I only had a little bruise where they put the drain in. My incision sites did not bruise. I did bruise a LOT with my IV's. My arms looked like I had been in a fight and lost.
My stomach was so bruised it took on a blackish tint. I told my husband I thought the skin was dying, but I tend to be a drama queen. When I saw my surgeon post-op he said it was normal and some bruise more than others.
i believe its normal dear i'm 3+ wks out & i still have a little yellow around one of my cuts i know freaky to look at but it gets better we all bruise dif hang n there
I did have some bruising along my incision (ds) right after the surgery, but my arms and legs looked worse. Now, I have bruising along my incision, I am 2 months post surgery and am wondering if I should go to the hospital.