RNY 3 years ago - gaining weight - surgery?

on 2/27/06 2:08 am - Phoenixville, PA
I had RNY 3 years ago - lost 120 pounds. Gained back 20 this year. I was never someone who lost all the weight in the first place. Has anyone had additional treatments or surgery years after RNY to stop gaining or to lose more? Thanks for any help! L.
Nancy Degenmeister
on 2/27/06 2:46 pm - Bergen County, NJ
Well, have you ruled out behavioral/lifestyle issues? That's the first thing to do...then have your surgeon check your mechanics to make sure what you have is actually what's supposed to be there...plenty of people have revisions of either the original mechanics or from one type of WLS to another, but you have to rule out behavioral issues first and then have the mechanics checked if the overall behavior is in line to see what's not actually working so you and your surgeon can determine the best course of action. Nancy
star .
on 2/28/06 12:01 am - OK
a slight gain is normal. unless you have ALOT more to loose chances are you will NOT find a surgeon who will give you a revision. For regular post gain its back to diet and exercise. If for somereason you have at least 100 pounds still left to loose you might qualify.
Rosanna Garland
on 2/28/06 7:04 am - Bulan, KY
I am in the same boat Lori. I went to my surgeon yesterday and found out I need another surgery to make my stomach smaller. He is going to write a letter to my insurance company and submit it by next week. He said he wasnt sure if the surgery would be covered again because all of my co-morbidities no longer exist. I just pray insurance covers this. I am going to start preparing for a denial because the surgeon was so sure of me not getting approved again. I had a lot of complications with my original surgery. It all started out by me not being able to have my surgery done LAP as scheduled, but had to do OPEN because of scar tissue from a previous gallbladder surgery. Then I developed a severe staph infection just days after surgery. I had to have all my staples taken out and left wide open to heal inside out. I was packed with saline and sterile gauze that had to be changed every day. I was cut wide open for almost 4 months before it finally healed. Then on top of all of that, it did not heal all the way together like it was suppose to so now I look like I have 2 belly buttons. My surgeon said that could be fixed with the revision surgery. I just pray that I get approved and everything goes well this time around. I dont know if I have the emotional energry to fight an appeal, so lets just hope I dont have to. PRAY FOR ME FRIENDS!!!
on 3/1/06 1:14 pm
Hi, I had the same problem. Had my surgery in 2002. Gained back 40 pounds. Was starving all the time. I went back to the surgeon. They did an upper GI and endoscope. It showed the stoma and stomach had stretched. Then I was eating bad stuff again. After the original surgery I needed the stoma stretched because it was almost completely closed. They couldn't even get the scope through it. They used a balloon to get through. Had it done several times. They Dr. said tha they found only using staples on the stoma caused it to stretch. So know he also sews it. I lost 165. Never got to goal but close. Now I have lost that 40 since the October revision. Second time around is not as easy as the first in some ways. Other ways it was. Strange. When you have the revision and weight less it is easier to recover I think. But this time had a little more pain.
(deactivated member)
on 3/9/06 12:49 am - Somewhere, NJ
Lori, I too was very overweight and lost a lot of weight but did not come close to where my Doctor or I wanted to be. I am certainly not the poster child of this surgery. Never went below a size 24 and now I am going up in clothing size. I am regaining weight rapidly. I am just learning about revisions and hoping that when I see my Doctor the end of the month I can get some help. I am getting desperate at this point. I had my surgery mid 2003 and have gained 35 pounds mid last year to now. I don't know how to shut my brain off and I can eat normal portions and any type of foods. My taste buds have changed but nothing else. Thanks for asking the question as I am interested in knowing too.
on 3/22/06 11:46 am - Snoqualmie, WA
I am 5 years out and have gained 40 back of the original 130 I lost. I had RNY but can eat WAY too much. It's like I have never had it - I am 100 pounds overweight as I never go to goal. My only hope is that I can find a surgeon who is excellent in revisions that can help me. I'd appreciate any advice.
(deactivated member)
on 3/31/06 9:16 am - TX
All you guys sound like me. RNY, lost weight, all of a sudden hungry and able to eat more and badly. Regained the weight. I'm having a revision but not another RNY. I'm going DS this time, so there are no staple lines to rupture, no stoma to enlarge, no dumping. If it takes 3 more years to get approved, I will wait to be approved for a DS revision. Forget the RNY for me. I want the best this time. If I had known about the DS prior to my first surgery, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
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