Time Off after Surgery?

on 5/21/11 11:22 pm - FL

I took two weeks, then went back and worked part-time for the first week back.

The hardest part for me was not the pain, but the feeling of tiredness.  For about six weeks after surgery I simply had no energy. 
on 5/21/11 11:29 pm - MN
I work part-time, 3 days a weeks, 6 hours each day.  I'm 2 1/2 weeks post-op.  I went back to work after 1 week.  The biggest problem is being so tired, exhausted and weak.  When I have to work, nothing else gets done all day.  I wish I had taken more time off.  I can't imagine being able to go back to a full-time job after even 2 weeks.  Work it out so you can take as much time as possible.  Good Luck!
on 5/21/11 11:56 pm
Ihad open RNY and could have gone back after the first week. I took two but went in during the second week. The energy comes back so fast you'll feel fantastic after the first initial days home and get the anesthesia out of your system. If you have drains or stitches you'll maybe need that first week at home with no thought of going back to work. I didn't have either - and no external stitches so I didn't have to worry about those going back to work. My doc uses tagaderm tape and that came off after a week when I was healing up. check with your doc as to the procedure and what you'll go home with. Drains, stitches, lifting restrictions, etc. You'll get a better idea of how much time you'll need - and take what you need! This time is for you to get healthy - not rush back to work. All of my doc's patients take two weeks, and are open procedure RNY patients. They all returned to work during or after the 2nd week, but had a lifting restriction for a few more.
Jen 9 yrs post op
on 5/22/11 12:19 am
I am going back on Monday, I took 4 weeks.  I just didn't feel good.  The first two weeks you are just trying to feel "human" again.  Everything is sooo different.  You could probably eat fairly normally after gallbladder surgery.  With RNY you will only be on liquids (depending on your Doc) for those first few weeks.  That in itself is energy draining.

Good luck with your decision!!!
(deactivated member)
on 5/22/11 12:28 am - TX
I am also a branch manager for a construction office and I thought it would be easy peasy to come back after a week off. Had my surgery on a Tuesday and came back the next Monday - I was miserable. Went home early that day, and had my husband take me up there the next day and brought all my work home that I could and ended up staying home most of that week except for some two hour intervals. I couldn't move very fast, it was hard to get to the bathroom and get up and down the first two weeks, and not to mention you are so weak.

Take at least two weeks - seriously. I could not get comfortable at my desk and I couldn't think straight. At home, when I was in the recliner, I could use my laptop and call into conference calls comfortably (in my baggy nightgown) and rest accordingly. Going back the third week was even hard and I came home at three everyday.

Not trying to scare you, just being realistic. If I could do it all over again I would take two weeks off and do half days the third week. And i am someone who brought all three babies to work with me at three and four days old to finish up paperwork and payroll with no problem.
on 5/22/11 12:53 am
RNY on 02/28/11 with
My dr insisted on me takin 6 weeks off work, but i work in a role that requires me to frequently be able to life up to 50 lbs, had my work allowed me to return on light duty the dr would have released me at 3 weeks. My company sucks big time though and wouldnt let me come back on anything but regular duty.
on 5/22/11 1:27 am - Austin, TX
guess i'm in the minority. i took off one week, and was fine going back.  i only work about 5 hours a day, and i'm sitting for that time, so it wasn't bad at all.  i was definitely tired the first day back, but since then i've been doing great, no issues!
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