I need some info B4 I get scared to death!

Sharon Larson
on 8/21/05 4:26 am - Van Nuys, CA
I clicked on "About Revision" but there is no information currently. I am 8 weeks postop from RNY. Was just browsing the board here and had seen the revision category, but didn't even know what it was. I've read some of your postings, and now I'M TERRIFIED!!! Is this common? (that you have to have your pouch made smaller, I mean.) Does your pouch really stretch that much that you can gain significant amounts of weight back??? And is it common to regain the weight after RNY? Is it common to stop losing after 6 months???? I started at 226, have lost to 190, but my normal weight is 105 (very small framed). I need to lose the weight for a hip replacement, and I MUST get to at least 140 or 130 to have it done. Now I'm reading all of your postings and just wonder how common this is. I mean, this would be considered a failed surgery, yes? Is it that the old eating habits come back into play when the pouch stretches, or that you absorb too many calories, or is it something else?? Maybe I'm just panicking for nothing, but I would love to know how common it is to have a revision. Thanks so much!
on 8/21/05 9:37 am - decatur, IN
calm down before you bust something. Yes the pouch does stretch over time, and yes it is possible to consume more calories. You have to remember this is a TOOL it doesn't lose the weight for you. If you follow the instructions of your doctor, excercise, and learn how to use your tool to your benefit you will be just fine. Also seeing that you are 8 weeks out and have already lost 36 pounds you are doing great. My advise is to use the help that you can get from your doctor, the dieticians and such if you find your weight slowing. Typically the RNY gives you at least 12-14 months of losing time so you still have plenty of time to get where you want to be. Don't get nervous you are doing great! Generally the people *****gain their weight are not using their tool correctly and are falling into old habits, so if you are careful not to do that you will be successful. Good luck to you! You will be fine.
Sharon Larson
on 8/21/05 12:13 pm - Van Nuys, CA
Okay thanks Micah. That was very helpful. I read further and found that a lot of the failures were due to having had the VGB. I guess that has a high failure rate. All those people going thru painful surgery for naught! I am so sorry for all of you that had to go thru that. I see what you're saying about this WLS being only a tool. It really is up to the individual when it comes down to it. Thanks again!
Susan M.
on 8/21/05 10:56 pm - Rockford, IL
I understand your fear BUT you must understand that a lot of postings here are from people who were revised or converted from the old VBG or other WLS TO RNY which has proven statistically to be a more successful tool in weight loss. I am now two weeks out from a conversion from a 23 year old unsuccessful VBG to open RNY. I fully intend to follow directions to the letter and loose the necessary weight. I am sure you are just as devoted to the outcome as everyone is that has RNY; so don't panic and enjoy the weight loss. You will be FINE> Good luck to us both on the journey still to come. Susan Milner
Molly O.
on 8/21/05 11:32 pm - Oakland, TN
Hello, Not trying to scare you but there are some people(even though they use the "tool" correctly) have problems with their RNY. Overall, the surgery works and it is true that some people gain some weight back with old habits, but that is not the case with everyone. Take it from someone who has actually had the surgery that it is a tool but the tool can sometimes break....That being said.... You are doing fine and sounds like you are well on your way to your goal. Keep up the good work and follow your doctors guidelines and you will be just fine.
Susan M.
on 8/23/05 2:04 am - Rockford, IL
Molly, Now I must ask - How can the tool "break" if you use if correctly? Could you share some info about that to help those of us *****cently had RNY from breaking ours? If we have the knowledge of what can happen maybe we can prevent some of the possible problems. Thank you so much Susan Milner
on 8/23/05 12:15 pm - Southwest, OH
Sharon, Calm down---you are doing great for 8 weeks post-op! How many times in your life have you been able to diet off almost 5 pounds a week consistantly? You've lost almost 20% of your body weight---you should be dancing! There are lots of reasons for revisions. For me, my staple line is totally gone. I had my original surgery in '87 and I had the old fashioned horizontal line---I understand practically all RNYs are vertical staple lines now---because of the failure incident! But my surgeon---who was the partner of my original surgeon, says he has RNYs that are 30 years out and going strong. But sometimes the staple line just is gone---for no particular reason. And yes, old habits came into play for me. I didn't realize I was consuming more---it was gradual and I was pregnant and eating for two, so of course... Then I fell into the dieting traps and the food for comfort cycle. And I didn't really realize what I was doing until I was pushing the big numbers again! So my advice to you is just be very aware. And dumping is your friend! I know alot of people dread it---and who wouldn't---but nothing like sweeping waves of nausea and laying on the floor by the toilet afraid you aren't going to die to keep you from eating too much and bad foods. (That's just IMHO so please don't anyone flame me.) Revisions are really not that common, I think. Just look at how few postings there are on this board compared to the communities or main board. You are going to do great. Only 2% of wls have this bad stuff happen, so the odds are in your favor! Quit worrying and enjoy your ever-shrinking self!
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