Bad Therapist Thread (no disrespect to the good ones!!)

on 6/8/11 11:47 am - CA
Wow Lora, that is awful!!

And now you are with a great one but that is coming to an end... correct? I seem to recall you mentioned that in a previous post.

I really hope you find a replacement that is worth having YOU as a client!

Mary SW 273  CW 158  GW 160


Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 6/8/11 11:52 am - OH
Yep... she is retiring in 2 months to care for her elderly and ill parents. 

Not sure yet who I will see.  I saw my ex-grad school internship supervisor for EMDR a while back (concurrent with the other therapy... I am also trained in EMDR and thought it would be a useful adjunct therapy for me), so he knows what happened, and I am comfortable with him, but he does not accept insurance and I am not sure that I can afford to do the $90 per session (my insurance has a $2500 out of network deductible, so it would all be out of pocket).


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 6/8/11 11:46 am
Well, I kind of touched on this in my response to Kelly's vent post, but I'll put it in here too. I have had a serious issue with depression and self-hate since my earliest memories, say about 4 yrs old. I grew up a very sick child and young woman. My mother had no idea what was going on and just thought I was "difficult." HA!! I finally got help at age 17. When I saw that Dr. he said that I would benefit from intense deep psychotherapy. At that point I wasn't insured so the meds had to do.

Fast forward to adulthood, and I've been on every med known to man for my illnesses and seen countless therapists which I consider a joke. I have tried every form of "self-medication" I could think of. Alcohol, drugs, sex, etc. I have been through more "stuff" in my life than most 90 year olds. Some by my poor judgment and doing and some just the universe having a vendetta against me or something.

I wrote all this back story because i find it VERY annoying having to rehash the same stories over and over. Especially the painful ones. But, I kept doing it hoping to find someone who could offer any kind of help. I have had more than one therapist asking me questions and getting to talk about my "adventures" as entertainment. Yes, entertainment. They have nothing to offer, but "wow, tell me more." They look like brain dead idiots watching/listening to a movie. I have actually had one tell me, " Wow, you can't even get stuff like this in a theatre if I was paying for it!" REALLY. So, glad my misfortunes and pain could provide some fun them.

I had even had one,  I rehashed my whole story about my "baby daddy" and how he was so emotionally abusive, he stalked me, ran me into on-coming traffic, etc, etc, and then told the therapist about how he brought out something ugly in me I've never experienced with anyone, I have a very even temper and hardly ever lose my cool, but he turned me into a screaming lunatic. The therapist started laughing and said, "What's his name again? I love him! This is great! Can you bring me a picture, so I can see who it is that makes you so nuts?!!" The whole time just laughing and giggling. I could not believe it.

Another therapist made me write out my life story and present it to her. As journaling therapy. I did it. I hated it, but I did it. I wrote that ***** a book. I wouldn't be surprised if she used it for the basis of a best seller! Anyway, after all the years of self-deprecation, body dysmorphia, self-hate, cutting, etc, her only thing to offer me was to put a rubber band around my wrist and every time I thought something bad about myself I was supposed to "pop" myself on the wrist with it. Seriously, that was it. 30 years of mental and physical abuse from myself and all she had to offer was an effing rubber band trick. As you can probably tell, I am not a huge fan of therapists. I believe there has to be a therapist that can offer me some kind of help, but after I've gone through about 15 or so, telling my story each and every time, I am somewhat jaded.
I only strive to be, the kind of person my dogs think I am!                               

Of the choices we are given, it's no choice at all....
                                             -Patty Griffin
on 6/8/11 11:56 am - CA
Wow Anni... that's awful.

I kind of posted this thread for a few good laughs myself... but after reading your story, Kelly's story, Lora's story.... This is ANYTHING BUT funny!

These people are supposed to be trained in the art of meaningful questioning, insight, compassion and, hopefully, well-timed suggestions for coping and healing strategies.

You got none of this!

