Gastric Bypass and Thyroid Cancer

on 5/4/11 9:35 pm - IN
  It's been two years since my gastric bypass surgery and I was recently diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer. Because my cancer was removed via the whole thyroid being removed my calcium levels dropped drastically. This is due to the parathyroid glands being in shock after the surgery and not working properly. I was in ICU for several days while they pumped me full of calcium, magnesium, and potassium via IV. Now I am out (yesterday) They have me taking ALLOT of calcium carbonate. I was always told that gastric bypass patients cannot absorb calcium carbonate so am I basically wasting my time here? After my surgery I also developed hypoglycemia (extremely low blood sugar). Some people were telling me my cancer was a result of my bypass but I don't believe that is true. I just wanted to see if anyone else was going through similar situations or had some great advice to give.
Thanks so much,
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 5/4/11 10:33 pm - OH
Wow... sorry to hear about the thyroid cancer.  I have never heard of any links between gastric bypass and any cancer.  You are correct that you will absorb very little of calcium carbonate via your intestinal system, but I honestly don;t know anything about taking calcium via IV. I would, though, be a bit concerned about the high doses of calcium carbonate causing kidney stones.  If there is no way to give you high doses of calcium citrate, though, it sounds like a risk you might need to take to protect your overall health.

Take care of yourself.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

Lady Lithia
on 5/4/11 11:22 pm
I think there are societal risks we do not understand about thyroid cancer. People do get cancer all the time (sadly) but it seems to me that thyroid cancer is BECOMING more prevalent. I've personally known three people in the last ten years who have had thyroid cancer, and I do not have a large circle of people I've known personally. Two of them work at my school, one was my next-door-neighbor. I've probably known an equal number of people who have developed other types of cancer, but to have 50% of  all people I know who got cancer get thyroid? I did not think it was that common, yet it NOW seems to be. There's something up with that. I'm guessing the link is dietary.

Did you have a frank discussion with your team about the inability to USE calcium carbonate? I would call them, I think it's that important. You maybe should be maxing out on Calcium Citrate, unless carbonate is the specific thing your body needs, then I would ask how you could use it with an achlorhydric (no acid) stomach

Good luck.... except the next door neighbor (we moved, I lost track of her) the others with the thyroid cancer are leading utterly normal lives..... one of them having it 8 years ago.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 5/4/11 11:37 pm - MD
My mom was also diagnosed with thyroid cancer after her RNY but from what I understand there is NO relation between the two. I am so sorry that you are going through this and I hope you recover quickly.

And no, you will not  properly absorb the calcium carbonate. We do better with calcium citrate.
on 5/5/11 2:57 am - Lebanon, OH
I got it right b4 my rny. I have been through 2 surgeries for it and may have a 3rd coming up. I told my Dr about the rny and needing to take a citrate and they were fine with that. They really don't understand the difference as they told me in the beginning chew tums for my calcium. Just remember you can't take synthroid with your calcium, they need to be a few hours apart.
    No longer about weight , it's all about living.            
on 5/5/11 3:59 am - IN
 I take my synthroid in the morning before I do anything else. Later I start my vitamin intake including the calcium. I did talk to the endocrinologist today about making the switch from carbonate to citrate and he was fine with that. I may have to go off the synthroid soon to start the radiation but won't know for sure until the 12th. Thanks for the info. This is all so new to me.

on 5/5/11 5:47 am - Lebanon, OH
I went off synthroid yesterday in prep for my 3rd round of radioactive iodine. I will be glad to answer anymore questions you have. I have been dealing with this for over 2 years. I hope your in the majority of people who have 1 surgery and 1 RAI treatment and are done.
Best wishes and send me a PM with any questions you have.
    No longer about weight , it's all about living.            
on 5/5/11 6:25 am - IN
 I don't have any thyroid left at all, they took it out completely. So I am hoping one RAI and I'm done. As far as RNY I would do it again gladly.

on 12/29/11 9:42 am, edited 12/29/11 9:42 am - WV
I recently developed a .8 TSH with my dose being lowered. My antibodies were within normal range. I suspect I may need to see a endocrinologist, instead of FP dr. I am 4 years post RNY. started being hyper unable to sleep, neck feels like it flutters, and tsh went down. I do well on tsh 2 to 3.

on 5/5/11 6:00 am - TX
Sorry to hear about all of your troubles. All of you. I'm scheduled for RNY Monday. I'm terrified of course. so the question I as you is, Do you regret the RNY??

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