now I wanna vent
I had an appt with my therapist this afternoon and I was really looking forward to it. I was having a really hard day and was really hoping for some help. I have not been seeing this therapist for very long but felt OK about her.
Well, I started explaining how bad I was feeling and I swear, she didn't say a single thing that was helpful. I left feeling significantly worse than when I got there.
She asked me if I felt suicidal at all and I admitted a little. She said she'd always thought of me as being an intelligent person but that was very un-intelligent.
I explained the trouble I was having writing and how upsetting it was to me and she suggesting if it was too hard to write an article, I try writing something easier. She suggested haiku. It's short, doesn't have to rhyme, etc. Um, yeah. I'll just drop an email to my publisher who is waiting for these past due articles on toxic mold (fascinating topic, huh?) and ask if he'd like some haiku on mold instead.
At one point I started getting really frustrated. She said oh, it looked like I was getting mad. She said she liked that I was getting mad. Now, I'm pretty sure she meant she liked that I was showing emotion instead of being kind of flat like I was when I first got there, but you know, that really made me mad. I was already feeling anxious and aggitated so why would you want to make me mad? Wouldn't it be better to help me calm down, to feel relaxed or comforted?
She also told me I should make sure I spend at least ten minutes out in the sun every day because I need to make sure I get enough vitamin D. I told her I definitely do get enough vitamin D, I take 50,000 IU four days a week. That's significantly more than you'd get from ten minutes a day in the sun. I bet my D level is much better than hers. I sure don't need her giving me vitamin advice. And when I told her how much D I take, you know what she said? That's not good enough, I need the "real stuff" from the sun.
Those are only a few things that stick out in my mind about the appt. I was much more upset when I left than when I arrived. All I really wanted was to talk about how I was feeling and for someone to sympathize and maybe understand. But apparently she doesn't do that.
Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor. Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me. If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her. Check out my blog.
It sounds to me like perhaps she just did not really know WHAT to say to you to help and was sort of grasping at straws. (Been there, done that... not often, but occasionally I have felt like I had nothing useful to offer... and I sometimes just tell the client that... and that I wish I hAd a magic wand or a simple solution... and then I just hope that the client was able to get SOMETHING of use from the session... if only knowing that I care about them and am "in their corner".) Sometimes all a therapist can offer is that caring and a safe place to talk. I'm sorry she did not give you that...
Hang in there.
14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor. Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me. If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her. Check out my blog.
The thing she said about the sun, something about the sun actually triggers your body make the serotonin...I don't remember, if it was Just the D ... tho......I do know that the more I am in the sun the less depression I have.... In the winter I use a "sunlight lamp" and it helps me mood is better and my arthritis hurts less than when I don't use it.
Some people don't understand that sometimes all they have to do is listen. talking it out usually helps me to sort my problems the listener serves the purpose of giving me a catalyst to put my thoughts togather in a logical manner...
I am sorry that you had to authorize payment to someone who did not serve you. Take care of yourself! you are worth the effort and you can contribute that article in a manner that will be acceptable.
I have been in need of a good therapist that would, I guess, "get me" and that I would feel it is productive to talk to. But, ya know it's really hard. Just because they've studied it in school does not a good therapist make. It's really hard-pressed to find an enlightened therapist that actually has ANY remote idea of what life is like. Oh, just give yourself positive affirmations and you'll eventually believe it yourself. I call "bull****!" That is not true. They don't understand that these feelings are imprinted into my being and the thoughts and feelings I have are my reality. Everyday, from the time I might fall asleep, to the first thing when I wake up. I've tried every addiction known to man to try and cover it up, but it doesn't go anywhere. No medication and no idiot telling me to "pop" myself with a rubber band on my wrist every time I have a bad thought about myself is going to help. So, yeah, sometimes things get pretty bleak. There's no pretty other side. I just keep trying to find things to give me a glimmer of hope for a little while and see how it all rolls out. Right now, this WLS is that thing. And to all of you, who want to start preaching, I am well aware that WLS doesn't solve my problems. But, guess what nothing else does either! So right now the hope of maybe one day being even remotely happy, is keeping me here and willing to fight for another little while. When/if things don't get better in my life, then I'll try to figure something else out.
Sorry this turned out to be a little rant of my own. Just wanted you know that you have every right to feel how you do and personally I'm disgusted that she trivialized what you were expressing and all the while inferring you're not intelligent for feeling this way. Just know that while I don't KNOW how you feel, I can at least relate. And you're right the mold thing probably isn't that exciting to write about. Maybe, in that, lies some of the issue. I know I can't do something that doesn't spark an interest for me. My brain will just go blank. If I'm on a kick about wanting to research and learn or write about it, I can di**** out. (Kinda like this post!!) Maybe since this topic you have to write about is of no interest to you (well, from the sound of your post it's not) you can't "put out" on command anymore. IDK...I'm no therapist!!!
Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor. Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me. If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her. Check out my blog.