Lora got dumped mid-crisis.

Kelly got ASKED if she would like to go to an ER after admitting to thinking about suicide.

This is so, so, so wrong and I am very hopeful that you all land in good and knowledgeable hands (as I wrote already to Lora) that deserve YOU as a client!


Mary SW 273  CW 158  GW 160


Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 6/8/11 11:58 am - OH
"I have actually had one tell me, " Wow, you can't even get stuff like this in a theatre if I was paying for it!"

How incredibly unprofessional!  There are some very dubious "techniques" out there, and some work for some people but nor for others.  I am just sorry that after trying so many
different therapists, you were not able to find one who could help.  There ARE some good ones of us out there...


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 6/8/11 11:59 am
When I was fifteen my therepist exposed his d*ck and balls to me. I walked out and never went back.Thats my "bad therapist" story.
on 6/8/11 12:00 pm
Oh and then a fewyears later I has to serve him at Applebee's. He is also a lowsy tipper.
on 6/8/11 12:35 pm - CA
What an ass he must be!!!!

You must have dies when you saw him as your customer while working. "Doctor" his order up any????

Mary SW 273  CW 158  GW 160


on 6/8/11 12:26 pm
Oh my Gawd! THAT is the most horrible thing I've ever heard. I am so sorry that happened to you and at such an early age. I can't imagine what that did to you. I only hope that karma comes back and gives him testicular cancer and they get chopped off....
I only strive to be, the kind of person my dogs think I am!                               

Of the choices we are given, it's no choice at all....
                                             -Patty Griffin
on 6/8/11 1:28 pm
I don't have any funny therapist stories but I thought I could use this thread to bounce some things that I have been thinking about with my own therapist.
My problem is that after years of counseling, self help books and 12 step programs I am sick of myself.  I am sick of looking at my life and I am sick of talking about my life and the things that have happened and the things that I have done.  I am just burnt out.  It's not my counselor's fault.  Getting information from me must be like pulling teeth.  I am so over me.  I just don't want to go through my history one more time.  I like the guy alright but there is just no connection.  Like I said, I am pretty sure it is my problem. 
I started going back to counseling because I have been suffering from major, chronic and treatment resistant depression and anxiety for years.  I did have a doctor that I really liked and I saw her for about 6 years.  When I moved nearly 2 years ago I had to stop seeing her because she was at the county mental health center and I moved away from that county.
I take medication for my depression and have for years although I don't feel like it helps much.  Anyway, my doctor told me she wouldn't give me any more medication unless I saw someone so I managed after a long struggle to find him.  I have Medicare and it is nearly impossible to see someone to get medication with Medicare.  The way this place works is you have to see a counselor and then if they think you need it they refer you to a psychiatrist for medication so I was jumping through the hoops.
I wound up changing pcp's and I go to the university now and they referred me to a psychiatrist there so I could get my medication looked at and changed.  I thought I didn't need to see a counselor anymore since I felt it was a waste of time but my pcp wants me to have counseling, too, along with medication, so I went back to this guy but I feel like I am wasting my time.
I asked about seeing another counselor but I have to go through my current counselor to get a referral and I don't want to have to tell him that I want to see someone else.  I don't know, maybe I'm afraid of hurting his feelings?  I know, dumb, but truthfully I just don't think I am in a place where I can get helped by a counselor when I hate to talk about myself and what I am feeling and doing.  I dread it when I have an appointment.
I know counseling is good and it has helped me over the years, I just am tired of it.  Maybe I need to bite the bullet and ask him about seeing someone else.  That just shows how much I don't want to talk about anything when I can't even tell my counselor that I want to see someone else.  I just don't want to talk about why or whatever.  I did think of telling him I would be more comfortable with a female counselor (true) and that I would like to go to an office near my house (also true).  When I first started going they gave me the first appointment available, several months away, and it was at this office.  I would rather go to the other office even if it means waiting a while for an appointment.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

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