Cannabis + WLS = Trimming Buds

on 4/11/11 9:16 am - Canada
 Hi everyone,

I thought this would be a good place to interject that I've started a group called Trimming Buds for people who use cannabis--both hemp and marijuana--as part of their healing process and regular health maintenance after WLS.

Hemp is, bar none, the best protein you can possibly put in your body and there is no better, non-toxic way to help with the pain, nausea, depression, anxiety and appetite over-suppression that comes along with WLS.

C'mon by and ask and discuss anything, without judgement. There are no stupid questions!

My RNY is scheduled for April 27 in Medicine Hat and because I have a federal license, the hospital is okaying me using my vaporizer with medical marijuana in my room after surgery. YAY! I get very worried about throwing up, as it's a regular issue for me pre-surgery, too.

Now carry on.... LOL


Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 4/11/11 9:53 am - OH
I'm a little confused... well, more than a luttle confused.

The pain after lap surgery is minimal and easily controlled... and I'm not sure why you EXPECT that there will be nausea and anxiety after WLS.  Most people have neither.  Additionally, appetite supression is one of the BENEFITS of WLS, and one of the challenges of WLS is to learn to deal with "head hunger", cravings, and snacking, so why would you want to eliminate the appetite supression and take something that is notorious for ENCOURAGING snacking?!?


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

psx chelly
on 4/11/11 10:16 am
Not to brag, but I had absolutly *zero* pain from the minute I woke up after the procedure.  If I had not been in the hospital for 4 days drinking only chicken broth, I would have taken bets that I never had the surgery.  I am not claiming to be superwoman or anything, but all my Dr. did was perform a procedure (the name escapes me this moment) right after the RNY while I was under.  He even told me he was going to do it on the way to the operating room, and I was like sure!

So, I guess my point is similar to the poster above me.  Why in the world would you want to introduce something that could upset the apple cart so to say?

on 4/11/11 10:35 am - Canada
 Because I know from past experience that I react very badly to both anesthetic and especially the opiates that I'll be loaded up on afterward.

And my pre-op classes suggested and from other postings I've read, many people complain of NO appetite after the surgery and therefore have issues taking their vitamins and keeping up with their protein intake.

That's absolutely awesome that you guys had no pain! I hope I'm as lucky, but either way, the anesthetic alone with make me yak. I had to do my hysterectomy totally awake with just a spinal block and then, it was the morphine drip that just about killed me afterwards.

Also, I'm going to take a wild guess and say that neither of you had an open surgery (mine will be open), because I don't know of many people who could wake up with a 10-12" incision in the middle of their torso and NOT be in pain. Maybe I'm a wuss... LOL

So what would be upsetting the apple cart?

I won't be introducing it, either, because it's a medication I already take and I have no viable alternative to it.

If you didn't have any anxiety related to your operation and recovery AT ALL, you two are far cooler cucumbers than I! I was also told by the nutritionist, surgeon and it's on several sites to expect a bit of depression. This is partly chemical in nature, because of the rapid weight loss, but also the drastic change in lifestyle.

After my hysterectomy (a much more straight-forward operation), I also felt super-drained for a good 6 weeks afterward and sativas really helped me get out of bed and get motivated. I expect something similar to happen this time.

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 4/11/11 11:49 am - OH
Actually, I did have an open RNY... a pic of my 8-in*****ision is on my profile.., and I had PLENTY of pain... butI have had a number of lap surgeries which caused very minimal pain.

Also, no one said anything about having NO anxiety, but not every little bit of anxiety requires chemical treatment.  From a mental health standpoint, people are better off learning ways to deal with anxiety than to medicate it and avoid it.  Same thing applies to depression.  Yes, some people need cheminal intervention for depression that does not subside (I was one... but I had struggled with PTSD and depression for a number of years pre-op and should ahve known that the physical and psychological stresses of surgery would kick iy up a level), but most people have only mild, transient depression.

The temporary lack of appetite is one of the KEYS to this surgery!  It gives people the opportunity to get their eating under control, detox from the sugar, fat, and carbs, recognize the difference between true physical hunger and "head hunger", etc.  Taking vitamins and getting protein in early out is NOT dependent on feeling hungry... as people who get their hunger back more quickly than most can attest.  It is more a matter of doing what you need to do to take care of yourself.... much as if you are taking medication for an medical condition.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 4/11/11 10:45 am
When I was in my early twenties, I could smoke the chimney off a roof, but I grew up. I dont have any disrespect for anybody who smokes pot, it your choice and I politically support it. But, big BUT. I was never even a little queasy after my surgery and never even filled the script for nausea meds. The pain meds that they gave me didnt work because of a  certain other med I'm on that blocks all other opiates to be able to enter that receptor in my brain. I lived. The fist night was unpleasant, but I made it. Sometimes, it seems to me when ANYONE has a cause that they wholeheartedly support, like marijuana use, that is considered taboo by some parts of society,they push the issue just to see if they can do it in places that are normally off limits, to prove a point. I totally understand trying to break through the molds of society, but really? Your gonna use your WLS to do that? I was just so thankful to get WLS, I didnt care what I had to do. But anyway, I guess there's always gotta be one, huh?
I only strive to be, the kind of person my dogs think I am!                               

Of the choices we are given, it's no choice at all....
                                             -Patty Griffin
on 4/11/11 11:57 am - Canada
 I'm not pushing the issue "just to see if I can do it"--like I have nothing better to do!

