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How did your revision work did you have additional weight loss or problems? I have been approved for a revision and I am very worried.
Can you give me some more insight on the rny. I am scheduled for one my revision on November 15 and I am very scared
on 10/13/19 9:06 pm
Have you figured out why you regained the weight? Is there anything mechanically wrong with your sleeve, or did you fall back into bad habits?

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
on 10/13/19 9:05 pm
I also had a hernia and GERD and ended up with a revision to RNY about 2.5 months ago. No regrets at all, my GERD is completely resolved. Even though I struggle with food getting stuck (my sleeve stretched and my pouch is smaller than normal) I have zero regrets.
Folks can have uneven weight loss with any surgery, I suspect it's all a matter of luck. I'm down 38lb and have none of that so far, I'm saggy in a completely even fashion!

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
Most revision patients lose about 20 pounds. You should not see a droopy body from that. The big change should be resolving the GERD. You will still have to watch the sugar intake.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
1. I get physically ill flu like symptoms when I eat certain foods like no sugar added and sometimes randomly and have to be careful what I eat. Does that get worse with the RNY?
2. I’ve noticed people with the RNY the weight shifts and their body looks droopy. I didn’t have any of that with the sleeve. Did anyone with the revision experience uneven weightloss?
3. Any regrets?
Did you get the Surgery and if so how it go I am having the revisional long limb as well.
I'm not understanding the 'difficulty' in a good Bariatric Surgeon doing RNY to DS. Do you know what the big difficulty is in doing the surgery? Is the aftercare and the patient? I see many posts on here about this subject and 'only a very few Surgeons able to do the RNY to DS', but as a medical professional myself, a surgery is a surgery is a surgery. If you cannot do ALL of them, I personally don't want you cutting me at all. I am being worked up now for such a surgery and my Surgeon does DS on people with BMI's of 70-80-90 which are the Super morbidly obese. He should be able to do the RNY to DS without any problems.I'm just trying to figure out if I should be seeking another surgeon or not.
I'm not understanding the 'difficulty' in a good Bariatric Surgeon doing RNY to DS. Do you know what the big difficulty is in doing the surgery? Is the aftercare and the patient? I see many posts on here about this subject and 'only a very few Surgeons able to do the RNY to DS', but as a medical professional myself, a surgery is a surgery is a surgery. If you cannot do ALL of them, I personally don't want you cutting me at all. I am being worked up now for such a surgery and my Surgeon does DS on people with BMI's of 70-80-90 which are the Super morbidly obese. He should be able to do the RNY to DS without any problems.I'm just trying to figure out if I should be seeking another surgeon or not.