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on 11/13/19 3:26 pm, edited 11/13/19 7:27 am - WI
Topic: RE: Revision Question Roux En Y

There is no way to actually redo your original RNY surgery because there is only so much stomach that can be used to create a pouch, and the stomach has already been resected. They can convert to a distal RNY (longer channel) from proximal RNY which is a terrrible option because of the side effects of severe vitamin malabsorption, chronic diarrhea, and foul smelling stool and gas. You can revise to DS, but it is a very complicated surgery with very few qualified surgeons that can perform it in the U.S.

Pouches do not stretch out. They are created from a section of stomach that has very little pliability. Stomas are what stretch, usually from overeating and drinking with meals. What happens is the stoma stretches to about the same size as the pouch and food flows freely into the intestines, which means you feel no restriction and you never feel satisfied. They can try to stitch the stoma to make it smaller, but those procedures usually fail.

HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 11/12/19 12:19 pm
RNY on 08/05/19
Topic: RE: Revision Question Roux En Y
On November 11, 2019 at 1:17 AM Pacific Time, Leiteb wrote:

The previous comment is not true. I just had a consult and they can do a formal surgical revision. Risks are anywhere from 18-40% for a complication, so it is risky, but can be done if anatomy is favorable. They can do a Tore surgery, which is a tissue stitch surgery which narrows the stoma if that is what is stretched. This may only last a few years, as it is not standardized yet and has room for improvement. There is also the option to do a band over bypass which narrows the stoma and pouch size. This is a pushed a lot because it is a familiar procedure to many in the bariatric community and is lower risk. You can also look into pouch reset diets, seek counseling or other dietary aids. Whatever you do, make sure you are dealing with certainty of your options as discussed with your surgeon, before weighing things too much.

"Band over bypass" is a terrible option. Bands have a miserable track record in terms of scarring, adhesions, and other complications. Many surgeons will not place lap-bands at all because of the risks.

The "pouch reset" is complete bunk. Going back to liquids will not shrink a pouch that has stretched; it's just another fad diet. You're much better off going back to basics and eating a limited amount of lean, dense protein.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

John W.
on 11/12/19 12:16 pm - Near Topeka, KS
Topic: RE: Gastric Bypass Revision

Carla B. Do you have any narrative on how things went in September and beyond? Researching similar option. Thanks.

Start Wt: 347 --  Lowest: 191 --  Current: 216.2  --  Goal: 197


New in 2010
Regain of 20 pounds has thrown me for a loop - will not let this get the best of me - what am I doing about it?


on 11/10/19 5:17 pm
Topic: RE: Revision Question Roux En Y

The previous comment is not true. I just had a consult and they can do a formal surgical revision. Risks are anywhere from 18-40% for a complication, so it is risky, but can be done if anatomy is favorable. They can do a Tore surgery, which is a tissue stitch surgery which narrows the stoma if that is what is stretched. This may only last a few years, as it is not standardized yet and has room for improvement. There is also the option to do a band over bypass which narrows the stoma and pouch size. This is a pushed a lot because it is a familiar procedure to many in the bariatric community and is lower risk. You can also look into pouch reset diets, seek counseling or other dietary aids. Whatever you do, make sure you are dealing with certainty of your options as discussed with your surgeon, before weighing things too much.

on 11/8/19 10:14 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
Topic: RE: Revision Question Roux En Y
On November 3, 2019 at 12:06 AM Pacific Time, Jessica M. wrote:

I had gastric bypass (Roux en Y) in 2007. I want to have a revision but not sure what options are available. Can they redo my original gastric bypass?

no, they can tighten the stoma if it is stretched but that is about all.

The ppl we have seen here who have that does usually lose about 20# max and then loss stops.

Why are you wanting a revision?

often going back to basics helps restart weight loss along with not drinking and eating, high protein low carb diet and logging your intake every day helps.




on 11/6/19 9:04 pm - NV
Topic: RE: Revision - From Gastric Bypass

Very little info gets out about Sleeve Gastrectomy side effects like bad GERD and need to convert to RNY. Also look up Wernickes syndrome (Thiamine, B1, deficiency and brain function problems...sometimes not treatable even with vitamin supplements...possible irreversible brain damage.) and Sleeve Gastrectomy. I hope you are doing well now. I had to have my Gastric Bypass reversed in 2011 after 3 years, constan****ery diarrhea (chronic dumping) and vitamin deficiency because I was not digesting food, just shooting it out my back end. When I saw a Gastroenterologist, she said I was the 3rd person she saw with my problems. After the reversal I feel better, but the diarrhea stayed. I now will take Welchol and Atropine/Diphenxoylate for the rest of my life and still struggle with explosive diarrhea. I gained all of my weight back right after the Gastric Bypass Reversal and got a Lap Band a year later. I have lost 100 lbs. with the band and am happy with it. I am not a candidate for Sleeve Gastrectomy because of the scars on my stomach and would never consider it given my past. (Also, if a person is having a 3rd type of weight loss surgery...something is very wrong.) But I do know I need some surgical weight control help or I go back to my old ways and obesity.

on 11/6/19 11:12 am
Topic: RE: Revision VSG to DS

I did!

I originally lost about 70 lbs from VSG in 2011 and gained about half of it back. I had my VSG revised to a DS in August. (with Dr Ungson in Mexicali) Weight loss is slow but steady. I am very pleased and glad I did it!

Jessica M.
on 11/2/19 5:06 pm - Midlothian, TX
Topic: Revision Question Roux En Y

I had gastric bypass (Roux en Y) in 2007. I want to have a revision but not sure what options are available. Can they redo my original gastric bypass?

"Winning at a Losing Game"

on 10/24/19 9:20 pm
Topic: RE: Had my Apollo Overstitch revision.....

Hello, I see you are in Katy, how is it going.

I'm going to Sugar land to consult with a UT doctor about the overstich procedure. First time I heard of this procedure was about 2 weeks ago. Did you have to wait or do a long program with the doctor you went too?

Did you do a long liquid diet before and after? I had my gastric bypass 11 years ago but never got to goal, gain about 50 so trying to see if this is something I want to do.


Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 10/23/19 9:47 am
RNY on 08/05/19
Topic: RE: frustrated
On October 22, 2019 at 8:55 PM Pacific Time, KansasPrincess wrote:

thank you! I wasn't sure that I liked her anyways she wasn't so skinny herself but basically said if you can get to 200 pounds ill make you skinny you don't want to be chunky anymore after you have this done... umm no maybe I wanna be thick and a little fluffy just not FAT any more lady. and she had a nurse who kept side eyeing her. so yeah I should have just said OK and scooted on out of there.

I can understand being leery of this provider based on her behavior, but evaluating her on her personal body weight/shape is not cool.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

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