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Anyone here post op Ds have a revision done? Surgeon is willing to resleave but I feel it's not enough I still have great restriction I need malabsorption.. looking for others who have had a revision and what your experience was.. thanks
Sorry to hear this. I did not have this experience. For my husband's surgery, our doctor had to do a peer to peer review. She had to get the procedure approved because he didn't meet requirements because his BMI was too low. She had it approved because of the reflux and bleeding ulcer he had developed because of the band. Maybe your doctor could try again and use a different approach. Good luck!

You can't measure your achievements with someone else's yardstick!
Revision from lapband to RNY 12/26/17 with Dr. Caitlin Halbert
HW 260 SW 248 CW 154 GW 145
Gallbladder removed 9/18
So I actually did my EGD in January only to find out I don't really have a sleeve. The surgeon did not do what he was paid to do. He's also indicted and unable to practice anymore for a lot of things. I did try to go through insurancebecause they do offer coverage but they denied me because I had a previous surgery and they said I only read gain weight because I wasn't compliant. And I don't have a complication. My surgeon try to argue that him not doing a sleeve correctly there's a complication but they did not accept it. I kind of just wish I'd had surgery in January but I really thought was a good chance insurance would cover it. Least I know the reason for the regain was that I don't really have a sleeve. He didn't remove the antrum or the fundus like my stomach is just huge.I am scheduled for surgery May 9 to DS.
Im curious to know, how are you able to get your insurance to pay for a revision with a non obese BMI or other comorbdites?
Please let me know if you like it or can taste it.i still have not found any protein powders I like..still on the premier protein and that's maybe once a day.
Glad to read that you are doing great. Have you ever tried this product? I got a few samples to see if I can taste it, will let you know.
MGB is one anastomosis gastric bypass, whereas RNY is two anastomosis gastric bypass.
May I suggest to review about MGB( mini gastric bypass).
I must go thru a revision from VSG and considering MGB, the main reason is that I regained most of the weight lost in the VSG and MGB it is not as drastic as the RNY.
Just an idea, check on MGB too.
Hi, The revision would be MGB to gastroplasty
( sleeve that is already there). I'm wanting to remove the bypass due to ulcers, possible SIBO and terrible malabsorption. Looking for others who may have these problems. No h pylori/ was tested.
What antibiotics help SIBO, are the dude effects bad?
Be careful with your expectations as revision from MGB to RNY may not resolve your ulcer issues. I've been reading that the rate of ulcers for MGB and RNY patients is equivalent.
The best way to prevent/heal peptic ulcers are to:
- Get tested for H. Pylori bacteria
- Avoid NSAIDs (aspirin, ibuprofen)
- Avoid smoking
- Avoid alcohol
- Avoid/limit carbonated beverages
- Avoid/limit coffee
- Avoid/limit caffeine
- Steroids may lead to ulcers, as well as medications to treat osteoporosis