now my kids don't want me to have surgery

on 6/11/11 7:14 pm
I will tell you that you will change. This is a big life changing thing. You will change in ways you have no idea about. While you are rapidly loosing weight you will be releasing tons of hormones that have been stored in your fat cells making your behavior a bit unpredicatble.
What I found with my son and my family is to talk about what's going on with me here on OH. They get a break from most of it. They really aren't that interested and I think it makes the whole thing a lot less stressful.
So hopefully..we will see you around.
Deb T.


on 6/11/11 7:37 pm
I did not tell anyone but my husband and daughter and the friend who knew Dr Rod's work that I was getting the surgery, as I didn't was negitive feedback from anyone. You need to do this for you first and formost, I have a 26 yr old that was dead agaist me having  it, However I had two reasons in getting my RNY, one for myself and two was to show my daughter It can be safe, as she is 350 lbs herself, well needless to say she has done a 360 and I am now hoping to have her surgery by Sept. She has seen not only my weight loss but that I LIVED! and I'm no different than I was than before surgery. I went to Mexico for mine and that worried her as well, Dr. Jose Rodriguez is an awesome surgen, carring, dedicated to his patients. So I will be having Dr. Rod do her surgery. A person I know only threw a friend also went to Dr Rod, she was doing great untill her Dr. here put her on a directic, Her health went very bad after 2 weeks of her surgey, because of the meds her Dr. here put her on, Dr. Rod flew from Mexico to NC, to confer with her Dr. and was willing to reverse her sleve, however her Dr. here said her problem was not from her surgey it was his fault for putting her on a blood presure med that had a diarectic in it, happly to say she is doing very well and is down over 100 lbs. Dr. Rod also has developed his own tecnique to reverse any WLS it if need be. I love Dr. Rod. Good Luck.  
on 6/11/11 10:11 pm

1.  They are not the boss of you.
2.  You are the adult, they are children
3.  Since when is surgery of any kind "unnatural"
4.  If you lost it the natural way you may still have saggy skin
5.  You do deserve to be happy and healthy.



on 6/11/11 10:24 pm
I completely agree with Winnie!

Would your kids rather not have you around anymore in 10,20,30 or so years because you have co-morbitities that put your life at risk?

Surgery or no surgery, you're going to have saggy skin and stretch marks.

And lastly, although their input is important...ultimately it is your body, your decision.  No matter what you do, they will get past their personal feelings and be there for you.

Of course they won't look at you the'll be skinnier!!

on 6/11/11 10:25 pm - Canton, MI

I think it was the week before my surgery when my 17 year old son said - I don't know why you are having unnecessary surgery anyway.  I was very surprised.  I have two sons - 15 and 17 and I did not ask them about it.  I had lots of medical issues that also sent me in this direction.  One of the most suprising things was about 3 months after surgery, one of my sons said - Mom you seem so much happier and you don't yell as much.  :-)  I guess they don't have a problem with it now. 

on 6/11/11 11:01 pm - TX
@winnie..HAHHA i love it. short sweet and to the point!

i too was surprised by their reaction. at this point everyone in my family is against me having the surgery so i am on my own.all i can do is educate them an hope they come around. it would be nice to have their support from the get go but i guess they fear what they don't know.
on 6/12/11 1:42 pm - KY
if you are like me , u may also have the fear of the "i told you so".. but my wishes for u is to get thru this with no problems ... sometimes it helps to write down on a piece of paper the pros and cons of everything and see what out weighs what
on 6/12/11 1:57 pm - TX
i have been journaling every night sometimes more than once a day...on exactly that and my feelings and such. it helps...a lot. i think i will def. feel better after my appointment on the 18th
on 6/12/11 3:44 pm - TX
i did a pro cons list...thanks for suggesting it. both emotionally and rationally, the pros of having the surgery, outweigh the cons.
on 6/12/11 8:59 pm
Go to some support group meetings and take some of your family members with you.  You'd be surprised at what they learn and maybe get some of their questions answered.  I see this all the time at my support group.

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