Need help getting back on track - Doc says no to revision!

on 4/24/06 1:56 am - AL
Here we go again! After barium swallow and EGD, doctor says no revision (even though stoma is stretched and even though he said he would do it even if it was "just" stretched). No . He wants a food journal and for me to have it when I see him again in three months. Okay, I don't want to gain even 1 more pound. I want to LOSE again. I want to get to my goal weight. Is it possible? It never was before for me to lose weight. What I don't understand is WHY - I obviously needed the original surgery because "DIETING" hadn't worked for me in the 20+ years I had been trying - so I needed this "tool." Okay, well the "tool" is not working anymore. But NOW it is expected for me to be able to diet. What the heck? HELLO - DIETING DOES NOT WORK FOR ME. But okay - I am STILL willing to give it my all and try again. I just don't understand it. So my question is - Does anyone have any advice on how to get back on track? I am taking all the vitamins that I am supposed to be but don't do any protein supplements. I do go to the gym three or five times a week(not presently because recovering from breast reduction). I weigh 215 pounds. Pre surgery weight was 272. Lowest DOCUMENTED weight was 193. Goal weight is 135. I am ready to the inside me that makes me want to eat, eat, eat. Any will be appreciated.
(deactivated member)
on 4/25/06 2:59 am - Plano, TX
I wish I could give you the one word that would answer all your questions. I hate journaling my food, but I've noticed that it does work. It's a royal pain in the keester to do, but you'd be surprised at what you won't eat because you don't want to have to write it down. I realize that you could eat something and NOT write it down, but you're only fooling yourself. As for your doctor, like most doctors, he just wants to see a little effort on your part. Mine told me to go see a shrink before he would do a revision. I wanted to tell HIM to get his head examined. I mean, isn't this surgery suppose to make you STOP the madness! Plus, I didn't want to prolong my agony even further! Bottom line, I had no choice. I could have gone to a different doctor, and most likely would have found one that would do it without all the hoopla. But this is a risky surgery, and I really trust my doctor. I did go see a shrink, and it was a real eye-opener for me. I learned so much about myself. I plan to go back to him after my surgery for follow-up visits, and I look forward to it. I guess one of the things that is difficult for us obese people to accept is that we will have to monitor our weight and our health for the rest of our lives. It's no different than being told that we have diabetes or something of the sort. With diabetes, you have to monitor your blood sugar and keep it in check all day, every day. With obesity, you have to monitor everything you eat. You have to gain a sense of adoration for yourself enough to take good care of yourself. Start analyzing yourself. Notice things that you'd like to change. Make small lifestyle adjustments, and make them one at a time. In three months, I bet your doctor will be impressed with the new you.
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