I think I am ready to give up
Good for you for being proactive.... get in with a good nutritionist... read up as much as you can... rely on support and advice from successful OHers.... You're going to be great. :o)
Chin up! {{HUGS}}
Ok, I'll try to explain it to the best of my ability, anyone else, feel free to correct me. Calories aren’t the only thing the body uses to determine if 'fat' should be burned up. It's a combination of calories AND protein. So, if you've been eating 400 calories a day and very little protein, your body thinks it's starving and basically holds onto those 400 calories as much as it can. Currently, I'm on a 500 calorie/60-80 grams protein per day diet and I'm steadily losing. When my surg/nut told me my daily limits, I didn't even think such a thing was possible. Get that much protein with that few calories???? Well, it can be done, and I do it every day. As for Anorexics, their situation is different. Of course they lose weight, their bodies have nothing to hold on to, even in starvation mode. But that is an extremely dangerous option for weight loss. The fact is, if you don't give your body enough protein every day, it has to get it from somewhere, so it will take it from your muscles. And yes, your heart is a muscle. Continual days of protein deficiency can and will cause IRREPERABLE damage to your heart. My suggestion: * Track what you eat, not just calories, but fat, protein, and carbohydrates. * Make sure that you’re getting enough liquid every day. Some people forget that since a lot of the liquid we get every day is from food, when we’re eating less we need to up our water intake to compensate. * Make sure that you’re getting your vitamins and minerals every day. Imbalances can really affect your weight loss and your overall body chemistry. I hope that helps . . . DON'T GIVE UP!!!
highest/surgery/current/goal 450+/319/148/130