WASaBubbleButt’s Posts

on 3/14/11 8:56 pm
Topic: RE: Resleeve experiences??
On March 15, 2011 at 2:00 AM Pacific Time, spybo wrote:
I am thinking about revising to a different surgery.  From my experience, I do not feel as if I have a small and tight sleeve at all...What do you know about Dr A's experience with DS?  He offered me bypass when I was there for sleeve and I wish now I'd done it.... Gaby did not respond to my last few emails.
I know he has been doing DS for years but he would only do them with Dr. Ungson assisting.  I honestly do not know if he feels he is good to go on his own or not.

I will tell you one thing, he takes FOREVER to make a decision, if he is not comfortable doing DS alone, he won't.  He would have Ungson assisting until he was old and gray.  And he almost IS!

If you want DS it is cheaper to go through him than to go to Ungson alone.

If I wanted DS i would go to him in a heart beat but only because i know him.  If he can't do DS by himself he would not.  He would have Ungson assisting.

What is your typical daily menu?  Can you post photos of your barium studies?

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 3/11/11 1:22 pm
Topic: RE: united healthcare?
On March 11, 2011 at 9:05 PM Pacific Time, janiey wrote:

I doubt that I will be able to have another surgery.  I don't see me being able to do in finacially for quite some time.  So I  have not even thought about another surgery, or started researchng. I had lapband because  I  really did not want anything removed, rerouted   I am trying to maintain but I'm not doing so well  30 lbs gained since Dec.  I am still in the feel sorry for myself stage.  Need a kick in the butt to get me motivated.

I'm so very sorry.

Did you know Starbucks offers WLS on their ins plan?  You don't even need to be full time, just part time.

Sleeves carry far less risk long term than bands do.  Don't discount removing stuff, it is actually safer long term and amazingly, can potentially fix the root problem (ghrelin).

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 3/11/11 7:06 am
Topic: RE: united healthcare?
On March 1, 2011 at 5:42 PM Pacific Time, janiey wrote:

I had to have emergency surgery in Dec. my band was slipped and UHC paid for this surgery, Someone else on one of the boards said if you went into ER insurance would pay.  I just went to the office, they sent me to Hospital for test and within an hour I was in surgery, Insurance just paid the final bill last week.  Now I'm trying to figure out a way to pay for the band to be replaced.  Dr was unable to replace it at the time because I had a little erosion.  Good luck

If you eroded with your first band 99.9% of doctors out there will not reband you.  You'll erode again.

Maybe another surgery type?

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 3/11/11 7:03 am
Topic: RE: Revision - Optimistic w/ Dr. but Insurance Unsure!
On March 11, 2011 at 6:46 AM Pacific Time, Nikki C. wrote:
Well I went to my new Dr. yesterday regarding my reflux.  He did a complete unfill (which scares me with no restriction).  He was optimistic about wanting to do a revision - he said for sure if there is a slip I can either revise to another surgery or fix the band.  I told him fixing the band was not ideal for me since I had so much weight to lose and he was adamant about revising to RNY.  He also said that if there is not a slip and the reflux was that severe with only 4cc in the band then the band mechanics is just not ideal for my body and I can't keep having such severe reflux and in that case it should still come and be revised. 
I'm currently on meds for reflux and scheduled for a barium swallow and blood work. 

He is hoping to be able to use the last year of medical history and visits to my previous surgeon as "attempted" weight loss.  The issue with the insurance may be that regardless if there is a problem with the band, they may require another 6 months of presurgery diet/weightloss history attempts. The office in fact told me that if the band has to come out for medical reasons, potentially based on the insurance that I would FIRST have to have it removed and then wait the six months and go through nutrition counseling AGAIN and then have to get approved AGAIN from my insurance. I don't even have the same insurance policy as I had when my first surgery was approved.  I'm already frustrated.

Wondering if anyone else went through this with a revision and their insurance?

Trying to take one day at a time but that is easier said than done especially with the fear of weight starting to come back on while things are figured out.

A revision to what?  Your surgeon appears to be a band mill, that's the only surgery he does.

If you are revising to anything with a staple line you'll want to make very sure you to go a revision surgeon with bunches of staple line experience.  Your surgeon has 1550 bands and that's it, no revisions, no sleeves, no bypass, no DS.

