Help! Constipation / Impacted stool
Yesterday afternoon, I could feel something moving down the colon, so I took some Milk of Magnesium. At about 4:00, I tried to go, but the hard dry stool didn't budge. In the process, I gave myself a fissure. Ouch!
I kept trying every half hour, and in between trying I would lay on my bathroom floor and cry. My 20 year old son stood at my bedroom door and asked, "Mom, are you ok?" I sent him to the store and he came home with a Fleet enema. OUCH! With the fissure and the saline solution, the enema hurt. When I finally went, no hard stool would pass, only the liquid around it. At this point I am desperate, and I put my finger in my rear to try and dig out the hard stool.
Then I sent my son to the store for suppositories. 30 minutes later I could go, lots of liquid diarrhea. But the hard stool wouldn't budge. It hurt so bad I would literally fall off the toilet and land on the bathroom floor.
I managed to get some sleep, and called my surgeon this morning. He is on a 3 week vacation, so I got his new partner. All he said was, "Try the Milk of Magnesium again, and continue trying to remove the impacted stool. If you have no luck, you may have to go to the emergency room and they will dig it out."
Terrific. This is worse than labor.
Any advice anyone? I am absolutely miserable.
If you are still at home, fill your fleet container with warm soapy water...a 1/2 tsp. liquid soap and very warm (not hot) water. LOAD the applicater with petrolieum jelly, plus apply some to your bottom. With care, keep doing this every 10-15 minutes after passing the previous enema's water....after the first 2-3 times, soap is not needed..but be sure to use the jelly to ease the path. When you have passed the stool, drink lots of fluids (no milk or citrus) and begin that day with a dose of Miralax ( and capsule stool softeners for a few days) and continue every day with 1 full dose or a maintenance dose of 1/2 capful a day. Capsules also if needed. It has been my answer following years of pain and pressure and ugh..hemmies! Keep your dairy and cheese products to a minimum until you can gauge if it hardens your stool or not. I didn't know until 5 yrs ago that I can no longer tolerate cheese in large quantities or liquid milk products.
Good luck with this problem...pottying should be a pleasure, not a fear.
I will say that I do medical transcription, mostly pediatric GI, and even SIX YEAR OLDS get a full capful of miralax!!! I can't imagine that 1/2 capful doing you any good at all!
Happy pottying!
Adult sized fleet enemas, one per night for three nights in a row. During the same three days, take Dulcolax laxatives (bisacodyl sodium, 5 mg) as directed on the box. You will want to take Pepcid, Prevacid, or Prilosec with each dose of the laxative, as it can irritate the pouch.
Assuming that gets things moving nicely (which it SHOULD), half the dose of the Dulcolax for a week, but DON'T stop taking it - things will grind to a halt again. Then stop the dulcolax but replace it immediately with a stool softener (Dulcolax makes that, too, but there are LOTS of brands) and take as directed for a week, without fail.
You will also want to, along with the stool softener, start supplementing the fiber in your diet. You'll want to be getting at least 50 g per day. If you can get this through roughage and beans and fruits and vegetables, great. If not, slowly start adding Benefiber to your diet. Do NOT start at a large dose. Start at 1/4 of the recommended dose, and slowly increase it over the course of a week or so until you are at the full dose, and then keep it up.