I need someone to talk too please-Thanks.

on 8/19/05 11:17 am - WAUKEGAN, IL
Hi. I had a VBG in 2002. I lost 170 lbs which I am glad for. But I have been having alot of problems these last 2 years. My gastro doc was thinking it was just bad IBS. I have taken every kind of pill for IBS that there is. I have had my fun times of hugging the toilet from throwing up too-that is sooo much fun. I went and seen another gastro doc and he sent me to Mayo Clinic in AZ. I have had every test done to see what was wrong with me. I was having severe stomach pains that would go into my back and chest and just wanted to die. It is taking over my life. So during one of these attacks I went to the emergency room and there were loops in my bowel. So, my gastro sent me to a gastro doc who does RNYS. He did exploratory surgery and found 2 hernias, one which was pushing a hole through my lower intestine and I had alot of scar tissue and my intestines were wrapping around that. So, 2 months ago I had all of that fixed. This had been going on for 2 years. I still have these attacks but not sharp pains, now it's like gas attacks in the same areas with burning in my stomach and chest and I dont't know what to do. I am thinking of having a revision to RNY but want to talk to someone with a VBG who is having these problems. Thanks so much!!!!
Susan M.
on 8/19/05 11:18 pm - Rockford, IL
HI, I am so sorry to hear about the problems you have had as a result of VBG. I had mine about 23 years ago. Back then - they simply did not work ( as in my case) or all the weight lost was gained back shortly. I am soooo sorry for anyone that picks that surgery as a weight loss option. I had my VBG converted to a RNY 13 days ago. I had lost 160 lbs by myself about 3 years ago but gained it back quickly. I am 56 years old and knew something had to be done not a few years from now but NOW> I already feel better 13 days post op then I did pre op. I don't have a weight loss to give you because I don't see my doc for my first follow up until this Tues. I DO know that I have done SOMETHING to help myself. My advice to you is to never give up. By the time my RNY was done my doc had to repair two hernias and actually remove part of my damaged stomach. Let me know how you are doing and DON"T GIVE UP> This can all be put right. Let me know how I can help. Susan
on 8/21/05 7:18 am - Northeast, CT
Susan, I also had a VBG 20+ years ago and am having the revision to the RNY (open) on Dec 7, 2006. I was so happy to read that yours went so well. I also gained back everything I lost plus some. I was hesitant to try it again, but I have decided I needed to do this for myself. It really helps when I hear of someone that has had the revision and is pleased with the outcome. Thanks!! Laura R
on 8/20/05 2:22 am - North, Id
I am scheduled for a revision on 09-28-05. I have been told that they will remove a band that was placed during the orig procedure on the vbg (mini DS) try to fix the hiatial hernia it caused, they will attempt the revision to a full DS, other wise they will just fix the vg. But, the procedure will be exploritory and they will do what they can. I am hopful the the Rabkins are successful. My orig weight was 268 lost down to 197 and have gained to 220. I am 2yr 4 mo post op. I stopped losing at about 6 months. I will not settle after all I have been through, my problems post op haven't been as severe as yours but I can relate to the discomfort and nausea. I am having to travel 900 miles to have this done, and I am very nervous not to mention the expence. I want resolution, and success. Two years is too long for you to suffer. Take action, while you are still healthy. Good luck!
on 8/21/05 9:57 am - decatur, IN
Hello I saw that no one really talked to you about these attacks you are having, so I will. I had the VBG in '98 I started at 400 and lost to 280 I gained back to 330, after a failed marriage and a child, and have stayed withing 10 pounds of 330 ever since. About a year and a half ago I started with "attacks" also. I could not eat for days. I would even throw up water. I was throwing up bile, a nasty yellow fluid, but had no idea what it was. I became weak and my blood sugar became extremely touchy and would pass out frequently. I had severe pain in my stomach and chest and basically wanted to never eat food again. I finally got referred to my origional surgeon after I puked on my GP shortly after she told me I was fine and attention seeking!!!! My origional surgeon had me get an endoscopy right away and they found a staple line disruption and a ton of esophageal irritation from throwing up so much. They also dilated my ring which was almost closed completely. Since then I have been able to keep food down and have been able to eat things I couldn't before. However I still have times that I can't keep food down and eat tums constantly for the heartburn. I am working to get a revision approved through my insurance. My surgeon told me that with the revision to an RNY much of the heartburn and throwing up will go away. So you are not alone. I know just how you feel when you are saying that it is taking over your life. I wish you luck and I hope this helps. Micah Farmer
on 8/21/05 8:47 pm - WAUKEGAN, IL
Hi Micah. I honestly thought I was going crazy because of these attacks and it seemed like no-one esle was having them. Not that I am glad that you are having them, I wouldn't wish them on anyone. They can be so brutal. My new doc wanted to come on this sight and see if anyone else was having these problems, boy won't he be surprised? I am also keping a journal of these attacks too. I am so scared. I know I can't go on living like this but then to think of having to go through another hugh surgery jut scares me too death. I red this one girls profile and her whole revision and I almost started crying. I have that throwing up too with that yeloow junk. Gross!!! I take nexium once a day and this other horse pill for acid four times a day. Plus, Phyzyme has become my best friend. My esophageas is very irratated too. He said my band looks ok. So, are yu having a revision then and if you are when??
on 8/22/05 1:44 am - decatur, IN
Hi Susan Yes I am working on getting a revision approved. I should be hearing soon. I won't be actually having surgery until around Christmas though. That is just when I will have the most recovery time. One thing that I can definately tell effects me is stress. If I am stressed over something I find that nothing goes down easy. I also find that I throw up more. The yellow bile is also aggrivated by stress and your stomach makes more during stressful times. That stuff alone makes you nauseated. I generally live on chicken soup and crackers when I'm sick. I have kept saltines by my bed for years it helps with the middle of the night attacks. I don't know if you have this problem but the stomach acid will back up on me during the night and I will inhale it while I am sleeping. I wake up choking and gasping for air. I have heard that this is pretty common with VBGs after a few years. In my opinion they should not be doing this surgery anywhere anymore. I have done quite a bit of internet research on this and found that we are not alone. If you want to e-mail me directly feel free. [email protected] talk to you soon micah
on 8/23/05 11:49 am - Southwest, OH
Hi Susan, I had something similar with my RNY ('87). I had several episodes that sent me to the ER. They started about 2 years after wls, and I had moved to CA. Even though I told the physicians about the wls, they would just stick a NG tube in me, suck out the goo, and send me home. I don't think they knew alot about wls. But it got pretty bad. I guess I almost died once. Fortunately, my final episode occurred in Ohio and I went to the ER at the hospital I had my original surgery. They called in my surgeon and he popped me in and out of the OR in an hour, having snipped off the adhesion that was strangling my bowel. (I was one of the lucky 2%!) I am having a revision 9/12 to DS and in the info meeting, doctor pointed out this can happen in both RNY and DS---I have talked to nurse friend, and I guess it can happen with ANY KIND of abdominal surgery. But things are much more pro-active now. Doctor says that if any of his patients move, he wants to be in contact with their new PCP so he can tell them what to watch for, expect... I guess this isn't real helpful for what you want, except that this can happen with ANY KIND OF ABDOMINAL SURGERY---not just wls. I remember the horrible, horrible pain---this gassy burning you are having... If I were you, I'd keep going to internists until you find someone who can help! Wishing you the best, Darlene
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