A revision from band to anything with a staple line carries 3x the risk for bleeding, leaks, and perforations.  A leak could change your life in ways you didn't know existed.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 3/8/11 8:28 am, edited 3/8/11 8:28 am
Topic: RE: Resleeve experiences??
On March 8, 2011 at 3:39 PM Pacific Time, Jenna Lynn wrote: Do you know what length cc your friend got? I'm really shocked and sorry to hear she hasn't even lost a pound. I assume she's been tested for other potential metabolic issues?

I want to say 100cm?  She was talking about it pre op and it was awhile ago so I'm really not sure.

This girl seriously works hard.  She honestly does stick to the diet.  She has a personal trainer and although I'm fit I honestly couldn't do the routine she does and she's 100# bigger than I am and 5" shorter.

Aceves doesn't have a mega long track record with DS but Ungson was assisting so you know it was done properly.

I really wish I could do something to help her out even just getting info for her.

I've seen DSers suggest to eat more fat when someone isn't losing well.  I know her so I know she's following everything to the letter but could possibly increasing fat intake help?

I don't know if she's been tested for metabolic issues but she was once over 400# at 5' tall so you gotta think she has some issues going on.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 3/8/11 2:15 am
Topic: RE: Resleeve experiences??
On March 8, 2011 at 9:48 AM Pacific Time, Melontiwst wrote:
OH my, I am not sure! I would post that question on the DS board, and mention something about me not knowing so they will understand why you posted it there!! It shouldn't matter, should be able to post anywhere, but I've seen some people, not many but some want people to stick to their own surgery board!! Many DSers are very knowlegeable!!  Look for "Lori Black", she is a DS veteran and knows her stuff!!!! She's my angel and wouldn't of made it thru the process without her!! I am curious to see what they say....
Nahhh.... too many crazed loons on that board.  Not saying they all are, they most certainly are not. But too many of them are. ;o)

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 3/7/11 9:41 am
Topic: RE: Revision Surgery - Gastric Bypass
On March 7, 2011 at 5:34 PM Pacific Time, leighfrances9 wrote:
 Yes, I had RNY GB about 10 years ago.  Also, yes, for my initial consult with Dr. Huse I wanted a lap band because I didn't want to go through the surgery again.  He said he would DO the lap band, but wouldn't suggest it because it won't help the issue like a revision RNY would do.  I hope this helps?  :)

But are you eating properly?  I'm not talking quantity, I'm referring to quality?  If you are eating properly, protein first, really low carb, and there is no weight loss you could be seriously metabolically challenged and a band isn't going to help.

He's right, read through the band board and this board, the band doesn't do well for people that didn't have bypass, the results are even worse for bypass revisions. 

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 3/7/11 8:38 am
Topic: RE: ROSE or Stomaphyx
On March 7, 2011 at 4:26 PM Pacific Time, newambergames wrote:
ok new to this board and was really considering rose ...do insrances generally cover this? and isnt ds like doing it all over again? thx

RNY 2008 ands 1 baby later.....
Unless things have changed recently no, ins doesn't cover ROSE.  It's totally ineffective anyway.

If your ins covers revisions and you meet the requirements they probably will cover a revision to DS.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 3/7/11 8:36 am
Topic: RE: new to forum - need advise
On March 7, 2011 at 2:43 AM Pacific Time, Amber1981 wrote:
Hey everyone! My name is Amber and I am 10 years post op Open RNY.  I started out a 360lbs and today I am sitting at 160 lbs.  For most this would be amazing but I'm a little upset. 
I got remarried in June and weighed 138lbs. and can't seem to get it off of me.  I fight and I gain more.  I am also on hormones attempting to concieve our 2nd child which doesn't help but the chance of weight gain on this med is less than 1%. 
So where is it all coming from??  I don't eat much but I do know that I can eat (at once) more than i feel I should be able to.  I try to stay away from carbs (which we all LOVE) and still take my protein about everyother day.
I know that since it's been 10 whopping years the chance that my pouch has stretched is pretty good...
what do y'all think?
thanks for any input
Amber Wilson
Are you asking about a revision?  What do you want a revision to?

First thing I would do is get an upper GI and see how big your pouch and stoma is. You really can't go any farther until you know that information.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 3/7/11 8:30 am
Topic: RE: Revision Surgery - Gastric Bypass
On March 7, 2011 at 6:15 AM Pacific Time, chubbyexpert wrote:
My initial surgery was the Gastric Bypass.  I did not lose much weight, and always felt that something was not correct.  I am checking into revision surgery at this time.  I would like to have the Lap Band. 

