Feeling just completely hopeless today
Today I have just been feeling like I am missing out. I am mourning the loss of the joy that I felt when it came to food. Picking restaurants was such a fun event. Cooking elaborate meals, picking out desserts at the supermarket, trying anything and everything. I miss it. I miss Chickfila. I miss pizza. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much. I know in the back of my head that I made the right decision but I'm so scared I will never get used to it. Will it even be worth it? Will I be able to find joy in my life besides food. I never realized how much food controlled my life before the surgery and today I am just having such a bad "what the heck have i done to my body" kinda day. So many tears and whining. I just need some encouragement. Please tell me it does get better. Tell me I will be able to eventually eat foods I like (homemade pizza). Tell me I won't regret it. Tell me anything. I am having just such a bad night. And I know I'm repeating myself. And I'm also at a stall for the last week and that is not helping my mood.
You are very beautiful as it is, I think you will be even more beautiful when you have lost quite a lot more weight, and you will lose it.
The thing is, you sound like a foodie, and I've known quite a few foodies here who are very good at planning elaborate and yet WLS friendly menus.....they get real joy out of their planning and preparations..... our limits are just that.... limitations, but that provides a challange to those who want to enjoy scrumptuous food within those limits.
Myself, unless I convinced one of those foodies to move in and make me food every day, am satisfied with very mundane foods, but that's just me.... there is HUGE hope out there for you.... I'm betting that once you get a bit further on, you'll be eating up (pun intended) the foodie websites. ... eggface's blog, Nik's blog.... lots of awesome food sites out there.
Again I'm no foodie, so I can't quite relate, I'm way too lazy to be one, but I think you'll be quite successful!
Know that you have support here!
The thing is, you sound like a foodie, and I've known quite a few foodies here who are very good at planning elaborate and yet WLS friendly menus.....they get real joy out of their planning and preparations..... our limits are just that.... limitations, but that provides a challange to those who want to enjoy scrumptuous food within those limits.
Myself, unless I convinced one of those foodies to move in and make me food every day, am satisfied with very mundane foods, but that's just me.... there is HUGE hope out there for you.... I'm betting that once you get a bit further on, you'll be eating up (pun intended) the foodie websites. ... eggface's blog, Nik's blog.... lots of awesome food sites out there.
Again I'm no foodie, so I can't quite relate, I'm way too lazy to be one, but I think you'll be quite successful!
Know that you have support here!
~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost!
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
I went through this same mourning. I cried because I felt I had lost my best friend. The thing that made me happy, filled me up and gave me something to look forward to. Plus everything made me sick. There is hope. Your pouch will soften up, you will tolerate more foods. You will find creative ways to get the nutrients you need. I found peace at whole foods, LOL. I eat there now instead of McDonalds..There are lots of delicious things to be had. You were eating garbage, and thought it tasted great. But you are onto bigger and better things. You should watch "food matters" a documentary about health food. You should empower yourself with knowledge and start collecting recipes and trying things out. You will see it gets better and your body will shrink, it's win-win honey!
I also agree with the above posts. I love to cook now. The trouble is I live alone and I find it hard to make only one or two servings. BUT I cook all of the time and have tried soooo many new recipes. I suggest that you go to theworldaccordingtoeggface.com or/and baritricfoodie.com. Both have taken the typical good foods and made them pouch friendly. I also take any recipe and tweak it to make it appropriate for me. Since I don't really have a distinguishable taste, I have trouble feeding my skinny friends sugar free treats. I work with a dessert baker and she won't touch anything sugar free or fat free (maybe that is why her lap band didn't work for her).
I suggest that you continue to plan,eat out, and pick tasty desserts. Just have fun with your food.
I suggest that you continue to plan,eat out, and pick tasty desserts. Just have fun with your food.
You won't regret it...and if we're being honest, someday you'll eat that stuff again. Except you won't like it anymore (or at least not quite as much as you remembered liking it) and that might **** you off even more.
Food mourning sucks. It really does. Especially in this stage where you can't do the whole "think of what you CAN have instead of what you can't..." thing. Because if you're anything like me, what you can have is about seven things. Boo!
Hang in there. This isn't comforting in the least but what you're going through is a very necessary part of your transformation. Doesn't make it suck any less, but know that you are going through exactly the right feelings and emotions to come out the other side more powerful than you greatest weakness with food.
Food mourning sucks. It really does. Especially in this stage where you can't do the whole "think of what you CAN have instead of what you can't..." thing. Because if you're anything like me, what you can have is about seven things. Boo!
Hang in there. This isn't comforting in the least but what you're going through is a very necessary part of your transformation. Doesn't make it suck any less, but know that you are going through exactly the right feelings and emotions to come out the other side more powerful than you greatest weakness with food.
I love this site! I am a 'foodie' too and I am terrified of the day when the appetite comes back and I start to miss my old 'friends'. Eventually you can have Chick fila again - I know I love me some # 1 combo -for now do the grilled on the wheat bun or no bun. And pizza can be made a thousand ways -use the flat out bread with the sauce and veggies and 2% cheese. Its all about reinventing. About becoming the person on the outside that you are on the inside. I have a friend who is 6 years out and she does not deny herself but she knows her limits and she reigns herself in. I am in awe of her and her size 8 booty. She was just like me -loved food and eating out-and she still does but she is smarter about it now. And you will be too! Its a learning process. Its a one day at a time journey. I think having a pity party is prefectly normal and I am sure I will have many of them ahead of me. Hang in there. You are doing great! No regrets only lost pounds and a healthier life!