Why I have Chosen RNY

(deactivated member)
on 1/8/09 12:54 pm - Sevierville, TN
Anybody else think she copied and pasted this from someone else?
(deactivated member)
on 1/8/09 12:59 pm - Poconos, PA

 <------I wonder if she's one of those crutch toting DS'ers....or maybe it was the DS to RNY revision??

(deactivated member)
on 1/8/09 1:29 pm - Califreakinfornia , CA
On January 8, 2009 at 8:59 PM Pacific Time, ~Valerie ~. wrote:

 <------I wonder if she's one of those crutch toting DS'ers....or maybe it was the DS to RNY revision??

Your killing me...
(deactivated member)
on 1/8/09 1:43 pm - Poconos, PA
On January 8, 2009 at 9:29 PM Pacific Time, PUMPKIN X. wrote:
On January 8, 2009 at 8:59 PM Pacific Time, ~Valerie ~. wrote:

 <------I wonder if she's one of those crutch toting DS'ers....or maybe it was the DS to RNY revision??

Your killing me...
Tee hee! Glad you enjoyed it!!

I get a free pass now if I ever screw up right? No shankin' for me?

(deactivated member)
on 1/8/09 1:48 pm - Califreakinfornia , CA

l_0f960ebb341d9bf082e684246a0a3bfa.jpg M: Free Pass image by glenda_stadley

Sure no shankings, but I still get to cuss. I like cussing ,cussing is good.
(deactivated member)
on 1/8/09 2:01 pm - Poconos, PA
Of course you can cuss! Afterall, you are the .............. 

2008 R&R Potty Mouth Poster of the Year.

and I would never dream of taking that away from you!! Cuss away my lil pompion!

pompion (noun) : orange fleshed gourd with a neutral taste, hard outer shell and a mouth on her that could make a truck driver blush

(deactivated member)
on 1/9/09 1:23 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
On January 8, 2009 at 10:01 PM Pacific Time, ~Valerie ~. wrote:
Of course you can cuss! Afterall, you are the .............. 

2008 R&R Potty Mouth Poster of the Year.

and I would never dream of taking that away from you!! Cuss away my lil pompion!

pompion (noun) : orange fleshed gourd with a neutral taste, hard outer shell and a mouth on her that could make a truck driver blush

Aw yes I knew I loved you , but I can't cuss on other boards or the MODS will put me on a timeout. I don't like timeout.
on 1/8/09 1:09 pm - TX

I am actually hoping to have the lap-band but I don't necessarily think that one procedure trumps the other. I've met people on here that have had each surgery and have been extremely successful and some who have struggled with them. I think that the best thing to do is to research, work with your doctor, and determine what is best for your lifestyle and goals. I think any successful choice you make and weight loss you see should be a joyous occassion.

On a side note I think I would be more than happy to have more food choices. I have learned there are a lot of great things that bandsters can eat as well as long as they eat them in moderation, unfortunately family friends that have had the RNY procedure say they don't have that same pleasure. FOR ME, I know I wouldn't be successful if eating sweets from time to time wasn't an option because I like sweets.

So basically look at it this way, you can't argue with results. If RNY works for you, Lap-Band works for me (once I'm there) and DS works for someone the important thing is that it worked!
Jamille            ~If it's God's will for me, then it will be~
                                            I Being A Mommy!!
on 1/8/09 1:37 pm, edited 1/8/09 1:38 pm
I agree with you...that's why I am . How many U's are in I...none. This is about ME. I'm not trying to win over anyone, I'm doing my research, I have come to conclusions based on informed information, but still some don't like what I said; the heck with that. I didn't ask anyone to agree or disagree, I just stated MY Opinion. Just like you, I have My reasons for choosing RNY or whatever. If you consider the ability to eat sweets important in the short term...then that's part of YOUR criteria for selection, I've stated my criteria.

If I don't  like a procedure, I also have the right to state that and I will with reasons. I guess asking for civility was my mistake. But keep in mind everybody have their own Motives for what they do, whether selecting a surgical procedure or trying to attack someone's views...sometimes it's NOT the message that's the problem but the Messenger. There are so many Posts on here like Lap Band vs RNY, or RNY vs DS...these are Posted all the time and people give their opinion as to which they like best...so what is so different now; Think about it and look at who is making the negative responses, most are attacking my REASONING, they are attacking ME, personally. Some even tried to under hand call me FAT. LOL, ain't that the Pot callin the kettle black. LOL-LOL-LOL



Be Well, Live Well
I Am Most Excellent - Affirmed Only Of GOD.
I wish for You, what I pray for Myself: Wellness, Happiness and Success In ALL Things Good! 
I know for Sure I Control: My Attitude and Effort, My Health and Happiness.



on 1/8/09 1:54 pm - TX

I think it is the whole approach. Of course everyone has and is entitled to their own opinion, the problem and question of intent comes when you have to try to belittle someone else's opinion or experience to enhance yours. For instance you questioning the "joyous" state that DSers are in, your post didn't seem to be a RNY vs DS post as much as a RNY is better than DS. This is a statement that although it may be true for one isn't for the next.

If you have found the procedure that you feel is best for you that is great, I'm just not the kind of person that sees the need to tear someone elses decision down to build mine up. It may not be your intentions but your posts are making you seem like that person.


Jamille            ~If it's God's will for me, then it will be~
                                            I Being A Mommy!!
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