Has anyone had revision from the Gastric Bypass to the Lap band, if so, what were the results?

Does a surgeon recommend a certain sergery after the Gastric Bypass it you have to have a revision?

My initial visit is tomorrow for consultation and with the surgeon.

I only know one person in four years of posting here who did really well with a band over their bypass, most do not do well at all.

Are you eating properly?  Meaning low carb foods?  If you are eating properly and you still aren't losing weight you are likely dealing with metabolic issues and a band isn't going to do a thing for you.

Have you had an upper GI?  The only thing the band will do is give you more restriction.  If your stoma isn't dilated a band will not help.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 3/7/11 8:00 am
Topic: RE: consultation today
On March 7, 2011 at 8:13 AM Pacific Time, patti72 wrote:
 I have my consulation today from RNY to lap band, I am very nervous...
To be honest it is extremely unlikely that a band over your bypass would do much for you anyway.


Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 3/7/11 7:58 am
Topic: RE: Minimum BMI for revision
On March 7, 2011 at 11:08 AM Pacific Time, soulsister wrote:
What is the minimum your BMI can be for a revision for insurance to pay?
From band to band probably any BMI if you are having issues.  If it is band to another surgery type then 35 with comorbidities or 40 without.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 3/7/11 2:24 am
Topic: RE: Resleeve experiences??
On March 7, 2011 at 9:50 AM Pacific Time, Melontiwst wrote:
I have talked to three other people who were resleeved. Two of them hit goal afterwards, one has not. She did everything right, but hasn't been able to loose more. It depends on the person.I am moving forward in hope it will take care of the 130lbs.
I have a question for you.  I was thinking about this when I initially read your post.

My friend that revised from a sleeve to DS and hasn't lost a pound, is it possible her sleeve is too small and she can't eat enough fat?  Could that be the problem?   When she had her sleeve it was intended to be a stand alone procedure.  She went to my surgeon as well as Ungson, they did her surgery together so I know it was done properly.  But my surgeon did her sleeve a couple of years ago and he makes amazingly small and tight sleeves.

Could that be the problem with her?

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 3/6/11 3:03 pm
Topic: RE: from lap band to sleeve even if I have to much scar tissue?
On March 6, 2011 at 10:45 PM Pacific Time, Rozella wrote:
has anyone had this procedure even if the doctor says he can't becaus of to much scar tissue or adhesions?Seen another doctor said he can do it cause he has done many of them.what do you think?he also said doctor say the can" is just lazy?
i'd seriously be looking for a new surgeon,  We ALL have a lot of scar tissue from a band.  It's the nature of the beast..

Lazy is when they don't remove the adhesions and leave you with a mega sleeve.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 3/6/11 12:37 pm
Topic: RE: Resleeve experiences??
On March 6, 2011 at 8:18 PM Pacific Time, Melontiwst wrote:
They are going to redo my sleeve, make it smaller, so I can loose my excess weight, still have 130lbs to go!
Do you think a smaller sleeve is going to buy you 130#?

I have a friend that had DS.  Well, first she had a band, then a sleeve, then DS.  She hasn't lost a pound.  :o(  I don't know why.  She really does all the right things.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 3/6/11 11:36 am
Topic: RE: RNY to Lap Band.
Banding isn't really a great option. It provides the slowest weight loss, the least weight loss, the highest regain, and the most mechanical complications. The only way to fix a mechanical complication such as a flipped port, kinked tubing, etc., is another operation. Keep in mind, you are already metabolically challenged just from having bypass. You'll lose more slowly and less than a virgin bandster.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 3/6/11 11:32 am
Topic: RE: RNY to Lap Band.
On March 5, 2011 at 7:26 PM Pacific Time, bethw wrote:
I just had an endoscopy last week because I had gained so much of my weight back.  The surgeon (not my original surgeon) found that my pouch was at least 50% larger than it should be and the opening to my small intestine is over 3 times too large - so the food is going straight through.

He told me that I had 3 options - redo the RNY, put a lap band on to help the restriction part, or do the ROSE procedure. Since I'm going to have to pay for this myself, the redo of the RNY (which I had never heard of) is not on the boards - 30-40 thousand

His concern with the lap band is the complexity of getting it in the right place and not taking care of the opening - but it is a valid option.  Also, he believes in frequent fills which would cost me a fair amount, and I'm also thinking about moving out of the area.  Good luck at finding somebody else to do the fills unless that has changed.

