small rooms. closed in areas, strong smells, masks, warm air, anesthetic in the throat {from the dentist.. wow that was bad} ).
I don't look foward to pain, but I am not afraid of it. I am terrified of having a panic attack and doing something to mess up the fresh surgery or pulling tubes, etc. My surgeon's nurse had WLS and she said she was the same way, so she would make sure I am "taken care of" before going to the OR. They are also going to (at the psych doc recommendation) put me on a regular regimen of xanax rather than the "as needed" doses I have now.
Has anyone else had to deal with severe anxiety / panic attacks with WLS??
I too get severe, random panic attacks. And I get some that are triggered by the things you mentioned.
Really, you won't have anything to worry about in the hospital, especially if you make sure they know the severity of your anxiety. They will sedate you ASAP when you get back into pre-op and get into your gown if you tell them you need it and why.
Take your Xanax on a regular basis till the surgery so you don't get over-stressed and end up with even MORE panicky feelings. Then, when you do your pre-op registration with all of the paperwork over the phone or however they do it at your hospital, make sure you tell someone of your anxiety. You can ask to see a pre-op or OR nurse who works in the dept that will be handling your surgery if you want to further ease your fears.
As soon as you get to the hospital for your surgery, tell the person admitting you about your attacks. They can't give you any meds, but they can make sure that it is noted plainly and in HUGE letters on your paperwork. Most importantly, when they take you back to change, tell the nurse who takes you back that you need something preventatively to stave off a major attack (make sure to let her know your history or she may put you off, chalking it up to "normal" pre-op anxiety). When you get changed and settled in bed, tell them again. And just keep telling them until they give you something. And trust me, they will. (you'll probably only have to tell them once, maybe twice).
Post-op you will be sedated on pain meds AND they will give you your normal dose of Xanax or the equivalent, so you won't have anything to worry about.
It will be over and you will be home again before you know it! And you'll be on the loser's bench! =)
YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! YOU REALLY CAN!!! And you will be SO happy that you did!
Really, you won't have anything to worry about in the hospital, especially if you make sure they know the severity of your anxiety. They will sedate you ASAP when you get back into pre-op and get into your gown if you tell them you need it and why.
Take your Xanax on a regular basis till the surgery so you don't get over-stressed and end up with even MORE panicky feelings. Then, when you do your pre-op registration with all of the paperwork over the phone or however they do it at your hospital, make sure you tell someone of your anxiety. You can ask to see a pre-op or OR nurse who works in the dept that will be handling your surgery if you want to further ease your fears.
As soon as you get to the hospital for your surgery, tell the person admitting you about your attacks. They can't give you any meds, but they can make sure that it is noted plainly and in HUGE letters on your paperwork. Most importantly, when they take you back to change, tell the nurse who takes you back that you need something preventatively to stave off a major attack (make sure to let her know your history or she may put you off, chalking it up to "normal" pre-op anxiety). When you get changed and settled in bed, tell them again. And just keep telling them until they give you something. And trust me, they will. (you'll probably only have to tell them once, maybe twice).
Post-op you will be sedated on pain meds AND they will give you your normal dose of Xanax or the equivalent, so you won't have anything to worry about.
It will be over and you will be home again before you know it! And you'll be on the loser's bench! =)
YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! YOU REALLY CAN!!! And you will be SO happy that you did!
Boy I can't wait... and I hope and pray daily that the anxiety will be controlled. My counselor "scolds" me about self-fulfilling prophecy - being so anxious about the possibility of being anxious lol
The office manager put a sticky on my chart that said "SEVERE anxiety attacks" and I talked to the nurse and she put it in my permanent record. She also said she would talk to Dr. Friedman ASAP to get the xanax regimen started. Evidently she had a panic attack due to claustrophobia and now she is a big advocate for people with anxiety issues. I talked to a lady who is post-op while in the waiting room and she said she had mild anxiety and Dr. Friedman was always ahead of it.
So I guess my counselor is probably right (again, dangit) and I am just working myself into a premature freak out. It's just a very real, very big fear for me. :(
The office manager put a sticky on my chart that said "SEVERE anxiety attacks" and I talked to the nurse and she put it in my permanent record. She also said she would talk to Dr. Friedman ASAP to get the xanax regimen started. Evidently she had a panic attack due to claustrophobia and now she is a big advocate for people with anxiety issues. I talked to a lady who is post-op while in the waiting room and she said she had mild anxiety and Dr. Friedman was always ahead of it.
So I guess my counselor is probably right (again, dangit) and I am just working myself into a premature freak out. It's just a very real, very big fear for me. :(
as time draws closer , i to am having anxiety atacks . but my surgeon said he didnt want to put me on any anti-depressants because of insurance reasons. i dont feel like i need them forever , just for a lil while. i dont know how im going to cope, the waiting is causing my symptoms to get worse. why is it some docs will put some on them and some cant .

I have been on anti-depressants and have a history of severe anxiety. Maybe that is the difference? I'm not sure why he would worry about the insurance, unless he believes they would have 2nd thoughts about if you were up for the surgery?
I'm sorry you are having the anxiety attacks, it is a miserable feeling for sure. Do you see a counselor? I adore my counselor and think everyone should experience that kind of acceptance (and brutal honesty)
I'm sorry you are having the anxiety attacks, it is a miserable feeling for sure. Do you see a counselor? I adore my counselor and think everyone should experience that kind of acceptance (and brutal honesty)
On June 14, 2011 at 9:03 PM Pacific Time, immafatgirl wrote:
as time draws closer , i to am having anxiety atacks . but my surgeon said he didnt want to put me on any anti-depressants because of insurance reasons. i dont feel like i need them forever , just for a lil while. i dont know how im going to cope, the waiting is causing my symptoms to get worse. why is it some docs will put some on them and some cant .
I too suffer from anxiety. I BIG bit of advice is to make sure you tell your surgeon that you NEED your anti-anxiety meds and to make sure they are given to you even if you are asleep. The hospital messed up on this with me (my surgery was on 4-27-11) and I was soo sad/anxious. It took me a week to get back on track mentally. If you need someone to chat with about things feel free to contact me.
Hope all goes well
Hope all goes well
I am on Klonipin. I had an anxiety attack on the table when they were sewing me up after my c-section. Now I am NOT afraid to tell my dr's about my anxiety. I told my surgeon and he said I could take my Klonoipin the am of. I asked him if I could have some "stuff" in the waiting room, then said heck, I'm in nursing can't I just give myself a shot in the car on the way here? LOL. He told me that IF I needed it in the waiting room they would take me back and give me some. Whatever I need. He would make sure I got it. I will also tell the surgery nurses. If I have to tell the custodian too, to get my needs met I will.

hahaha tell the custodian love that ! And believe me, I will. Actually I won't have to announce it if I don't have meds on board because me going white as a sheet, eyes dilated, shaking like a leaf will probably be a good indicator.
I just don't have a lot of faith in people, so it is hard for me to grasp that a surgeon has my best interests at heart .... Dr. Friedman is kinder and friendlier than pretty much any other doctor I have ever known, but since I can't wrap my head around that I also can't wrap my head around him getting me through this without a panic episode.
I just don't have a lot of faith in people, so it is hard for me to grasp that a surgeon has my best interests at heart .... Dr. Friedman is kinder and friendlier than pretty much any other doctor I have ever known, but since I can't wrap my head around that I also can't wrap my head around him getting me through this without a panic episode.