Why I have Chosen RNY

(deactivated member)
on 1/8/09 3:04 pm - San Jose, CA

Many DSers find their window is open for quite a long time, and that if and when they want to lose more or again, they can -- like a NORMAL person who can lose a few lbs without bouncing back up again and adding and additional few pounds.

I've lost nearly 35 lbs in the last 2 years, at 5.5 years out.  Without doing anything REMOTELY resembling dieting.  3000 cal/day, and not gaining but effortlessly trickling down over a pound a month at 5.5 years out.

Your behavior reminds me of this quote:
"When you have the facts on your side, argue the facts. When you have the law on your side, argue the law. When you have neither, holler." 
  --  Al Gore
Elizabeth N.
on 1/8/09 11:39 pm - Burlington County, NJ
Allow me to elaborate for the dense ones :-).....You're losing about a pound a month because you're ABSORBING about 1300 calories a day, after enjoying all the flavor of those 3000 calories. THAT is the beauty of the DS.
(deactivated member)
on 1/9/09 12:27 am - Sevierville, TN
You read it and still learned nothing. You are still spouting inaccuracies. Read it again.
Elizabeth N.
on 1/8/09 1:54 pm - Burlington County, NJ
She got a good six pages of feedback on her first attention whoring thread about how her posting behavior came across. Now she's repeating the same behavior. That's not a communication issue. That's a ***** issue.
on 1/8/09 1:36 pm - Mayfield, KY
I'm glad you made a choice finally, but FYI, there are more than 3 stomach changing surgeries.


on 1/8/09 1:46 pm
Sorry, referring to VSG, DS and RNY>>>from earlier Post.

I'll put this on my response to you, generally. Even on OH, when Dr. Currie was asked what WLS he would choose if he had to have WLS, he said he would choose Lap Band or VSG...go figure. So to each their own.



Be Well, Live Well
I Am Most Excellent - Affirmed Only Of GOD.
I wish for You, what I pray for Myself: Wellness, Happiness and Success In ALL Things Good! 
I know for Sure I Control: My Attitude and Effort, My Health and Happiness.



on 1/8/09 2:01 pm - Small Town, OH
And, Dr. Teel said "If I could, I'd have a DS". Yes, that's a DIRECT QUOTE from him IN PERSON. He's about 6'2" and 220lbs. I think that speaks volumes.

Dr. Curry doesn't do the DS...you can't take advice about a surgery from a surgeon that does perform it. And, yeah...Dr. Teel does all 4.

To be 100% frank, I don't care which surgery you chose or why. That's YOUR decision. What I do care about is your chronic spewing of BAD information. That's unethical.

Moreover, I have NO idea what this sentence is trying to prove because it's soooo wrong:

Here's why...the Doctor's who designed and developed the 3 stomach changing surgeries know that the Human Body is self-righting, it will find a way to get back to "normal" if it can.

There is no one doctor who "designed and developed the 3 stomach changing surgeries" (and BTW, there's more than 3 as sited). Therefore, that is totally false. Secondly, if the human body was self righting, then those with short bowl syndrome (SBS) wouldn't have it...it would self correct. Furthermore, as with SBS and the DS, malabsorption "self righting" is completed by 2 years. That's it. Considering the fact that our window is 12-24 months, I'd say that regain due to malabsorption issues is nill. Besides, it's the malabsoption that contributes to maintainance.

Again, do your research before you post. I understand the concept of trying to "save face" but this has gone too far as you continue to post more illogical rationalities that only make your point look weaker.

On a positive note, you have given many uninformed preops such as yourself a great education tonight by inviting DSers to come over and explain their surgery. Since you consider us all to be "recruiters", I'd have to say you win the toaster tonight for recruiting the most preops. Congrats!

HW/SW/CW/GW    231/225/123/130-125
~Surgeon's Goal of Normal BMI reached at 6 months Post Op~
~Personal Goal Range achieved at less than 10 months Post Op~

on 1/8/09 2:17 pm
I doubt it...I doubt that DS becomes the Gold or Platinum Standard. Too much risk for the short term effects...as I said, long term effects of the 3 surgeries(VG, DS and RNY) are basically the same. When people begin to analyze the information based on short term needs and long terms effects they will choose the VS, RNY, Lap Band and maybe the DS...with short term needs taking precedents.