His recommendation was to do the ROSE which would take care of both problems - the size of my stomach and the opening.  It is also the cheapest option, but that is not my priority.  The good and bad of the ROSE are well documented so I am "thinking". 

But the lap band is definitely a valid option for you.  It is supposed to act just like you had never had the original surgery - definitely they can adjust it so that you can't eat very much.

Good luck
Especially if you are self pay please don't waste money on ROSE.  It does not work.  Read these very boards.  100% of the time it does not work.  People typically lose about 20# on the post op diet and as soon as they start eating solids the 20# comes right back.  Most doctors decline to do the ROSE or Stomaphyx because they simply do not work.

You might want to get a quote for RNY to DS from Ungson in Mexico.  DSers will have more info on him.  But you know, the band isn't a great option either.  I have been posting here for 4 years and I've only met one person that had a band over their bypass that did well.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 3/6/11 11:21 am
Topic: RE: Resleeve experiences??
On March 6, 2011 at 1:19 PM Pacific Time, Melontiwst wrote:
Anyone  on here had the DS and then had a revision of their sleeve? I have met a few, just trying to gain more experiences from people! Did you have trouble? Loose more weight? Share whatever you want, would be greatly appreicated! I am waiting for insurance approval on my sleeve revision:0) Just wanted to know if anyone else was going through or had gone through it before. Thanks!!
Are you just having it tightened up a bit or is there some other problem?

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 3/6/11 11:20 am
Topic: RE: Dr. Mark Pleatman band to VSG anyone?
On March 6, 2011 at 4:04 PM Pacific Time, 2011change wrote:
Has anyone had a lap band removal and converted to a VSG by Dr. Pleatman?  If so how long were you in the hospital?  Did you have a drain?  How did things go?  What was the post op diet?  same as the lap band?

Any information is appreciated.

Personally, I wouldn't go to him.  There are far better surgeons with much more revision experience.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 3/5/11 5:58 am
Topic: RE: Band reversal near buff,ny? Cost?
On March 5, 2011 at 1:52 PM Pacific Time, soulsister wrote:
Can you recommend any surgeons in mexico?
There are only three I would personally go to.

Aceves in Mexicali, Rumbaut in Monterrey, and Ungson in a city I cannot spell.  Hermisillo or something like that.

The gov't is not warning people about the entire country being dangerous, they are warning about specific cities.  Monterrey was recently added as one of the cities to avoid and honestly, I don't know why.  The two cities you want to avoid like the plague are Tijuana and Juarez.

Don't go through a medical tourism agency, they are horrible and just jack up the price.  They will contract with any doctor that owns a scalpel and can sign his name on the contract.  That goes for US and MX surgeons.  Contact the doctors directly.  If someone has a list of a bunch of doctors they work with, run the other direction, it's a medical tourism type company.

My blog link is in my sig, it tells you HOW to research a doctor. 

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 3/5/11 5:47 am
Topic: RE: Band reversal near buff,ny? Cost?
On March 5, 2011 at 1:38 PM Pacific Time, soulsister wrote:
I have had the lap band for almost 3 years. I am very unhappy with it. I am so upset that I picked the band over bypass.
I have a few questions

Were can I get a reversal near buffalo ny?
How much would it cost (my bmi is 29) so insurance won't pay I'm sure.
Can the band be removed and DS done?
I am willing to pay out of pocket and take out loans if need be.

Please help with any info!
Shoot, do what I did and go to Mexico.  Most self pay sleeves do it.  If you want totally ineffective, that's your band.  Safest surgery long term is the sleeve.  Bypass is great for those with uncontrolled reflux.  DS is the most effective surgery.  You could revise to any of them.

I don't know what the cost is for RNY in MX but a revision from band to sleeve is $10,500, I believe, and that includes everything and 3 nights in the hospital.

For a revision from band to bypass in the states you are probably looking at $20K and up.

See why so many of us go to MX?  ;o)  You have to do some serious research but it's totally worth it.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 3/5/11 5:43 am
Topic: RE: insurance
On March 3, 2011 at 8:27 AM Pacific Time, sidonia34 wrote:
Any one  have any ideas on how do i get approved quicker on the insurance,.. ive been denied twice and now im appeling and they say i only have one chance to appeal.... my personal trainer is writing me a letter so i can send into the insurance on my daily routine at at the gym..... please people i need ideas i really want to have this convertion from lap band to bypass.... i also have problems with my asophycus and my doctor tells me i need the surgery.... please help,,,,
Are you referring to your esophagus???

