Confused about Fat and Sugar

on 3/25/11 10:48 am, edited 3/25/11 10:53 am - Gaithersburg, MD
Will I dump if something has too much fat? I know I am looking for low calorie things but there are a few things I found with 15 or so gr fat like White Turkey Chili. The white turkey chili has fat but i'll be eating half a serving so it will really be 7.5 gr fat. I'm confused about fat. My NUT said try to get foods under 7 g fat. Is that true this early on too when I'm not even getting close to enough calories? Will I dump on things that are high in fat?? Or just high in sugar?

I'm also confused about sugar. Should I be looking for just sugar free things? Is a little bit of added sugar okay? I have canned soup that has sugar as an ingredient but it is fat free and so low calorie.

Clear it up for me!

Height - 5'8  - SW - 292/ CW - 177.6 /GW - 150 - BMI - 27.1 - 114.4 lbs lost!
"The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore" Vincent Van Gogh
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on 3/25/11 10:49 am - Gaithersburg, MD
Lady Lithia
on 3/25/11 11:02 am
I would go with what your nut recommends, so if there is more fat in teh turkey chili, have one third of a serving..... it's also hard to avoid sugar in everything, but I try to keep the sugar grams to single digits.

You can dump on fat and/or sugar. I dump worst on a combination of both.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 3/25/11 11:16 am - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
My opinion only:
fat will never make me fat again. Period. Too much will make me feel bad. But I can basically taste "too much" in my mouth, so it's self limiting.

sugar will make me fat again in a heartbeat and it has. My limit is "single digits" per serving. If I MUST have that cookie, it had better have something like 4 cookies = 9g and I will eat 2. BUT, I am taking the chance that even 2 will "light me off" and I will not be able to stop myself. It's not the dumping that discourages me, it is the regain issues that sugar leads to. I know some people use the theory that any denial is bad, so they won't deny themselves anything.

I've had 16 yrs to think about it and while I might think I'm gonna die if I don't taste that XYZ my friend baked, I know that I MIGHT pay a heavier price than feeling bad for 30 minutes. It's the addictive qualities that scare me. I've had 3 regains.
6# at 5 yrs, took it off
8# at 8 yrs, took it off
15# at 11 yrs, but it took TWO years to get it off. It taught me to respect sugar as the enemy anew. And it started with just a "taste" of fudge, which I now refer to as the gateway drug. Not for everyone, but for me? It was deadly. With a week of that first "taste" in a tourist joint, I was eating every thing in sight. Bad, bad and it did NOTHING for my self esteem or anything. So, while others say, why deny yourself? Each to his/her own, but that moment of not denying myself cost me 2 yrs of buying larger clothes, the terror that the 15# was really the 150 I lost, feeling the actual wt on me, having things not zip and all of that. It was one of the nightmares come to life for me.

So, once I got off the sugar again, it was easier to stay off than have to go thru all that again.

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

Lady Lithia
on 3/25/11 11:27 am
I love how we can have different perspectives on some things and the same on others.

Overall, I agree on the fat thing. I haven't EVER limited fats, except of course in the sense that certain high fat fooods make me dump.

I think that it is essential to understand oneself and know if that touch of sugar will set you off or not. For me, giving myself permission turns the coveted item into boring. I have a three pound bag of chocolates I bought four months ago. Have eaten three or four pieces and there it sits, in my sight, BOOORING..... but its there if I have a craving ....and I don't because it's there. But that is me. For some people, a bag of chocolate like that wouldn't last the month (or week, or day, or hour)

I agree though, dumping rarely stops me from doing ANYTHING ..... well AFTER it makes me NOT do it again for a while.

So.... know what works for you and what your song is, and then dance to that tune.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 3/25/11 11:55 am - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
I finally figured out that it's textures that make me lose my mind. A bag of dark Dove singles can last me a year. The 2 pc sugar count is like 4g and melted, they scratch the itch completely. No harm.

But once bite of fudge or butter cream frosting, and I figure I'll get the 15 I need, the 15 I lost and 15 more.

Oddly, I can have a bite of other frostings, even choco and it doesn't send me into a frenzy. In fact, for years, I had my fudge rules. Only one. Only in tourist places. Never bring even one bite home.

