I burp all the time since surgery, sometimes it can be quite obnoxious. Do you notice you burp more after certain foods? Try a food diary. If it's after your protein shakse, is there milk in them? Maybe you are or are becoming lactose intolerant, it can happen after surgery. Try shakes w/o milk, maybe water or lactaid and see how that goes, if still burping try a different brand. Good luck!
I NEVER burped prior to surgery, now I burp (or make funny noises) all the time. They're little, not those huge frat boy burps, but it's a definite change for me. Most of the people in my support group say they burp now too. Not sure why but you get used to it.
I have never been a burper either, but just had surgery Monday and noticed the change right away! I make funny noises sometimes (like one trying to get out but doesnt?) and burp all the time (usually small and hideable). But it happens all the time no matter what I drink so I am sure it is still probably from the air that was pumped into me from surgery.
A couple hours ago, though I had some Isopure melon flavored and with every sip burped a ton! Then all of a sudden I for violent hiccups and almost threw up what little I had. I take it that I wont be drinking that flavor any more... Jus****ch for changes like that I would say. But otherwise I have heard more than enough that burping is totally normal.
A couple hours ago, though I had some Isopure melon flavored and with every sip burped a ton! Then all of a sudden I for violent hiccups and almost threw up what little I had. I take it that I wont be drinking that flavor any more... Jus****ch for changes like that I would say. But otherwise I have heard more than enough that burping is totally normal.