Appeals are totally based on why you were denied to begin with.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 3/5/11 5:40 am
Topic: RE: This made me very sad.....
On February 11, 2011 at 8:56 AM Pacific Time, CindyLyn wrote:
My five yr old has not been eating the lunch I make for her to take to school each day.  When I have asked her in past about it she just says..."I'm so full from breakfast I can't eat... my breakfast is stuck in my tummy.."  So, I have been giving her half a sandwich, half a banana, and have the amount of goldfish thinking this would be  the right amount for her to have.
This morning her daddy confronted her when she was eating breakfast about her lunch bag still having more than half the food in it... this is what she told him.. "Daddy, every time I try to eat something at school it gets stuck!  I can't get anything down anymore!!  This band is killing me!!"
OMGoodness.....  I have *****ed and moaned so much about My band problems that she has picked up on it.  Little ears are always listening!!  I have turned my problem into her problem it feels like.  She broke my heart with that statement.  I am so glad I have made the decision to get this thing out of me!! Whether I have revision or not.. I am so happy to have finally decided enough is enough...   thanks for letting me vent.
I have a banded friend and her 3 year old daughter thinks it's funny to mimick her Mom and act like she's vomiting.  She leans over, makes a vomiting sound, and then starts laughing.

To top that off, my friend has gained 50# with the band.  I'm not blaming the band in her case, I'm blaming Chocolate.

I'd seriously look at the sleeve.  With RNY you are only going to malabsorb for 6-24 months and then you'll be eating like a sleeved person anyway.  Sleeves are the safest surgery long term.

MOST of all, NO MORE pouch and dreaded stoma!

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 3/5/11 5:27 am
Topic: RE: Revision lap band to VSG
On February 19, 2011 at 1:42 PM Pacific Time, pmartinez wrote:
Hi I am having my revision done on 3/11/11. I would like to know if any one has had this revision done before? I would like to know your healing process and what you ate after surgery.
It was pretty much the same as getting the band.  I had it done all in one surgery.  My doc's post op diet is 10 days of clears, 10 days of fulls, and 10 days of soft foods.  But I see he may have changed that for revision folks, I've seen a couple people posting that he extended it for those people.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 3/5/11 5:26 am
Topic: RE: Revision lap band to VSG
On February 20, 2011 at 3:48 PM Pacific Time, jokenaround wrote:

I had a revision from a band to the sleeve almost 3 years ago.  It wasn't much different except I had to stay a day longer because I had some complications with the removal.  Everything was fine, they just wanted to keep an eye on me.

I healed just like the band and had to basically ate the same with the clear liquids, soft foods, etc.  You still have to allow your tummy to heal.  I loved my sleeve!  I just eat less but don't have the gagging feeling I had all the time with the band.  I can now eat anything I want and there is the problem I now have run into.

I was diabetic prior to the band.  The band didn't help much at all.  The sleeve kind of did for a few years.  Now my diabetes is back and I can't take any oral medications because they make me sick.  Now I'm havinf it revised in April to the RNY.  That usually takes the diabetes away for good and that is what I want.

The other thing you may want to ask about the revision is the chances of not losing as much weight as you would like.  I was 225 at the time of the band.  Got down to 186 when it was revised and now have only lose only 20 lbs since the sleeve.  I keep being told that once you have a revision you tend not to lose as much weight as we might have if it weren't for the band.  I don't know how true it is or just something they told me to appease me because I wanted to lose more.  If I don't lose another lb I will just be happy to have the diabetes gone!!

I love the band and if it weren't for the diabetes I would be thrilled with it!  Good luck,  Hope you have some luck hearing from people.  Did you post this in the Sleeve messageboard?  There are some great people on there and I'm sure there are alot of them that have had the sleeve and can help you too.  Good Luck!  Joanne 
~~That usually takes the diabetes away for good and that is what I want.~~

No, it doesn't.  Studies are now showing that when you have bypass you typically go into remission immediately but then it comes back years down the road.  What I have not been able to find out is if it is due to regain or if it is happening to those who do not regain as well.

DS is the best for resolving diabetes.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
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