Power Study testing today.

on 6/2/11 11:48 am - PA
So I had some testing for the Power Study I am in thru Pitt University. I had a bunch of really cool tests. 
Here is what I had done.
  Your overnight visit will last for approximately 18 hours.  For this visit we will conduct the following tests: Urine specimen: we will conduct a urine pregnancy test (if female) Physical Measurements: height, weight, pulse, blood pressure, body temperature and respiration rate will be measured  CT Scan: we will take 3-D pictures of your abdomen and mid-thigh to measure the amount of muscle and fat in each location Resting Energy Expenditure: we will be able to measure your resting metabolic rate by having you lay on a bed under a plastic hood for 30 minutes Muscle Biopsy: a small piece of skeletal muscle will be taken from your thigh by a physician so we can study the fat and protein content of your muscle cells; the area will first be numbed, then a small incision made to allow the biopsy needle to pass through to the muscle Glucose Tolerance Test: we will insert an IV into each arm, one to deliver insulin and glucose, the other to take blood samples; this will determine how sensitive your body is to the insulin and glucose.  This test will take approximately 4 hours.
Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA): will measure your total body fat, lean tissue and whole bone density.  This will occur while you lie on a table. Submax Exercise Test: we will ask you to ride on a stationary bike at a consistent work load to measure the energy that you use during the test by collecting data from breath samples, an armband and heart rate monitor.

I have to say that I am learing alot about how my body is now functioning since WLS. There were two groups I could have been placed in education or exercise and I am so happy as I got the excercise group.
 Come visit me on my bloghttp://apeekintomytreehouse.com/ 
  Start weight 282, Surgery weight 265, Current weight 131, Goal weight 140 

  A woman is like a tea bag - you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.  Eleanor Roosevelt
