I have to get a reversal......

on 4/30/11 4:29 am - Natick, MA
I'm so sorry you've had such a tough time! Is there any chance of getting revised to DS or Sleeve instead of just a reversal?

Highest weight = 272, surgery weight = 240, goal weight = 135   

on 4/30/11 5:26 am
I am sorry you are having so many troubles, but I would think reversal would be high risk  and not a guaranteed return to "normal" from what I have read.  As others have said, please get a 2nd opinion and consider giving RNY a little more time. 
on 4/30/11 5:30 am
I'm sorry you have had so many problems.  I'll pray that you find your way through this and that your surgeon can figure out what is best for you.

  WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!  LET'S GET HEALTHY!     STARTING WEIGHT 211.8, SURGERY 23 MAR 11; ONEDERLAND 30 MAR 11 199.2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

on 4/30/11 5:40 am - FL
i suggest you try and get some stuff called "****ulus indicus"..i got this from my local health food store, but not all carry it so you may have to get it online...but i swear by it for any kind of motion sickness...i get it VERY bad, and i mean VERY BAD...if you are rocking in a rocking chair, i can not look at you with out feeling quesy, i have to look away or turn away...forget carnival rides..cant even watch my grandkids on them...i know thats bad..anyhow i was an activites director and had planned a scenic boat tour....i was trying to get of my actually getting on the boat..but did not work.. i went to the health food store and got some ginger, was pushing that for awhile before the boat tour, but she also gave me this tiny bottle of stuff...and boy howdy did it work....they are about the side of a head of apin, and you only have to take like 3 -4 of them...just crunch them up...i totally enjoyed the boat tour, even got up and walked around the boat..and only had to take this stuff like twice while on boat...when i came home from surgery..i had a bout of quesy really bad when i stood up, i was only like a couple of days home....something was coming up...i was looking for the best place for it to come up in... i was in the middle of my dining room....i saw my bottle of stuff...took just 4 of them..and instantly it went away....my daugher came over feeling very sick to her stomach..i gave her 4 of them, she went to the bathroom, came out and asked what did i give her as she was not sick anymore....i swear by these....they are about $7 for the bottle, i now have 3 of them placed around the house, and one in my purse so i have easy access to them....not that i have had to use them much..but they do work..i am almost 1 month post op...try some it may help with your queasniess..
have a great day, remember god is in control, he will guide your path..i hope things get better for you
on 4/30/11 6:19 am - CA
RNY on 12/17/10 with
Honestly, I don't think the OP has been negative in her posts at all. She has been fairly active in the forum and has posted what seems like good and honest questions and updates.

ktharp90, it seems like you have had two issues that have been causing the nausea. First, you admitted that you were having a problem trying to eat slowly. Second, you've had several strictures. You have to do what you think is right for you. But if it were me, I would give it a little more time. Most of your posts seem pretty positive and you have had some good days. Don't discount those good days. I'm not going to pretend to know what's right for you because I have been very fortunate and have had no complications. (Although I did feel like crap for the first several weeks). I can only imagine how it would feel to be sick so frequently. There is another girl on here *****cently went in to have a reversal very early out. But her complications seemed to be extremely severe. If you can keep food and water down at all or if there are any other options, I would try that first. That's just me. In any case, best of luck to you whatever you decide.
Lady Lithia
on 4/30/11 6:31 am
First you deserve a big huge HUG

You really do, as you HAVE been through the ringer

Now for the tough love.... and I'm going to be critical in this post, and I rarely am, buit I really think it is an important thing I have to say

Ana Mendez was recently on here and stated that she was getting a reversal, she included the word regret as part of her reasoning. While I couldn't possibly truly understand her situation, and I cannot possibly (even if I wanted to) JUDGE what went on in her case, I just truly feel that her being here, and getting a reversal, partly because of regret, has done a HUGE disservice to ANY new-op who is on here and reading her story. Again, I'm not critical OF her, I'm critical of the use of the words "regret" and "reversal" used together.

The odds of complication are MUCH higher. Reversal should truly not be considered unless your life is in danger. MANY people have strictures...and dilations.... twice, three times, five times. It's a TOUGH decision to have this surgery,a nd it's TOUGHER when it isn't smooth sailing.

Having SEEN someone else who got a reversal, partly due to regret, it is SO MUCH harder to stick it out. It's easier to think that it will all be better. But it would seem that the likelihood of you feeling BETTER WITH the surgery in....say three months.... is truly close to the likelihood of your feeling BETTER with a reversal. So you should really ask yourself what it is that motivates you. Is your life in danger? Sure, nausea is one of the vilest things to deal with, especially day after day.... when you know you might have an out, you're likely to try less hard, give up too soon (this is the generic "you" here, not you specifically)

I really think that you should consider a reversal only if your life is in danger with keeping this surgery intact.

ONLY YOU know the reality, of course. myself, and all the others, we're only strangers on the Internet..... but I do say what I am saying out of concern that your choice is influenced by Ana (who I truly wish well), and by the thought that there IS a way out. There really isn't. You will NEVER have the same digestive system you had pre-op, but the ultimate result of this is that you might have NO weight loss component left, but continue to experience complications.

Please know that I care.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 4/30/11 9:27 am - CA
RNY on 12/17/10 with
Lady Lithia, I wish I had the eloquence to write like you do.  You said so many things I was thinking but didn't know how to write.  You are always wise and caring with your posts...even if it means a little tough love sometimes. 
on 4/30/11 6:50 am - OH
Can you revise to a different surgery, like VSG or DS?

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 4/30/11 7:09 am
I'm sorry you are having problems. 

The reserval concerns me.  It appears so many surgeons are quick to want to do a reversal lately.  IMO I think a second opinion is in your best interest.  I'm not trying to be blunt, I do sympathize with you and hope you feel better soon.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



on 4/30/11 7:17 am - Germantown, MD
My heart breaks for you - I know you've had such a rough road. Know that I'm here for you if you ever need to talk. PM me for my # if you want.
Have you considered talking to Dr. Greene at Shady Grove? I've heard good things about him and he's local. I know you went to a really good surgeon too, but I agree that maybe 2nd opinions or other options should be exausted before having to go the reveral route. 
You are such a trooper! I pray for the best for you....
- Nicole

First ultra: Stone Mill 50 miler 11/15/14 13:44:38, First Full Marathon: Marine Corps 10/27/13 4:57:11Half Marathon PR 2:04:43 at Shamrock VA Beach Half-Marathon, 12/2/12 First Half-Marathon 2:32:47, 5K PR  Run Under the Lights 5K 27:23 on 11/23/13, 10K PR 52:53 Pike's Peek 10K 4/21/13(1st timed run) Accumen 8K 51:09 10/14/12.

