ok to cheat on 2 week liquid diet?

(deactivated member)
on 10/5/09 12:04 am, edited 10/5/09 12:09 am - .., WA
Ok guys, this is killing me. I'm being good but its a b****! So, what makes this so important? Would a cheat meal be detrimental? In what way? ( I am pre-op)

Thanks :)
Kelly S.
on 10/5/09 12:08 am
It is important because it helps to shrink your liver which they have to lift to do your surgery (if lap).  I cheated on my 2 week diet, but only with low fat proteins.  I had haddock a couple of times and some lobster, but without added fats or sauces.  I still ended up losing 20 pounds, but you have to keep your eye on the prize. It is safer for you to stick to the diet.  Good luck, it is a *****!  I hated it too.

20 pounds lost during two week pre-op diet.

PuggyDawn S.
on 10/5/09 12:13 am - San Antonio, TX
I see you went to the trouble of having to appeal your insurances decision to even approve your surgery and you want to sabotage your efforts by cheating on the liquid diet??

Most surgeons put you on a liquid diet in order to shrink your liver so that they can still perform a lap RNY surgery on you and it's also used to see if you can handle being compliant with following directions after surgery.

If you don't shrink your liver, your surgeon will have to perform an open RNY and that means your risks just went higher and a longer recovery time.

If you can't handle the liquid diet before surgery, how are you going to stick to the surgeon's diet after surgery?  You are on liquids for a few weeks for healing reasons (after surgery) and then are moved slowly to pureed foods and then mush/soft foods.

So let's recap...this is detrimental because...

1) shows that you CAN'T follow directions
2) won't shrink your liver if you cheat
3) setting yourself up for an harder/riskier surgery & recovery..

Good luck to ya,

pugbunny2-small.jpg picture by PuggyDawn Happy Easter ~"bawk bawk"
check out my weight loss video

on 10/5/09 12:21 am - Trenton, MO
I agree with Dawn...stick it out! 

I'm 2 weeks post-op today and did the 2 weeks of clear liquids prior to that with NO cheating.  I know that it sucks but it can be done. 

It will prove to yourself that you can stick with it and you will be better off post-op bc you have already been through the food mourning period, already sat through a meal and watched everyone else eat, and fought through your cravings.  Plus, you get a jump start on your weight loss!  The first few days are hard but it does get a lot easier..and you will feel a great sense of accomplishment when you complete it.

January 09 Weight  252
Started 2 week liquid diet at 242.2
Surgery date weight  222.0
Current weight 146.5 (6 months post op)
on 10/5/09 12:39 am - OH
I know a woman who cheated on her two week liquid diet.  Her liver did not shrink.  It cracked in half during her surgery.

on 10/5/09 7:49 am - St. George, UT

UGH!  I've never heard of such a thing!  Did she bleed to death???


Dramatic Death

on 10/5/09 12:50 am - Lake Zurich, IL
Is your liquid diet meal replacement shakes (OptiFast, Slim Fast, something like that)?

If so, change it up by adding the SF syrups that get used in the protein shakes after surgery.  I checked with my doctor's office, and they said I could do what I liked as far as adding to the drinks if I didn't change the calorie count. 

Those syrups really do make a difference - and make it possible to do this.

Missy C.
on 10/5/09 12:58 am - Hendersonville, TN
 my doc just cancelled someone's surgery b/c she cheated. 

I think the liver is the medical excuse of why they do this but for me it was all about the mental.  Yes, the first 3 days or so were HORRIBLE!!! However, after that things calmed down.  It gave me a chance to mourn my food.  Now, I am so thankful that I had that period to help me get through the biggest challenge of this surgery.  

Now every time  someone eats my fav foods around me that I know that I just can't eat (like the real wings and pizza that make me hurl each and every time), I take a minute to think back to those miserable days when all I had was milk and I am thankful that I can go eat something fabulous.   

Don't cheat.  If you do, you need to SERIOUSLY  consider rather this this surgery is for you.  and that is okay too.  It isn't for everyone.  and trust me, the next couple of months don't get any easier.  
You on facebook?  So am I.  Search for Missy French Coffman
HW/ 338  Starting Weight w/clinic /324  Surgery/307  Current/175 Goal/168

on 10/5/09 2:04 am, edited 10/5/09 2:05 am
I think it's fine for you to eat some low-fat proteins on occasion.

Yes, you have to follow instructions after the surgery, but it's a heck of a lot easier to do liquids for 2 weeks post-op than it is to do it pre-op.  My surgeon thinks these kind of diets are a waste of energy and I completely agree with him.  You don't need to be on all liquids to shrink your liver; you just have to be eating lowfat.

I generally would not advise violating doctor's orders, but the truth is that it's not really necessary unless you think it will mentally prepare you for what's coming post-op. I found that I was so excited about being post-op that the liquid diet post-op was fine, even after having Olive Garden pasta and breadsticks the night before surgery.  Also, you are unlikely to be hungry in the first few weeks after surgery, which also makes the post-op diet easier to handle.  That said, people react differently - some people are depressed in the first few days after surgery because they aren't able to eat their favorite foods.  I had eaten so many of my old favorites in the couple of weeks before surgery that I didn't miss them at all!  It's hard to predict how your psychology will work out.

Just don't think you can cheat post-op, even if it is a b****!
Check out my blog! Food, Fatness, and Life After RNY
And my YouTube Vlog - My Weight Loss Experience
on 10/5/09 2:31 am - Augusta, GA
You are just setting yourself up for failure if you can't follow the doctor's directions.   It is not an easy thing to do.   We all know that, but you must make up your mind that you need to follow directions, even from the beginning. 

I see so many people post before and after their surgery asking if they can cheat on this or cheat on that.   Yes, I guess you can, but you will only be hurting yourself!   The rules and directions are there for a reason.   Even if the reason is only to see if you can follow the rules.  Please don't sabotage yourself this early out in the game.   

I know it is tough but you can stick with it.   You will be so proud of yourself if you do.   Prove to YOU that you can do it.

Good luck
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