Cannabis + WLS = Trimming Buds

on 4/11/11 1:57 pm - Canada
Thanks for comparing me to an abortion clinic bomber. I don't even know how to respond to that...

The only thing I'm going to respond to is my "need to say that I have such a professional and educational background."

That wasn't meant to make you feel inferior, it was meant to explain why I'm qualified to answer any and all questions relating to cannabis, so you know I'm not just talking out of my ass. It's like saying that a doctor who comes on here to explain something is making people feel inferior by saying she's a doctor and therefore, has some specific professional and educational experience to answer your questions.

It's what I do for a living. I've written books on the subject. I've been invited to speak at international conferences about it. I'm actually considered a fairly well-known "expert" on all things cannabis and not just because I've seen both the Harold & Kumar movies.

I'm telling you this so you know that I'm not just some pothead looking for people to toke up with. I have that, thanks. I'm telling you this, because elsewhere on this site, people have made statements about cannabis that are unfounded and they have no real knowledge to base their opinion upon and then they go and give people bad info.

Yes, I'm inviting people into this forum to ask any and all questions or to share their experiences and there are no such thing as stupid questions or invalid experiences. I started no war.

Good luck to you, as well.

Paul C.
on 4/11/11 11:21 pm - Cumming, GA
Ok now support your claims to the superiority of hemp based protein.

Please show studies were Hemp is compared with Whey and Soy based proteins.  If these studies are from a reputable group that would greatly enhance your position. 

Make a claim you better be able to support it.
Paul C.
First 5K 9/27/20 46:32 - 11 weeks post op  (PR 28:55 8/15/11)
First 10K 7/04/2011 1:03      
      First 15K 9/18/2011 1:37
First Half Marathon 10/02/2011 2:27:44 (
PR 2:24:35)   
First Half Ironman 9/30/12 7:32:04
on 4/11/11 11:48 am - Fresno, CA
 I guess you can't really not expect opposition on this one, but I support it. Do what you gotta do! I had a lot of anxiety, pain, and nausea after surgery and had to get my pain and nausea meds refilled because I ran out. If this is the best way for you to deal with it and you have legal means to do so, I say go for it. And there's nothing wrong with letting others know about it either, many doctors consider it a very legitimate practice.
on 4/11/11 12:03 pm - Canada
 Thanks, floatinghearts1! 

I was pretty sure I'm not the only pukey person on these forums. lol
Linda W.
on 4/11/11 1:38 pm - Clearlake, CA
Everyone has their own methods of coping.  I am a firm believer in not pushing my beliefs on others, so if this helps you, that's awesome.  It's the end results that matter, and the end results, hopefully for all of us, will be better health and lower weight!  Good luck!
on 4/11/11 2:55 pm, edited 4/11/11 11:49 pm - Canada
Pot has helped pre and post-op. I do not consider it substance abuse, it is a medicine. I have used pot with my doctor knowing for a few medical issues including my chronic pain. To me it is a pain reliever with a muscle relaxer. Like Robaxisal but from a natural source. I figure it will just be another medication that I won't need after WLS. Just like my diabetes meds - I don't need them now since I've had WLS. I don't care if people use or not. I don't judge. Life is too short.
on 4/11/11 3:13 pm - Fresno, CA
 I totally agree with the use of it. Vicodine and other narcotics cause me to have nausea and having a little smoke makes me feel better. As far as munchies go....I don't have the urge to eat. In fact I am able to have my liquids easier. I wonder if it's because I am so relaxed? 
on 4/11/11 3:52 pm - Canada
 It might be that you have a bit of dry-mouth, too. lol

Hey! Whatever it takes to remind us to keep hydrated. Cannabis is also an anti-spasmodic, so if your guts get a little crampy (mine do), it might help that, too.

I find I don't get as much dry mouth when I use a vaporizer, than when I smoke, but I still get dry mouth no matter my method of ingestion.
(deactivated member)
on 4/11/11 11:11 pm
Actually, I think it's a wonderful idea. Too bad I live in a state where medicinal marijuana isn't tolerated yet. I'm not a "pot head" or "stoner" (nor am I saying that you are Mamakind!) , in fact, I don't even use the substance. However, during my surgery experience, I was in the hospital for almost a week, and in severe pain for several weeks afterwards. I'm one of the very lucky few where typical painkillers don't work on me. I had pain management experts come and figure out what would work, with minimal success. I felt like a lab rat. I was constantly nauseous from the surgery and painkiller side effects, and horribly dehydrated. I say, use what mother nature gives us!
Just Ducky - The
Meditative Hag

on 12/29/18 6:24 pm - Belleville, IL

CBD Oil is LEGAL in all fifty states as is Hemp as long as there is NO THC in it. I am an epileptic and CBD oil is one of the ONLY things that helped get my seizures under control. All of us have a Cannabidiol system within our brain.

Personally I am not a fan of getting "high" even though IL is a Medical Marijuana state. People who use CBD oil (Sublingual) and Medical Marijuana state that for pain and anxiety CBD works just as well if not better.

I am ALL for natural curatives as long as you and your doctor or whomever make informed decisions.

The truth is sadly due to big pharma and hysteria over responsible use of opiods we the people are left with little options. CBD oil can be Vaped/Smoked (Smoking, bad though. Lungs aren't meant to inhale foreign substance) Eaten or cooked with. Using Sublingual (Under the tongue CBD oil) or cooking with hemp oil (No THC) achieves the same goals. It has LITERALLY been a lifesaver for me, and I am grateful that CBD Oil Edibles and Sublingual oils are now legal in all 50 states. Mankind has been using natures bounties and plants since we existed (Ginger/Turmeric and the list goes on) the important thing is to know what you wish to achieve (Anxiety control/pain reduction/ Seizure control/ insomnia control etc) and talk to someone KNOWLEDGEABLE.

I wish you GOOD health and the best of luck.



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