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I'm not looking into a revision my first surgery was in 2000 I have gained about 75 lbs. and the past 2 years
I did well before I hit brick wall in my relationship and it really took its tole on me.
Are people finding it hard to get insurance to approve the revision?
I'm wondering since I had mine almost 20 yrs ago that I may be a candidate for another surgery.
changing to another surgery IS a revision. Many insurance companies have a one surgery per lifetime. You would need to check yours.
Thank you so much.That "head " part will always be a struggle for me.
My very best to you.
on 8/18/19 4:00 am
I had a medical revision, (GERD from internal scarring resulting from a medication that impaired healing), from VSG. I woke up feeling immediate relief and my recovery was so much less painful. That may have been that I was no longer on the offending medication, (that impaired healing after my first surgery). Tips would be to stay on top of your hydration. I bought a sno cone machine and that helped. I would pour fluids on them or just eat the shaved ice early pre op and even now. Other tips would be follow your surgeon's guidelines and take your vitamins. I guess doing the right thing would depend on your why. If you have a poor relationship with food I would get that straightened out or you will find that you will just eat your way around the RNY. If it is GERD or some other medical reason, it still depends. I would get your diet and head straight before revision.

I'm not looking into a revision my first surgery was in 2000 I have gained about 75 lbs. and the past 2 years
I did well before I hit brick wall in my relationship and it really took its tole on me.
Are people finding it hard to get insurance to approve the revision?
I'm wondering since I had mine almost 20 yrs ago that I may be a candidate for another surgery.
on 8/17/19 5:13 pm
I spent two nights in the hospital because they wanted to keep an eye on something for my blood work, can't remember what, but the normal procedure is one night's stay.
Can't say I have any tips other than to have lots of different drinks on hand, that will make it a little easier to get the fluid in. I am SO sick of zero-sugar gatorade and I wish I'd had a few other things in the pantry!

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
Thank you so much for your reply.Glad to hear you are doing better.I am imagining it is not going to be a picnic.How long were you hospitalized?Any tips? So not looking forward to the surgery and healing. It?s not our first rodeo.
Wishing you a speedy recovery!
on 8/16/19 3:28 pm
I did a conversion from VSG to RNY due to GERD about 2.5 weeks ago. The recovery was completely awful and I struggled, I'm not going to lie, but at this point I'm feeling better, just exhausted.
I'm already down by 20lb, though I'm due to hit my "three week stall" any day now. The GERD is completely gone, which is a huge relief, and I'm feeling much better.
Definitely glad I did it, though the past couple of weeks have definitely been a struggle.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
So now that you are have had your revision,what are your outcomes? I'm scheduled for September.Could you share your experience,outcomes?? Thank you
Scheduled for revision to RNY in September.Please share your experience.Weight loss outcomes and any recommendations please.Was it worth it? Hope I'm doing the right thing. Thank you.
Curious of your revision outcomes to date.Any tips?Weight loss?