You are right, Newbies need to see the info...they have been asking for opinions since I've been coming in here and I'm sure even before. Oh yea, I think Dr. Currie was very honest and open about his choices...but it didn't deter me from making a choice that is BEST for Me. That's the difference in Me and some of YOU, I know what I don't know and an willing to learn...but most of you know what You know, and it JUST ain't so.



Be Well, Live Well
I Am Most Excellent - Affirmed Only Of GOD.
I wish for You, what I pray for Myself: Wellness, Happiness and Success In ALL Things Good! 
I know for Sure I Control: My Attitude and Effort, My Health and Happiness.



(deactivated member)
on 1/8/09 2:52 pm - San Jose, CA

And yet you're wrong again.  Amazing.  And you actually claim to be employed as an attorney??

Taks a look at the comparative statistics in Table 4: 

These are the LONG term statistics for the DS:
http://files.meetup.com/379062/DUODENAL%20SWITCH%20LONG-TERM %20RESULTS.pdf

You may not want to believe it, but we all know Currie doesn't/can't do the DS, so you just go about your business and have whatever WLS you think you are going to be able to live with for the rest of your life.  But every time you spew your unprofessional, harmful and deliberate LIES, we will dog you like we are doing tonight, correct you and make you look like a fool -- as was done by many of your PEERS tonight as well.  And teach some OTHER newbies who can benefit from the information what they need to know.  Just check out how many came over to the DS site today because of you.

And tell Dr. Currie I said HI.


on 1/8/09 2:54 pm - Small Town, OH
And, here I thought you were someone who claimed to have researched...

long term effects of the 3 surgeries(VG, DS and RNY) are basically the same
No, statistics from every study since 2003 dictate that there IS a statisical difference initially and long term. Research clearly shows that long term,the DS is superior in maintaining weight loss. You can preach and holler all you want, but that won't change peer reviewed science. Moreover, the risks are statistically NONSIGNIFICANT. I've seen all the research posted to you combatting any and all claims you make. However, I have yet to see ANYTHING relevant from you other than "your opinion". And, you know what they say about opinions... 

...I doubt that DS becomes the Gold or Platinum Standard.
The RNY is the Gold Standard...the DS has been called the diamond studded platinum standard.

When people begin to analyze the information based on short term needs and long terms effects they will choose the VS, RNY, Lap Band and maybe the DS...with short term needs taking precedents.
The DS has the best LONG TERM stats BY FAR...again, reread any and all research. Moreover, the DS also has the best SHORT TERM EWL too. As an attorney, you sould have access to EBSCO. Also, pleas be sure to select the "peer reviewed" box when doing a search...DSers don't like reference sited from Time Magazine or online resources. Scholarly academia is essential.

Oh yea, I think Dr. Currie was very honest and open about his choices
And, considering the fact that Dr. Curry REFERS people to Dr. Teel because he can not do what Dr. Teel can, I'd say that I'd take Dr. Teel's honest and very open opinion over Dr. Curry's. Of course Dr. Curry wouldn't opt for a procedure he's not qualified to perform. It's like a Ford salesmen driving a Chevy...that's a big no-no. The only unbiased opinion comes from a surgeon who can do all 4 major WLS. Moreover, if you're making the best choice for YOU, why in the world would you even care what Dr. Curry prefers?

That's the difference in Me and some of YOU, I know what I don't know and an willing to learn...but most of you know what You know, and it JUST ain't so.

Finally, your last sentence, in bold print, is incoherent. It's obvious that you're not willing to learn...or you'd have done some research before posting this.

HW/SW/CW/GW    231/225/123/130-125
~Surgeon's Goal of Normal BMI reached at 6 months Post Op~
~Personal Goal Range achieved at less than 10 months Post Op~

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