Surgical Marking Pen is not going away! Need Advice!
During my 1 month visit with my surgeon, I showed him my incision marks. I have a total of 6 scares and 3 of them he must of used some sort of marking pen that can still be seen. It's been 6 weeks since my surgery and they have not gone away.
My surgeon said that with some patients, the ink does not fade away and for it to be removed I would have to go to a Tattoo Laser Removal place.
Has this happened to any of you? If so, did you remove it with the tattoo laser removal? If you have not had laser removal, did you marks stay permanently or did they fade after a few months. How was the laser removal? Feeling? Cost?
I'm really worried because they are very noticeable. Please give me some advice.
View Picture of my 3 scares with Pen markings:

My surgeon said that with some patients, the ink does not fade away and for it to be removed I would have to go to a Tattoo Laser Removal place.
Has this happened to any of you? If so, did you remove it with the tattoo laser removal? If you have not had laser removal, did you marks stay permanently or did they fade after a few months. How was the laser removal? Feeling? Cost?
I'm really worried because they are very noticeable. Please give me some advice.
View Picture of my 3 scares with Pen markings:

Check your surgeon's link. There appear to be a number of OH people there. Why not PM a few of those members? I've never hears of surgical pen markings not being removeable. Have you tried to remove it yourself with things like nail polish remover? Or Goof Off or a similar product. Maybe your surgeon was joking with you? At any rate, he should have given you some guidance in removal, besides mentioning laser removal. DAVE
Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
I've never heard of that as well! When I had my knee surgery I had to mark my own leg and the marks I made (Silly me already half-doped on meds made a smiley face) removed instantly with an alcohol prep pad. And I worked in a school too--even sharpie can be removed with alcohol and some elbow grease...