
on 4/27/11 6:58 am - Austin, TX

I have suffered from migraines for years, and have finally been getting a little relief from acupuncture and taking Chinese herbs.  I have been trying to get off as many medications as possible before surgery. My revision from lap-band to bypass is a week from tomorrow - yikes!

well, last night i had an absolutely killer migraine, and i started thinking about what will happen after surgery.  One of my triggers is not eating enough during the day, and I'm so worried that with the few amount of calories I'll be taking in, my migraines will come back with a vengeance. I'm planning on staying away from my Chinese herbs for awhile, because they are in pill form, so I'm just really nervous about this.

Anyone else have experience with migraines before or after surgery? Any tips or advice?

Can't believe I am a week away - and as scared as I am, I can't wait to get this stupid lapband out of me! 

on 4/27/11 11:04 am - TX
Hi , I have suffered from migraines since I was 13. Two of the drs that I went to gave my Topamax ut this only made me have a daily headache. I now take Tylenol ES every other day with nausea meds. This has helped keep the attacks down. I stay away from seafood and salty foods. But when an attack comes I will eat a piece of toast take an Imitrex wth milk and lie down. This has helped alot. I still have those that just wont go but they are few. I hope your migraines get better after surgery I know I am hoping mine does.