Urgent suggestions please - med change after surgery!!!
My surgeon tells you to speak with your PC doctor regarding your present prescriptions.
I did, but he is puzzled on what to do with some of my pills. I take Celebrex for bad arthritis which is mostly effective. Without it I'm in terrible joint pain. Celebrex is out after surgery so what do other people take? Don't think liquid Tylenol will cut it.
I take Zoloft/sertraline for depression now and he does not want me to stop it. What do other people do directly after surgery? Doesn't seem to be a liquid version like with some of my other meds. Zoloft isn't something you go off cold turkey.
Any valid proven suggestions would be much appreciated QUICKLY as time is of the essence.

Many people continue taking the Zoloft pills after surgery. They are quite small enough for you to swallow with no problem. NO, you CANNOT discontinue the Zoloft cold turkey (and with teh numebr of people who experience post-op depression, you would not want to discontinue it at all).
I, too, took Celebrex before surgery. Unfortunately, almost vevery anti=inflammatory out there is a no-no after NRY. SO now I just take Tarmadol (and VIcodin when teh Ramadol is not enough) fro the knee pain. Yuo MIGHT be one of the ones whose arthritis is much better after losing the weight (and therefore might find that you don;t need anything for it other than Tylenol). Also, you do NTO have to take all liquids. Many people swallow small pills from day one after surgery with NO problems at all (or at least by a month or so out when the swelling from surgery has subsided).
14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.