Stricture "too soon"?

on 6/1/11 6:39 am - Austin, TX

I am exactly 4 weeks out from RNY revision (from lapband), and things were great up until about a week ago.  In the past week, it's gotten hard for me to keep virtually anything down - and I'm only on purees!  Things that were fine a week before are now awful - oatmeal, thicker soups, poached eggs, pureed chili, even my protein shake seems to thick and threatens to come back up.  I'm also crazy nauseous - I've heard it's because of ketosis. Water is the worst for causing nausea, but it one of the only things that I can get down.

I talked to the nurse at my dr's office, and they said that they felt it was too early to do a dilation  because of the risk of tearing something that might not be healed yet.  I was wondering if anyone else has heard this, or if anyone else has had a dilation at 4-5 weeks.  They want me to wait 2 weeks, but there is just no way I can go another 2 weeks like this.  I am trying to get in on Monday for the dilation and just hoping they'll let me.  At this point I am risking dehydration, and there is no way i am getting enough protein in. 

on 6/1/11 6:43 am
I wish I culd help, but I don't know the answer.  But I sure hope you feel better.  Remember, it's your body, so if they aren't cooperating, raise a fit!!  Make them do their job and get you back on the right track.

Good luck and let us know how you are.
  RNY 05/25/11    HW 256    SW 235    CW 221.6    GW 140
Paul C.
on 6/1/11 6:50 am - Cumming, GA
I would ask them to do a Scope to verify what is going on.  It could be a marginal ulcer which can cause these problems as the Stoma can become inflamed and swollen.  When my ulcers arise it requires an infant scope to get passed the stoma the rest of the time they can do it with a standard scope.  If it is a bleeding ulcer there are things they can do NOW to halt it.  If it is a stricture then they maybe can modify your diet.

As gross as it sounds Keep a check for the black tary poo, you will know if this happens because after using a whole roll of TP trying to wipe you will realise it is faster to jump in the shower .  If you get this it means you have a GI bleed in your upper GI tract, and may require medical attention, I had one that required a transfusion.  it could take 3 or 4 days for the black poo if it is an ulcer.

And no it is never to soon for a good old complication.  Just remember your not alone and keep your eye on the goal and it will be worth it.
Paul C.
First 5K 9/27/20 46:32 - 11 weeks post op  (PR 28:55 8/15/11)
First 10K 7/04/2011 1:03      
      First 15K 9/18/2011 1:37
First Half Marathon 10/02/2011 2:27:44 (
PR 2:24:35)   
First Half Ironman 9/30/12 7:32:04
on 6/1/11 7:02 am - CA
I'm 4 weeks out too! and the last couple days, I have not been doing very well in the mornings. Sometimes, I just feel queasy, but sometimes, I have dry heaves for awhile. I haven't puked anything up yet, but sometimes when I eat or drink, I feel like I might. I have been concentrating on taking my vitamins, getting in my protein shakes in (if I drink 2 shakes that are 8oz each and I make them with milk, I get 70g of protein), and drinking water. I usually only eat lunch or dinner. I'm on pureed foods too. They want me to be eating 4 meals a day that are 1/2 cup each and 2 shakes. There's no way I could eat that much. I never thought there would be a time in my life where I wasn't hungry, but I have been eating 1 meal a day that is 2 or 3oz. and I feel like I have to force myself to do that. I don't know why all of a sudden I have been feeling sick to myself. Maybe we're dehydrated? I couldn't stand to drink water anymore because I can smell so much better and it tasted like I was drinking pool water. I started drinking crystal light. I only like the fruit punch, lemonaid, and pink lemonaid flavors though.

Keep us posted on what's going on because I think it might be happening to me too.

HW:340 SW: 292 CW:164 GW: 140-130

on 6/1/11 10:22 am - CA
hello I'm 2 weeks post op tommarrow had rny. I'm sorry but was is a stricture?
on 6/1/11 11:01 am - Gaithersburg, MD
 I went to the hospital for a stricture at less than four weeks. At first they didn't want to do a scope because it was so early out but they knew they had to when I was throwing up everything including water and was getting really dehydrated. They scoped me and found out I had a stricture and I needed it dilated four times. I'm doing pretty good now but I'm behind in my recovery. I can eat very few options You should get it checked. The sooner the better.
Height - 5'8  - SW - 292/ CW - 177.6 /GW - 150 - BMI - 27.1 - 114.4 lbs lost!
"The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore" Vincent Van Gogh
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Lady Lithia
on 6/1/11 11:23 am
I am not the biggest pro on searching medical studies, but the one study I did find with details on strictures said that in a particular group of people, the earliest stricture was at 21 days (three weeks) adn the longest one out was 15 months. Since this was REAL DATA 

so it's totally possible to have a stricture this early out.

I posted it to Katie at one point, so I'm sure if you look back over my posts (probably back on page 10 or 20 of my latest posts) you'll find the link

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 6/1/11 3:16 pm - PA
I was almost exactly 3 weeks out when I was admitted to the hospital with a stricture. now the endo told me that he would only be able to stretch it so much this early out and due to the blood thinner. They are re doing the stretch in two weeks and I cant waite because I am still throwing up and feel horrible. So I deff would have the endo done to see
on 6/2/11 12:06 am - Raleigh, NC
I had my stricture diagnosed at 4 weeks and had it dilated then and every 2 weeks for 5 times. It's not to early if you can find a gi doctor who specializes in dilations. The surgeons are skilled at the WLS but not always the best at the dilations. It was not until I went to my GI specialist (at dilation 4 and 5) that he finnally solved the problem

I wish you all the best

