Just had Surgery Done..mixed feelings..please help
Dr. Ferrari is a new DS surgeon so 12 would probably be about right. I'm not sure I'd choose him for the DS if I was going to be having it......yet just due to the number of surgeries he's performed at this point.
I'm confused as to why scar tissue would affect the DS and not the RNY though, I'd definitely be requesting Dr. Ferrari confirm why.
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining
You might want to try chewable vitamins. I didn't care for the taste but they're easier than swallowing sometimes.
I am off all meds, shop in the petite department and have way more energy. I feel at least 20 years younger.
Come here for encouragement.
RNY: July 8, 2008
Dr. John Price
Kansas City, MO
I am only a month out from my RNY and I have lost almost 30 lbs.
My first week out, I had not lost much but I was also still fairly swollen and dealing with a lot of gas. Maybe your are too?
That first week home, it seemed like every other commercial was a food commercial from one of many restaurants that I liked to frequest...and everyone one had a special. But I would just keep watching TV sipping my water. In due time, I may be able to have some of those things again, but right now, Im just focused on healing and getting my protein, vitamins, and fluids in. That's our main job right now.
I promise you, each day gets easier. In stead of focusing on what you are missing, thing about your new future...the things you will get to do that you had not down before, smaller size, being more active....that's what I do.
Take your time and take care of yourself. This is an awesome website and in no way are you alone in your journey.
When people look at me they never would have guessed I had over 100 pounds of excess weight, so now when I tell them I have lost about 1/2 of what I need to they tell me that I don't need to lose another 50 pounds. When i tell them my curent weight they don't believe me. You too will have that same success.
Don't dispare, in a few weeks you can eat out again - you can make proper choices off the menu and still enjoy the experience. Give it time and you will see that it works.
In regards to having the RNY rather than the DS like you were expecting...I wouldn't get so down about that. I talked to my doctor about the two and while he agrees that the DS can be very beneficial for some people, it's not his prefered surgery. He said the malabsorption from the DS worries him quite a bit. My doctor was the 2008 president of the ASBS (American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery), he's considered THE best of THE best and doctors from all over the country come to learn from him. Anyways...he does all of the surgeries (so it's not like he's just trying to sell one to his patients) and he considers the RNY to be the best choice for most patients. You'll get the best results with the least amount of negative impact.
Anyways...I would say, don't be so hard on yourself! Take it day by day and be positive!
Good luck!
I also started out with a goal of losing 120 lbs. With exercise and my RNY, I achieved this goal in 8 months. If you look at it like this way by next summer you will be at your goal. Along the road the first month or two is difficult, but after that it is smooth sailing and you will have that happy RNY face on like the rest of us have. There is nothing better than losing the weight and feeling great. It comes in time, enjoy the ride.