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on 5/27/20 3:55 am

Wow! You had great success :-)

VSG 8/28/17


on 5/27/20 3:41 am - WI

With my original VBG I lost 105 pounds. Then I gained back about 50 pounds. After my revision I lost 90 pounds and got to 15 pounds below my goal weight. I went from an original weight of 275 down to 142 after my revision. I am ten years out from my revision and my weight today is 162. I would like to get back down to 150.

HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

on 5/26/20 7:49 pm

Thank you for all the info! How much did you loose after your revision?

VSG 8/28/17


on 5/26/20 4:43 pm - WI

The sleeve creates a high pressure system in your stomach just because of the way it is shaped (long and skinny) which forces the acid into the esophagus. RNY bypasses the lower part of the stomach, where cells that produce stomach acid are located, by cutting it away and rerouting intestines. The remnant stomach is left in place and the stomach acid continues move into the intestines to aid in digestion, but can not get to the esophagus to cause GERD. Sometimes a few cells are left in the new RNY pouch and people can get heartburn after RNY, but it usually can be controlled with diet.

I had an old VBG surgery and suffered for 25 years with GERD and was diagnosed with Barrett's Esophagus. I revised to RNY and woke up from surgery GERD free. That was ten years ago and the GERD has never returned. I do not even take medication for GERD any more!

Run...don't walk... to the nearest revision surgeon. Living a life with uncontrolled GERD is dangerous, as is living on GERD medication for the rest of your life.

The plus side...if you take things seriously and follow the RNY rules, you will lose the rest of your weight.

HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

on 5/25/20 10:18 am - MD
Topic: RE: Endoscopic re- sleeve ?

July85, I identify with your position. Do you belong to a support group? I don't and feel that is one negative. Perhaps we both need too reach out to one -- even if it is just a basic weightloss support group like WW or First Place or Overeaters Anonymous.

Have you read and tried the 5 day Pouch Test? I also suggest reading, "Day 6:Beyond the 5 day Pouch Test".

My nephew had a sleeve recently and had significant problems. One section was just too small and he could not keep anything down (water, protein shakes, nothing). He also had a leak. He was in the hospital for a while and had to undergo a few procedures including inserting stents and removing stents. He is fine now, but with any surgery, there are risks.

I pray you are able to find the answers to reach your goals.


God can move mountains -- even ones of flesh. 
Success is being Kingdom Fit -- healthy enough to do whatever God calls me to do when he calls.    
on 5/25/20 3:41 am

I am going to be extremely honest!! I need help!! I had the sleeve done almost 3 years ago. I went from 297 to 184. In the past 9 months I have gained 20+ lbs. My Gerd is absolutely out of control. I take the highest dose of Protonix and eat Tums and still little relief. My surgeon suggested a revision to the BYPASS but I'm nervous. Even at my lowest weight of 184 lbs I STILL had heartburn so will the revision to lose weight again even really help?? Has anyone had the revision done and had their Gerd cured?? Also how much weight did you lose after the revision?? Thank you in advance :-)

VSG 8/28/17


on 5/20/20 12:15 pm - Elizabeth City, NC
on 5/17/20 10:57 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
Topic: RE: Endoscopic re- sleeve ?
On May 12, 2020 at 1:27 AM Pacific Time, July85 wrote:

I've gained back, tried to get back on track several times but I keep going back to over eating.

I'm 9 years post op and I can now eat a big mac with ease...

pretty sure I've stretched my beloved sleeve.

my question is... what are the risks of an endoscopic sleeve Procedure? Can you develop a leak?

anyone here developed serious adverse effects?

yes you can develop a leak with a realer right just as you could with a virgin sleeve.
the real question here is what is going to keep you from overeating you resleeve and stretching it out?

are you in therapy to discover why you continue to overeat? If not I would begin therapy before I had are sleeve.

have you had any tests to prove your sleeve is stretched?

have you checked with your insurance? Many companies ate going to a one wls per lifetime platform.




on 5/12/20 3:32 pm - Renton, wa
Topic: RE: RNY to RNY revision


I'm not sure which procedure they're going to do. It sounds a lot less difficult and invasive as the RNY gastric bypass does. I'm assuming there is no additional bypassing on a revision, just a tightening of the pouch. I'm also assuming it is done laparoscopically, as long as it can be performed that way physically (and on me that would probably work quite well, since I carry my extra weight more from the hips and legs than in my stomach area).

I have a lot of questions to ask the case manager when we chat next.

Thanks again for sharing your experience and knowledge. :)

on 5/11/20 6:27 pm
Topic: Endoscopic re- sleeve ?

I've gained back, tried to get back on track several times but I keep going back to over eating.

I'm 9 years post op and I can now eat a big mac with ease...

pretty sure I've stretched my beloved sleeve.

my question is... what are the risks of an endoscopic sleeve Procedure? Can you develop a leak?

anyone here developed serious adverse effects?

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