In 2005, I bought one small piece and brought it into my RV (slight exception) and, as I said, within a week, I was in Cracker Barrel land and by the time I got back home (where we have none), I had SIX POUNDS of fudge in my tiny RV fridge! And not one pair of shorts fit! That was a 6 wk trip and I didn't mess up til week 2. Yeah. That fast. We went to Orlando that year. I'd never had a Godiva choco, but my friend insisted that one wouldn't hurt. Yeah, well, when stuffed with butter cream frosting.....

By Houston I was able to eat a donut and not feel a thing but my waist band pinching.

So, like you, I can keep something like dark choco around and be very satisfied with a very minimal amt and well within my limit. I find a commercial might send me off.

But when we have bday parties here for staff? They never use real butter cream frosting! The whipped stuff, cream cheese..... all that is safe, as in, I can walk away. Never cared about the cake anyway. LOL

But when I was at the worst, we got Costco cakes for 7 of us. It sat in the fridge for 2 days and after that, the cake sat, but the frosting was gone, off the cake, into a bowl in my fridge.


RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

Lady Lithia
on 3/25/11 12:59 pm
Cake IS the excuse for the existence of frosting you know. Seriously

And alas, I can't do cake. I get one piece a year, and break it into four or five servings, and at the end of that time, I'm good for a year (the last piece is always just an ounce too much and sets me to dumping.... probably me clearing up all the last of the frosting clinging to the sides of the container.

I completely get what you are saying...... knowlege is power, and knowing what you can handle helps.

I've decided that the one thing I cannot handle is immobility. I'm so used to moving my body, I'm up 7 pounds in just 16 days. Doesn't seem to have anything to do with the calories, it's all about moving my body. Nine more days before I return to work.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 3/25/11 2:24 pm - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
who needs cake if you have a spoon?


Hence, why one bit is dangerous for me. I can change from someone who is serious about holding the wt away into the words TRUCK STOP looking DONUT to these eyes.

Shoot, I never ate donuts when I was heavy! The fudge and frosting broke my brain.

Scared to death of them now.

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

on 3/25/11 2:51 pm
OMG!!  I am the exact way!  Frosting is a real nightmare for me.  I love it!  The sugar lept me from losing the weight I could have and the other BAD thing it did......made my diabetes come back!  I thought I was cured because of the surgery.  I had the sleeve and could/can eat any amount of sugar!  Although, I was lucky enough to not gain the weight back, just the diabetes!!  This time I know I can never even start or I will not stop again!!  Your posts have really made me think!  I need to be scared to death of the sugar too!!  Thanks for sharing your fears!
on 3/25/11 3:13 pm - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
Oddly, I COULD (in theory) eat a crispy choco chip cookie and have no trigger. Chewy, not so much. DANGER!

So, after having to take drastic steps to remove my fudge pudge in 2007, even tho I am currently underwt, AND the dread 3 yrs pattern hit me....... I still can't be drawn to it.

Wait. I wrote this awhile back for Grads on yahoo. And for my own self. BRB:

You can't be friends with sugar, doncha know? He is a demanding lover and he wants it all.

You break up with him, swear you'll never see him or be near him again, avert your eyes if you pass in public. And you do well for awhile.

Then he calls and whispers sweet nothings in your ear/tongue. About how nice it would be to crunch/melt/savor the (fill in gateway drug) and only one can't possibly hurt. You hang up, but he calls back and says, yeah, well, maybe not jump RIGHT back into bed together, but how about a casual meeting? In a public place. Nothing can happen: witnesses.

So, you take the cookie at the bank. I mean, they're free and there's coffee and 6 ppl in line and 6 tellers ignoring you, right? You don't even LIKE cookies, especially all dried out ones.

GOTCHA! One little chaste kiss and he's on your speed dial and you are out the door, on the way to the motel to meet him RIGHT NOW, with a quick stop at 7-11 for (fill in gateway drug), so you can enjoy each other the way you used to.

And the guilt begins and heck, since you already committed the unpardonable, why not stop by the grocery and get a bigger bag, right? In for one, in for all?

Now. How do I know how to tell this story?

still trying to be his EX lover

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.