I didn't pu**** at all, I just asked and they said yes. No pushing necessary. And it's not to prove a point! It's because I get extremely nauseated with anesthetic and opiates and very few anti-nauseants work with me (I've been prescribed every sort on the market, usually used for chemotherapy. Ever heard of thalidomide? I'd rather go natural, thanks.

I'm not using my WLS to prove a point, I'm using cannabis to get through my WLS, as an alternative to what's normally offered, as I already know those options don't work for me (or others), nor are they the healthiest of alternatives.

And I KNOW I'm not the only one to use either forms of cannabis for WLS. However, if you come in here and make people feel uncomfortable and discourage them about their healthcare choices for no reason other than ignorance and the fact that they aren't the choices you had to or would make, they'll continue to make poor choices and feel unsupported and alone.

Also, you're all focussing on the marijuana and forgetting the hemp. The hemp is the most important part of all this--it is proven to be a much better protein than ANYTHING else. There is not a single protein source that's better or better for you.

But if people would rather use a half-ass protein nature meant for baby cows or something like soy, that shrinks your brain over time, go right ahead.

Most importantly, I've touted this group as being a non-judgemental support group, so if you're opposed to cannabis use, please don't throw shade! I want everyone to feel comfortable sharing and asking questions. Thanks!

PS - as a lifelong activist, I always expect opposition. But my opposition better know their stuff, or expect to be schooled.

on 4/11/11 12:33 pm
No need to get snotty. I just stated my opinion and if it was wrong, you could have just explained further your point. No need to start spouting out holier than though, I know so much more than you. Because I'm sure you do know alot about marijuana and such. I don't because I never tried to get others to allow me to do it anywhere other than my home or friends home. I didnt need to know alot, except how to smoke the hell out of it! I think you took my post way to sensitively, and I wasn't being judgemental at all. What I stated was just the vibe I got from your original post. If you read my post thouroughly, you would have also read the parts where I said that I support you politically. Which means that I support the legalization of marijuana in all its forms. It is a far safer drug than alcohol. I know, because I have been a heavy user of both in the past, and have chosen a different path for myself after years of contimplation. I have never known anyone to get in a fight after "using too much" like with alcohol, or shoot, or rape, or rob, get my point, as with alcohol. So I fully support your cause, your initial post just seemed to say," hey all you smokers I got the hospital to let me smoke in my room. How cool is that? Come join my forum". So in closing, I may be ignorrant about cannibus, but that is because I don't study it. I find I have other things of much more importance. This seems to be what is most important to you. But as far as opposition, you have the wrong person. So since your new here and haven't even had surgery yet... How 'bout not start screaming your posts at people and calling them names. It probably won't get you very far.
I only strive to be, the kind of person my dogs think I am!                               

Of the choices we are given, it's no choice at all....
                                             -Patty Griffin
on 4/11/11 12:58 pm - Canada
 WOAH! Where did you get me being "snotty"? And I wasn't attacking you, but rather, feeling a little attacked by the suggestion that I'm "using my WLS" to make a point. It came off as a bit judgemental.

"Sometimes, it seems to me when ANYONE has a cause that they wholeheartedly support, like marijuana use, that is considered taboo by some parts of society,they push the issue just to see if they can do it in places that are normally off limits, to prove a point. I totally understand trying to break through the molds of society, but really? Your gonna use your WLS to do that? I was just so thankful to get WLS, I didnt care what I had to do. But anyway, I guess there's always gotta be one, huh?"

That's not judgemental? "Really?" "I guess there's always gotta be one, huh?" 

I'm sorry, but I'm not sure how to take the above any way but personally, seeing as it was directed at me, personally. One what? 

And where did I scream or call anyone a name? I just said I didn't want any shade thrown and I said thank you. The word "ignorant" isn't always negative--I'm ignorant of the russian language, but that's not a bad thing. I wouldn't expect most people to have the professional and educational background I have--that's why I started this group. To help people lose their ignorance and make educated choices about their health.

I even used a cute emoticon! 

Also, nowhere in my post did I say I would be smoking or suggest that anyone smoke. I said I was using a vaporizer and my suggestion was that INSTEAD of smoking, tobacco users could do the same, instead of relying on patches and gums and smoking cessation drugs. Vaporization does not produce smoke--that's the point.

on 4/11/11 1:41 pm, edited 4/11/11 1:41 pm
Oh good God, I don't care enough about your new forum to waste my time having a back-and-forth with you. I'm glad for you that you are having WLS, as I am for any one who needs it for any reason whether it be physical or emotional. You obviously didn't litteraly scream. It was the tone of the post that you responded with. And in your post, ignorant, was certainly used in a derogatory nature as well as your need to say that you have such a professional and educational background. Was that not a statement to try to make me feel inferior? I think that it was. And yeah, there always does have to be one. The one who chains themself to a tree, the one who blows up an abortion clinic, the one who throws blood on someone for having leather shoes, etc. They are all wonderful causes for people, and everyone has a right to make a point, but why didn't you just post your invite and go wait at your forum for people to flock to it, instead of getting into a "war" as we call them here? As I stated in my previous post, I responded the way I did because of the impression you gave off,in your original post, to invite other fans of cannibus to your forum. Anyway, there is no need to respond to this post, as I will not respond to yours, UNLESS, you have a legitamate question, comment, or anything that has to do with RNY surgery, and I hope that you will do the same. We ARE here to support each other through our trips through RNY. All the best to you and wishing your new forum the best.
I only strive to be, the kind of person my dogs think I am!                               

Of the choices we are given, it's no choice at all....
                                             -Patty Griffin
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