Protein Injectons
I am getting maybe 30 grams of protein a day. I have tried everything. Shakes, protein jello, unflavored, ready made shakes (a bout a billion of them). Some days I can choke down a PURE protein shake. I get most of mine from good. I love cheese and beans and cheese! Hopefully after I get to soft and solid foods I won't need any shakes if I try real hard to get it through my food. I want to get ANYWHEY which can be put in food thats cooked.
I am having a really hard time with this as well. I am 6 days out and I got a sample of the syntrax nectar from the hospital in strawberry mousse and it was really good. I ordered me some chocolate truffle and plan to order the strawberry mousse too asap. I think one of them a day will get me on the right trac****il I can have real food and then I will eat nuts and jerky to get my protein.