What am I doing wrong??

on 5/22/11 11:33 pm - Lake, MS
Gonna have to try it.  Thanks.
HW: 274  PreOp Diet: 271  Surgery: APRIL 25, 2011   
LilySlim - (6Jve)
I love my new life!!!
(deactivated member)
on 5/22/11 11:34 pm, edited 5/22/11 11:34 pm - Boston, MA
 About a week ago I was so consitpated for 4 days and kept having to go to the bathroom all day long and just could not go and my stomach was killing me.. I decided to use an emema(first time ever).. I had instant relief, it was gross but I"m glad I did it.. I felt so much better and ever since I have taken Miralax everyday it's just a powder you put in your water it doesn't have a taste.. and I've gone fine everyday since then.  I think the constipation for me is a combination of not enough water and too much cheese!  Hope you feel better, I know how miserable it is!
Carla M.
on 5/22/11 11:47 pm
Your leg cramps could be from a lot of things...not just low potassium. The first thing that came to my mind was dehydration. It's a big factor in leg cramping. If you aren't going to the bathroom much, you might just need to get more fluids in. I would start measuring what you drink to see how much you actually get in your body. The potassium is def a possibility too. I would have your levels drawn to make sure.

Constipation is really common after surgery. Everyone has already given you great ideas. I'd go with Mirilax. Take it daily.

They're right about the "full" feeling. This early out, you probably don't really feel full, but get a pain or something. It's VERY important to measure all food this early out. Most doctors stress that because the nerve that tells you when you're full has been severed. It'll take a while before that comes back. I still have to measure food at a little over 3 months out.

Good luck! You'll be fine. Most of us all went through the regret and questioning stage after surgery. Believe me, it's worth it.
on 5/23/11 12:14 am
1.  Constipation:  Try Miralax daily (off brand is fine) you can also get a RX from your doctor for it. Colace twice daily (again off brand is fine), Magnesium oxide with each calci****upplement is great too since we take calcium, and Acidophilus (there are cheweable forms). I also do double the benefiber in my drinks (4Tsp instead of 2). 

2.  Leg Cramps:  I remember reading on here from someone that as our bodies redistribute the weight we can have leg and hip cramps. I had them early out for sure on both upper sides of my leg and now I have a pinched nerve in my back...sciatic. OUCH!  Vitamins are crucial too, Calcium 1500mg. a day, Multivitaimins, B-12, Thiamine are the crucial ones.

3.  How do I know when I'm full??  When you get the pain in the chest STOP, it is a sign of fullness or foamies (YOU DON"T WANT THOSE!!) Take Papaya emzeyne after eating anything questionable or meats (it is chewable). I just measure my food out of go by what I know I can eat and stop when I feel any fullness, or burp, or even a runny nose are signs I am full.

4.  Fluids:  It is normal not to go as much I think because our bodies are needing so much of the water.  Plus our diets aren't as sodium filled either so I think that has to make some kind of difference.

I just want to encourage you, I FELT the exact same way and wanted to just die because I felt like I was dieing. It does get better, I never believed it would, but it does.  They aren't joking when they say it is a brand new life, it is a lot to adjust to and learn about, but coming here really helps to see that others are going through the same things and you are not alone. Hang in there! Keep drinking your fluids and get in your vitamins!!!
on 5/23/11 12:17 am - Lake, MS
Thanks Angie...you are a sweetheart!
HW: 274  PreOp Diet: 271  Surgery: APRIL 25, 2011   
LilySlim - (6Jve)
I love my new life!!!
(deactivated member)
on 5/23/11 12:50 am - TX
Miralax worked great for me. A dose daily until i was regular, then switched to every other day, then every third day. Now I only take it when I need it.

Are you taking all your vitamins on the schedule provided? That might help with the leg cramps.

Knowing when you feel full is hard. I would get the feeling in the center of my chest, a twinge, not really a "full" feeling. So just be careful and measure your food. At three months, I get a normal 'full' feeling in the lower part of my tummy, like I used to prior to surgery. I don't think you can drink too much water unless you are chugging it quickly, it empties through your pouch very fast.
on 5/23/11 12:58 am - Madison, AL
1. Constipation -- As others have said, Miralax is good when you're already constipated. For fiber, I add Benefiber stick packs to my water. I also like Crystal Light's Raspberry Peach flavor that has fiber added (3 grams per packet.) I add 2 Benefiber sticks and a Crystal Light Raspberry Peach pack to a 24 oz. bottle of water for a total of 9 grams of Fiber. Three of those per day gives you 27 grams of fiber.

2. Leg cramps -- see your doctor. You need bloodwork to determine if it is low potassium.

3. Feeling full --- that burning feeling is probably your new "OMG, I've eaten too much" sign. (It seems to be a little different for everyone. Because you don't feel full like you used to, you need to measure your food so you don't overeat.

4. Fluids. You need to track your fluids just like you track your protein grams. I bet when you actually measure your fluids, you'll find that you're not drinking as much as you think you are. I have to set goals for myself to get my water in or my fluid intake drops off too much.

Carrie W.
on 5/23/11 1:08 am - KY
1. Constipation - What works for me is 1/2 cup milk with my meds and 30 minutes on the treadmill. I think I'm a touch lactose intolerent now so ...I had an episode of the foamies after taking benefiber. There was alot else going on so I can't blame it on the benefiber 100%.

2. I'd talk to you doc about the leg cramps. I had leg cramps early out and my doc wasn't concerned. The concern is a blood clot if it's only on one side.

3. This early out you should measure everything. You should have a general guideline from you doc/nut about how much you're supposed to be able to eat. I'm almost 2 months out and the only real problem I've had was when I didn't measure my food. One bite too much can be horrible.

4. Track everything that goes into your mouth.

on 5/23/11 1:31 am - Spindale, NC
 I totally sympathize with you on the constipation problem.....I've had that same issue since my 2 week pre-op diet. I use colace (stool softener) pills, benefiber and a probiotic chewable every day now. And about once a week or so, I have to take a dose of miralax to keep things moving along. Just experiment a bit and see what works for you.....it took some trial and error on my part to find that worked to solve the problem for me. 

I'd ask your doctor about the leg cramps. Have you had blood work done yet? Your results might show a deficiency that would explain the muscle cramps. 

For the first few months after surgery, you won't be able to feel when you are full. I'm nearly six months out, and I still really don't feel hunger, or fullness. I measure my food. Then later on when I finally can feel when I am hungry and when I'm full, I will be used to the correct portion size. :) I also track my food and liquid intake on a tracker sheet I made up for myself. If I don't keep close track, I will forget to eat when I get busy, or fall short on my liquids for the day. The tracking keeps me up on my vitamins, exercise, protein grams and liquids for the day :) Maybe something similar would work for you too?

I know it seems overwhelming sometimes.....just take a deep breath and persevere through it. This is a major surgery that requires instant habit and life changes. It's not easy! Even the vets here had days where they struggled with the same things you are struggling with. The first few months are a big big learning experience, but you will find over time you get used to the changes and the benefits start outweighing the effort involved! I promise! :)


on 5/23/11 1:56 am - Lake, MS
Thank you so much!
HW: 274  PreOp Diet: 271  Surgery: APRIL 25, 2011   
LilySlim - (6Jve)
I love my new life!!!